Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2499 Blood Pupil Reappears

A large number of men in suits stood on both sides of the main street of China Street, forming a large circle.

In the circle, many Chinese people supported each other and looked around with fearful expressions.

There were several corpses on the ground, all of them members of the Chinatown Guard.

Liang Dong was lying on the ground covered in blood, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Sister Mei's left arm was completely broken, and the broken arm was on the ground. However, she did not faint. She just sat blankly in a pool of blood, looking at her broken arm.

A group of men in suits separated to both sides, and out came a white-haired old man wearing a long robe and carrying a long knife at his waist.

Despite his short stature, this old man was very powerful. With a gloomy face, he stood in front of a group of Chinese people and said:

"You are just a group of mortals, and you are even more like ants in front of me!

So, as long as you tell me where Chen Xin'an is, you can survive!

Don't count on the police, they're off duty!

And I want to avenge my apprentice. Even if the police are here, they won’t dare to stop me!

Remember, this is your last chance! "

Everyone had expressionless faces, as if they didn't hear anything.

The old man's eyes were sinister and he pointed at the crowd.

Several men in suits swarmed up and dragged Chun Ya out of the crowd!

"Mom!" Chunya cried in fright.

Mrs. Miaozhen rushed forward, hugged her daughter and cried, "What are you doing? Let go of my child!"

She knows nothing and understands nothing! "

A group of men in suits ignored them and dragged the two women to kneel in front of the old man.

The old man lowered his head and looked at the little girl, then took out a few candies from his pocket, handed them to Chunya, and said with a smile:

"Kid, you know where the bad guy named Chen Xin'an is, right?

Tell me, I’ll give you these candies, okay? "

Chunya raised her hand, slapped the old man's palm away, and the candy fell to the ground.

She said to the old man with a look of disgust: "You are the bad guy! You are all bad guys, Uncle Chen will not let you go!"

"Chunya!" Mrs. Miaozhen covered her daughter's mouth with one hand.

The old man Jie Jie smiled strangely, nodded and said, "I knew you knew that Chen Xin'an!

Tell me, where is your Uncle Chen? "

Mrs. Miaozhen covered her daughter's mouth and begged the old man: "She is just a little girl who doesn't understand anything. Please don't embarrass her, okay?

She doesn’t understand anything, and we don’t know anyone about Chen Xin’an! "

The old man's face darkened and he said coldly: "It seems that since I have been absent from the world for a long time, you all regard me as a kind old grandfather, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a cry, the steel sword was unsheathed, and a cold light fanned by!

Before anyone could understand what was happening, they saw the old man holding a knife with both hands, and the blade was dripping with blood!

In front of him, Mrs. Miaozhen's face still showed a look of horror. The left hand that had been covering Chun Ya's mouth was broken at the elbow!

But this is not the scariest thing.

The really scary thing is Chunya!

Her left arm was completely severed from the shoulder, and the fracture was level with the shoulder. It looked like it had been cut with a sharp weapon, and blood spurted out!

When the mother and daughter saw the wounds on their bodies, their brains came to their senses. Severe pain swept over them. They rolled their eyes and fell to the ground at the same time!

"Sister-in-law Miaozhen! Chunya!" The neighbors in Chinatown shouted in unison in sorrow.

Wang Weiping clenched his fists and shouted: "Fuck you, grandma, I'll fight you beasts!"

All the Chinese people were also anxious, risking their lives and rushing towards the little old man!

The old man flicked his wrist, the long knife trembled, the blood stains were bounced away, and with a clang, the long knife was sheathed!

After looking at the Chinese people in front of him, the old man said expressionlessly: "Kill!"

A group of men in suits drew their swords and slashed at the group of Chinese people!

At this moment, there was a roar of cars not far away, followed by countless men in suits running away in confusion.

Behind them, a commercial vehicle ran rampant like an enraged bison!

Many men in suits were knocked away because they couldn't dodge!

Just as they were rolling on the ground, the commercial vehicle rushed up again and ran over them!

"Mr. Chen is here!" When he saw the car and the people sitting in it, Wang Si'an, who was lying on the ground, shouted with all his strength, then his eyes turned white and he fainted!

With a harsh brake sound, the commercial vehicle suddenly stopped and swerved, knocking two men in suits away. They fell to the ground and vomited blood, then fell to the ground.

Chen Xin'an, who was driving, jumped out of the car and saw Miaozhen's wife and Chunya in a pool of blood, as well as Liang Dong and his wife and the corpses, her eyes gradually turned red!

Li Qi pulled out his sword and said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, I'll charge and kill, you save people!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, his body suddenly flashed, and he rushed into the crowd!

The old man stared at Chen Xin'an and shouted sternly: "I know you are Chen Xin'an!

Where is my apprentice's head! "

Li Qi held up the backpack in his hand and shouted to him: "Old ghost, your apprentice's head is here!

Come on, defeat me and you can take it back! "

As he spoke, he opened the zipper of his backpack and pulled out a blackened head from inside!

Although his facial features were deformed and turned purple, the old man still recognized him at a glance. It was his apprentice Yuyuki Miyazawa!

He once had two children, but because he offended too many people, his family was affected, and his children were killed by his enemies.

And this youngest disciple knew how to please him best, so he loved him as his son.

But now, his most beloved disciple is dead, and even died at the hands of the Chinese!

He came here today to avenge his disciple, so no matter how many Chinese he killed, it would be difficult to calm his inner pain of losing his disciple!

Seeing his disciple's head being caught in the hands of the Chinese, used as a weapon, and smashed on his men, the old man's eyes were red with anger, and he cursed at Li Qi:

"Asshole! You are looking for death! I will cut off your hands and make you kneel in front of my disciple's grave for three days and three nights! Come here, come on!"

Under his command, a large group of men in suits swarmed in and surrounded Li Qi!

Chen Xin'an pulled out a steel knife, which was the one that Miyazawa Tomoyuki had used before.

At this moment, it was even more domineering in his hands.

His eyes were red, and he exuded an unstoppable momentum, and strode towards those Chinese.

A group of men in suits rushed over shouting to kill, raised their knives, and chopped at Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xinan swung his steel knife, and a beam of blood shot up into the sky!

Before a man in a suit who rushed over could react, his head was cut off, and blood spurted out.

The headless body was still driven by inertia, and rushed forward two steps, then fell to the ground, limbs twitching!

The man in a suit behind him changed his face, opened his mouth to shout, and with a puff, the steel knife stabbed into his mouth, pierced through the back of his head, and then flashed away, and quickly retracted!

At this time, Chen Xinan really killed gods and Buddhas!

The move was brutal and straightforward, without the slightest drag, and one strike killed!

Under the gaze of the blood pupils that did not look like human beings, the group of gang members who usually claimed to be ruthless were scared at this moment.

All of them retreated involuntarily, and no one dared to stop them!

Chen Xinan strode to the side of Miaozhen and Chunya, knelt directly on the ground, took out the silver needle, and began to acupuncture them!

At this time, he had completely given his back to the enemy.

If someone rushed up to stab him, he would have to endure it to save the mother and daughter without any resistance!

The surroundings were full of members of the Daohelian Society, each holding a weapon, but they could only push each other, and no one dared to take this opportunity to rush forward!

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