Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2497 I Don’t Want to Be a Beggar Who Enjoys Food Given Out of Pity

It was getting dark, so Chen Xin'an and Li Qi did not rush to send Xu Qilan back. Instead, they found a restaurant and invited her to have a meal together.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and Li Qi put on their headsets when they went out, Xu Qilan said with admiration: "Brother An, Brother Qi, aren't you two policemen?"

Chen Xin'an was a little dumbfounded and scolded her: "Are you stupid from studying? You won't come to Da Ying to be a policeman!"

Stop guessing, we are not. "

Xu Qilan held up a glass of juice and wanted to say something to Chen Xin'an, but she didn't dare.

Li Qi smiled and said, "We are all compatriots. If you have anything to say, just say it!"

Xu Qilan put down her cup and said to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi: "Then I'll tell you the truth!

I just want to ask you two to accompany me to the talent market in Yingjing tomorrow.

With the two of you keeping an eye on me, I won’t be afraid of things like today when I look for a job again! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Are you so short of money?

I remember that you international students are usually sent out by your families if they have money, right?

Are you usually so lavish? "

Xu Qilan said sadly: "I am a recommended student of Guanbei University.

I'm not short of money, and those public funds are enough.

But next month, there will be a celebrity concert in Yingjing Black Swan Square, including my favorite idol.

I don’t want to spend the tuition fees to buy tickets, I have to earn the money myself.

I just want a front-row ticket, but the price is very expensive, equivalent to tens of thousands of Chinese dollars.

So I want to find a part-time job and do it every day after class. In this way, I can earn enough money in about half a month. "

Chen Xin'an dug into her pocket, grabbed a wad of money from it, took Xu Qilan's bag and stuffed it in, and said to her:

"This money is enough, you don't have to go out to work anymore, just study with peace of mind!"

Chen Xin'an has never been to school, but she also knows how valuable the publicly funded international students recommended by places like this are!

The top candidates in the college entrance examination in each province do not necessarily have such qualifications. Only students with excellent academic performance in each university have the opportunity to obtain this honor!

This little girl has a simple mind and a good heart. She clearly distinguishes between public and private matters. Such qualities are rare.

This is why Chen Xin'an is willing to help her.

Otherwise, no matter how generous Chen Xin'an is, she has no problem giving money to her compatriots.

Xu Qilan was a little panicked and wanted to open her bag and take out the money, but Li Qi held her arm down and shook his head at her.

Xu Qilan said anxiously: "Brother An, Brother Qi, you misunderstood, I don't want you to give me money.

I want to find a job and make money through my own efforts!

I dare to spend this kind of money, and I don’t feel bad about it no matter how much I spend!

I always feel like I owe a huge favor to someone else who gives it to me, and I don’t want to spend it at all! "

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "Have you not learned your lesson from what happened today?

You want to work, but someone doesn't want you to do a normal job.

Isn't it stupid to go out and insist on going your own way even though you know there is danger? "

Xu Qilan muttered: "I would rather be a fool than a beggar enjoying the food that comes to me!"

Li Qi quickly smoothed things over and said, "Just treat it like we lent it to you. You can pay it back slowly in the future. We're not in a hurry anyway."

Xu Qilan stopped talking, but her expression was still a little reluctant.

The three of them finished eating and left the restaurant.

Li Qi drove a commercial car and took Xu Qilan back to Yingjing University with Chen Xin'an.

Xu Qilan was a little silent along the way. When she was approaching college, she suddenly thought of something and clapped her hands excitedly, leaving Chen Xin'an and Li Qi a little confused.

After all, she is still a little girl, and she can feel happy, angry, sad, and happy as she pleases.

"Just stop under the streetlight in front!" Xu Qilan pointed in a direction to Li Qi, and then said to Chen Xin'an:

"Brother An, wait for me for five minutes!

You must wait for me to come out and I will get something for you! "

Although Chen Xin'an and Li Qi were a little confused, they still nodded.

Xu Qilan was about to leave, then turned back and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, can you lend me the communicator on your ear?

I will take it back and give it back to you later! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Xu Qilan, then took out the pair that Long Sheng and the others had left behind from a backpack in the back seat, handed it to Xu Qilan and said:

"Wear it and you can talk to us, just take it and use it!"

"Okay!" Xu Qilan took it, turned around and ran towards the school.

Li Qi smiled and asked, "Boss?"

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said, "Wait a minute! Look what this little girl is going to do!"

Five minutes later, Xu Qilan really ran back and sat in the car.

Chen Xin'an handed her a tissue and said, "Why are you in such a hurry! You're covered in sweat!"

Xu Qilan took out the communication headset that Chen Xin'an gave him just now and said to him: "Take it off! Take yours off quickly!"

Chen Xin'an frowned, and seeing the anxious look on his face, he reluctantly took off his headphones.

Xu Qilan took the communication device in her hand and put it on for Chen Xin'an. Then she took the one that Chen Xin'an replaced and said to the button microphone: "Hey, hey, audition for the sound!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "What the hell are you doing? I can hear you breathing so close, why are you trying to make any sound!"

When Xu Qilan heard that it was true, she said to him: "Then I'll run away!"

Chen Xin'an grabbed her and said, "I'm tired of running around for you! Tell me, what are you doing?"

"I found that you are not very fluent in English, right?" Xu Qilan tilted her head and looked at Chen Xin'an and asked.

Chen Xin'an sneered and said to her: "Why can't I say it fluently? I just don't understand!"

"That's right!" Xu Qilan pointed at the headset on Chen Xin'an's ear and said to him:

“My brother is also at Yingkyo University, but he majors in electronic technology.

He has a research project on simultaneous translation.

This is one of his primary works.

It's actually a sound chip that I put on the back of your headset.

In this way, when you talk to people around you, as long as I put on this headset, I can hear it simultaneously, and then translate it to you to hear what the other person means.

I can speak thirty-two languages, so I should have no problem handling ordinary situations. "

Chen Xin'an was dumbfounded, looked at Xu Qilan and asked: "You mean, you want to be my translator?"

Xu Qilan nodded and said: "I can't take your money in vain, so I have to work for you!

I don't have any other skills, I can only speak. Apart from being your translator, I can't do anything else.

Don't dislike me, okay? "

Li Qi smiled and said, "But we often do things at night, which will affect your rest!"

Xu Qilan waved her hand and said: "No, I don't sleep much and often suffer from insomnia.

Having something to do keeps me from being bored! "

This was not a polite statement. Chen Xin'an looked at her face and saw that lack of sleep had indeed caused some dark circles under her eyes and dry hair.

Seeing Xu Qilan's nervous face and Chen Xin'an's expression as if she was waiting for trial, Chen Xin'an sighed and said to Xu Qilan: "Xiaolan, thank you!"

Xu Qilan clapped her hands and wanted to cheer, but Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "But I want to remind you.

You cannot leak the conversation between us to anyone, including your brother! "

Xu Qilan also looked at Chen Xin'an seriously, nodded and said: "Brother An, Brother Qi, don't worry, I won't talk too much.

I know you are not ordinary people.

No one dared to hit that foreigner father and son hard, but you did it, and you did it very casually.

I don’t know why you came to Daying, but I firmly believe in one thing.

You are by no means bad people!

That's why I want to help you, not just to have peace of mind about accepting that money! "

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