Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2498 Two elites educated in art

I thought Li Niandong was already proficient in the languages ​​of more than 20 countries.

Now I encountered another one that was even more outrageous.

This little girl named Xu Qilan is really a talent!

And through conversation, she learned that her brother was not a mortal, and was researching a project that even Chen Xin'an was interested in.

Using the communication system to have a conversation with her brother inside and outside the school, Chen Xin'an learned that the top student named Xu Jiaoyang was working on a state-of-the-art translation system.

The words that can be spoken by people can be changed into the language of any country after being broadcast through the microphone.

In this way, even a farmer who does not leave home can speak fluent foreign languages ​​as long as he wears this system.

However, this project has not received support from the school, so Xu Jiaoyang has no funds to develop and research, and the project has stalled.

Upon hearing this, Chen Xin'an made a direct decision to invest.

In addition to security, Anhao Group's foreign-related business also includes gold mines, and there will be more in the future.

It is too troublesome to ask for translation, and it is impossible to provide a translator for everyone.

But if there is such a translation system, it means that everyone can communicate with foreigners without any barriers.

Chen Xin'an saw the future of this project, so he invested generously.

More importantly, Chen Xin'an valued the talents of the brother and sister and wanted to recruit them.

Of course, he didn't have time to do this kind of thing now, so he directly gave his wife's phone number to the two brothers and sisters so that they could have time to talk.

After returning from Yingjing University, Chen Xin'an and Li Qi drove back.

The streets of Yingjing are busier than those of London, with the buildings on both sides filled with gleaming lights and a dazzling array of shops.

Fashionably dressed young men and women of all kinds shuttle here, worthy of its reputation as an international metropolis.

"Stop!" Chen Xin'an looked out the window and said suddenly.

Li Qi was stunned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss..."

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "It's okay, pull over!"

The two of them did not have any documents to prove their identities, so it was very dangerous to appear on the streets of Yingjing.

The business car stopped on the side of the road. Chen Xin'an got out of the car and walked back a few steps, stopping at the door of a store.

Li Qi took a look at the store and understood what Chen Xin'an was going to do.

This is a piano store with a variety of high-end pianos.

Chen Xin'an opened the door and walked in. The store was not big, but it looked neat and bright.

Pianos of various styles are displayed in the store. There are not many in number, but each one looks very high-end.

Chen Xin'an didn't know much about this kind of thing, but looking at the price tag, it was really not cheap.

If you change it to Huaxia coins, it basically starts at 10,000 yuan.

Turning on the communication system, Chen Xin'an asked in a low voice: "Xiaolan, do you know how to play the piano?"

Xu Qilan's voice soon came from the headset: "Brother An, I don't understand very well. But there is someone in my dormitory who understands.

Angor, do you want to buy a piano? "

Chen Xin'an put her hand on a piano next to her and said: "Let's take a look first, I'm not sure yet. I..."

At this moment, a bald man in a suit came over and yelled at Chen Xin'an.

Xu Qilan said angrily: "Brother An, that person told you to get lost!"

This translation really worked. The man was far away and his voice was not very clear, but Xu Qilan still heard it.

"Get out! This is not an attraction, don't come in! Don't touch anything with your dirty hands!"

As he spoke, the bald man came over, took out a white handkerchief, and carefully wiped the place Chen Xin'an had just touched.

Xu Qilan said with sudden realization: "Brother An, you and Brother Qi are dressed too casually tonight.

Usually the people who go to this kind of store are successful people in suits and leather shoes.

The class consciousness in Japan is very strong, and there are divisions between what kind of income and what kind of clothes.

In the eyes of the owner of this kind of store, you are not qualified to enter the store if you are dressed like this!

They belong to people who can't afford it and pretend to be good at it. This is the kind of person Da Ying hates the most! "

Chen Xin'an hummed and understood the bald man's attitude at this moment.

This kind of snobbery can be found everywhere, so Chen Xin'an doesn't find it strange.

In addition, Li Qi was carrying a bag, and he looked more like a tourist from out of town. Moreover, he was the kind of tourist who didn't have much money and cared about everything he bought.

For this kind of people, all major shopping malls and stores in Yingjing are very repulsive, because just not buying them is a waste of time.

"Get out of here quickly, this is not the place for you to come!

The pianos here are all high-end and famous brands, and you can't afford to pay for them if they get dirty!

Don't pretend to have good taste. Looking at you, you are at the bottom of society.

You will never use such a high-end instrument in your life, and your children will not be able to play the piano!

Stop asking for trouble and get out of here! "

The bald man waved his arms and drove Chen Xin'an and Li Qi away.

After Xu Qilan translated his words, she cursed angrily: "How can this boss talk like this!

This is too much, you should file a complaint against him!

Brother An, give him the headset and I'll scold him! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said, "No need! It's best to deal with this kind of person!"

He gave Li Qi a look, and Li Qi understood and turned around.

Chen Xin'an opened the zipper of Li Qi's backpack and took out a wad of money.

The backpack was opened wide, deliberately revealing the colorful eagle flags inside.

The bald man was stunned.

Good guy, a backpack of money!

And it’s all Eagle Flag Yuan, which can’t be more than a million?

Do all rich people do this?

Wearing ordinary clothes and carrying a huge amount of money on the street?

Chen Xin'an took the banknotes and slapped the bald man's face with an expression that was half-smiling.

Even if he didn't speak, the bald man didn't dare to dodge and could only stay with the smiling face.

"I'm sorry gentlemen, please forgive me for being rude just now.

You two can look at, touch, and even try out all the products here.

Just by looking at their fingers, I can tell that they are elites who have received long-term artistic training!

I hope that the store’s products will satisfy both of you. "

Chen Xin'an raised the corners of her mouth, zipped up her backpack, held the wad of money in her hand, and walked around the store while clapping her hands gently.

Standing in front of a pink piano, a female clerk had already brought a small tray with two bottles of water and two wet wipes on it.

Seeing Chen Xin'an stop, the female clerk quickly handed the tray in her hand to the bald man, took out a white handkerchief from her pocket, knelt on the ground and wiped the piano bench next to her.

After she finished wiping, the bald man bowed and said to Chen Xin'an: "Sir, please sit down and try the piano!"

Chen Xin'an turned around, left, and walked forward.

The bald man and female clerk bent over and followed, with no trace of dissatisfaction on their faces.

Chen Xin'an walked around the store, then opened Li Qi's backpack, threw the wad of money in, and walked out of the music store while the bald man and the female clerk looked at each other.

The bald man and female clerk did not even dare to show their disappointment. Instead, they put on smiles and kept bowing and apologizing to Chen Xin'an and Li Qi:

"I'm sorry, the products in our store cannot satisfy you two!

In the next few days, we will purchase a batch of more high-end pianos, and we will invite two distinguished guests to visit us again in the next two days! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, turned around and left with Li Qi.

The bald man and the female clerk were delighted and kept bowing to each other.

"Boss, are you really coming?" Li Qi asked with a smile.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Come on! Take Chunya with you and let her choose!"

The phone rang. Chen Xin'an took it out and looked at it, frowning.

The Chinatown king is here!

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