Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2495 The girl in the next room is crying

Upon hearing this, Wei Yuan and Chu Haitao were a little unhappy.

Wei Yuan said with a serious expression: "Mr. Chen, what you said is a bit exaggerated.

In fact, as long as we are in Da Ying, which place is considered safe?

Besides, nothing we do is ever safe or unsafe.

Now you are in need of help. If we leave, we are still human beings! "

Chu Haitao also nodded and said: "Mr. Chen, we know you are a great person.

I also know that you are very strong. Even Brother Li Qi is not something that the two of us can deal with together.

To say that we are friends is to say that we are talking too high.

But there are regulations above. After Master Long and Master Xia go back, we will do our best to assist you!

We only do what we can.

But let us withdraw at this time, we cannot do this kind of thing! "

Although the two of them are not Dragon Shield members, they are equivalent to overseas agents.

The job in Da Ying is to collect all kinds of intelligence.

Of course what he was doing was dangerous.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, patted the two of them on the shoulders and said, "We are friends from the beginning!

But this time you have a new mission. "

Chen Xin'an pointed to He Meijuan's room and whispered: "Protect her!

This is a poor girl who deserves our protection.

And there is another very important reason.

It is more convenient for us to be apart than to be together.

I don’t need to tell you that you shouldn’t put all your eggs in the same basket, right?

The more important point is that snakes have snake paths and rats have rat paths.

Our style of doing things is too ostentatious and can easily cause unnecessary trouble.

This will expose you to unnecessary dangers.

So we have to separate.

Supporting each other and helping each other is the best way for us to get along. "

After hearing what Chen Xin'an said, Wei Yuan and Chu Haitao couldn't find any reason to refute.

After all, what Chen Xin'an said is true. Their work should not be too ostentatious.

Chen Xin'an walked to the side, took the backpack containing the money, threw it to Wei Yuan and said: "This is your start-up capital in Yingjing.

No matter what you do, having money is always more convenient than having no money.

If it’s not enough, tell me again! "

Wei Yuan opened his backpack, took a look, took out a wad of money, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"These are enough. If we really hold this backpack, we will probably die on the streets tonight!"

Chen Xin'an thought about it, so she didn't force them to take more.

There is no need to worry that their little money is not enough to live in Yingjing, this is a necessary skill for them.

After He Meijuan came out, the five of them had a meal, and then Wei Yuan and Chu Haitao left with He Meijuan.

Before leaving, Wei Yuan left a map of Da Ying to Chen Xin'an.

It's just that there are a lot of red marks on the map. According to Wei Yuan, these are some of the more sensitive places in Da Ying.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi sat on the sofa, spread the map flat on the coffee table, and looked at it all afternoon.

The map has two sides, one is for the whole of Great Britain, and the other is for Yingjing.

There are twenty or thirty red marks on Yingjing alone.

One of the most critical places is called Daying Temple.

In fact, this was originally a place where Da Ying worshiped its ancestors.

But fifty years ago, it was changed into a place dedicated to the high-ranking generals of Great Britain who died in the war.

When the chief executive of Daying is elected, he must come here to worship before he can take office.

This behavior was protested by countless countries, but Japan refused to change despite repeated admonitions and went its own way.

The reason why I noticed this place is that it is not far from Yingjing Tower.

The headquarters of Sakura Club is in Yingjing Tower.

It seems that there is a good chance to visit this infamous Da Ying Temple!

Seeing Li Qi take out his mobile phone, Chen Xin'an smiled and asked, "Is there any big news?"

Li Qi shook his head and said, "Even if there is, I can't understand it!"

Chen Xin'an smiled bitterly and shook his head.

The biggest difficulty now is that they don't understand each other in both languages, which limits their movement.

In this way, the two people went out with too big a goal, and their identities as Chinese people were easily exposed.

Li Qi put his phone in his pocket, lay down on another sofa, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Boss, Dao Helian has been silent all day. I don't think I'm holding anything back!"

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "The police in Chinatown have sent patrol officers.

No matter how arrogant Dao Helian was, they would not dare to attack Chinatown in front of the police!

And the reason they are causing trouble in Chinatown is to look for us.

If the police intervene, they might as well come to us directly in Yingjing!

Things should not be simple for the courier at noon.

Stay awake, I guess our guests will be here soon! "

Li Diding nodded and said with a grin: "Hurry up, I'm afraid they won't find it, so I want to take the initiative to deliver it to my door!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "Don't be so cool! Da Ying is not an Eagle Flag country, there is no gun shop here!"

Da Ying does not ban guns, but there is no place where guns are sold.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi's current firearms equipment is only six pistols, less than a thousand rounds of ammunition, and six small pineapples.

The pistols were left behind by Long Sheng and Xu Qing when they left. They cannot be brought back to China.

Frowning, Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi, "Did you hear anyone crying?"

Li Qi was stunned for a moment, held his breath and listened carefully for a while, pointed to the wall on the right, then walked over gently and put his ear against the wall.

The quality of the house in Da Ying is not that good, but the soundproofing is also poor.

After a while, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "It seems that a girl is crying and someone is beating her."

Suddenly, Li Qi's expression changed and he said to Chen Xin'an: "I said no, he is from China!"

Chen Xin'an's face darkened and she said to him, "Let's go and have a look!"

If it were a Da Ying woman, the two of them would not care. They would not have the leisure to care about other people's family affairs.

But since you are Chinese, you must go and take a look.

Although there was a lottery, Chen Xin'an had a good impression of the Chinese people in Great Britain.

If his compatriots were really in trouble, he would definitely not sit idly by.

He and Li Qi went out, walked to the next door, and rang the doorbell.

After a full five minutes, someone came over, opened the door, and asked the two of them:

"Who are you? What's wrong?"

This is a middle-aged foreigner, probably in his forties, with a big hooked nose, and speaks Japanese fluently.

He was tall and strong, and the hair on his arms made him look like an orangutan.

The girl's screams and cries were heard inside again, and the gorilla was about to close the door.

Chen Xin'an pushed the door open and looked inside.

At this moment, another man shouted from inside: "Ke Laodun, what the hell are you doing? I can't hold her down anymore! You know I'm hurt!"

The gorilla turned his head and shouted: "I'll come right away!"

He turned his head and shouted to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi: "Get out! Damn the Ying people, stop meddling in your own business, I have no time to care about you!"

He pushed Chen Xin'an over and closed the door hard.

But the next second, the door didn't move at all.

He looked down and found that Chen Xin'an had one foot on the door, preventing it from closing.

"Damn it, what do you want to do!" The gorilla clenched his fists and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "Get out of here now before I get angry!"

But Chen Xin'an said to him in Eagle Flag language: "Your name is Croton? Are you the Daying District President of Tongpu International?"

The gorilla was stunned for a moment, frowned and looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "How do you know me?"

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