Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2500 If you want to fight, don’t talk so much nonsense

The mother and daughter and the injured Chinese were given injections to stop their bleeding and temporarily suppress their injuries.

Chen Xin'an then picked up the unconscious Chun Ya, stared at a pair of eyes that were almost bleeding, and asked the people around him in a hoarse voice: "Who else can drive?"

Uncle Hong Yuan and Lang Ge wiped their tears at the same time and said, "Mr. Chen, we can do it!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, took out the pistol from his body, handed it to Lange and said, "Send the injured person to the hospital. If anyone dares to stop him, shoot him directly.

I will bear all the consequences!

Tonight I want to let Yingjing understand a truth, Chinese people cannot be bullied! "

The old man snorted coldly and waved his hand. A large number of men in suits rushed over and blocked everyone's exit.

"You can go wherever you want. Do you think I, Kenxiong Takabe, am here to play with you?

Tonight I will wash out Chinatown with blood and let you people be buried with my disciples! "

He looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed in proficient Chinese with a ferocious expression:

"Chen Xin'an, if you kill my apprentice and burn down the Dao Union Building, I will make the entire Chinatown pay for your stupidity today!"

A cold light suddenly came, Li Qi stabbed Gao Bei Jianxiong with his sword, and said with a sneer:

"Old man, your opponent is me!

Boss, clear the way for the neighbors! "

Chen Xin'an was worried that Li Qi wouldn't be able to fight Takabe Kenxiong, because it could be seen from the injured man's wounds that this old man was really a master with a knife, and an extremely good master at that!

He was worried that Li Qi was no match for Gaobe Jianxiong.

But the grief of these compatriots cannot be delayed.

Especially Chunya, she is too young, and if her wounds are not treated in time, it is a luxury to hope that she will become disabled in the future. She will die tonight!

Chen Xin'an pulled out the steel knife, gritted his teeth and shouted: "Ah Qi, hold on! Everyone rush with me! Anyone who stands in my way will die!"


Li Qi's sword was about to hit Gaobu Jianxiong's chest, but was suddenly blocked by a long sword.

The unique narrow blade shape of the Da Ying swordsman turned into a shield accurately, allowing Li Qi to stab three times in a row, but all were blocked by the blade.

Takabe Kenxiong said with disdain while resisting Li Qi's attack:

"This is the current strength of Chinese warriors? It is far worse than it was decades ago!

Do you know how many Chinese warriors died under my sword in those years?

I don’t even know how many Chinese people have been chopped off by this red shadow!

Your strength can only be said to be average.

If you dare to challenge me at this level, you are simply seeking death!

Is Chen Xinan similar in strength to you?

If that's the case, I'm so disappointed!

Was my apprentice killed by you using obscene means?

His strength shouldn't be lost to someone like you!

Huh? "

Following Gaobe Jianxiong's soft cry, his originally swung arm quickly retracted, and the long knife in his hand was tilted, separating Li Qi's clothes from his ribs.

Blood seeped out from the tears in his clothes, but Li Qi seemed to have no feeling. His body did not move back and forward, and the sword cut open the clothes on Gaobu Jianxiong's chest!


While avoiding the sword, Takabe Kenxiong kicked Li Qi in the stomach and kicked him away!

Looking at the gaping hole in his chest, Gaobe Jianxiong felt a sense of fear.

If I had reacted slower just now, I would be injured now!

He looked at Li Qi coldly and said: "It turns out that he is not a Chinese warrior, but a fighting technique that exchanges lives for lives on the battlefield!

Were you once a Chinese green dress?

It is rare for a person with no Kung Fu foundation to be able to practice fighting skills to such an extent!

It's a pity that when you met me, you were destined to die yourself, and you couldn't exchange my life! "

Although the words were said easily, there was a hint of solemnity in Takabe Kenxiong's eyes.

The Chinese green outfits are not easy to deal with, they are more troublesome than the warriors.

Because these people never follow the routine, their only purpose is to kill each other, and they will even use their own lives to exchange the enemy's lives!

Even if they know that there is no possibility of killing the enemy, they dare to risk their lives just to severely injure the opponent!

This enemy is dangerous and troublesome.

However, Takabe Kenxiong is not afraid. The gap in strength between the two sides is not small. Even if the other side wants to fight hard, he will not give the other side a chance!

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, Li Qi took a deep breath.

Compared with the kick he received just now, the stab wound on his ribs had a greater impact on him.

However, for him who has been through the hail of bullets countless times, this injury is still bearable.

This old man is really strong and is the most powerful enemy he has ever encountered.

But Li Qi was not afraid at all. Instead, he had a high fighting spirit in his heart!

Chinese warriors have always been brave enough to kill the enemy, and they have never been timid to avoid fighting just because the enemy is strong!

Takabe Kenxiong squinted at Li Qi and said, "It's pretty good if you can cut my clothes!

After being hit by me, you don’t even have the strength to stand now, right?

It doesn't matter, I'll give you time to adjust your breath..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li Qi tightened his grip on the sword, rushed forward again, and cursed disdainfully:

"If you want to hit me, hit me, there's so much bullshit!

I have killed many Japanese people, and everyone is as verbose as you! "

Takabe Kenxiong's face suddenly darkened. He didn't expect this guy to be so resistant to being beaten. He just said that he couldn't move after being kicked by him, but he immediately rushed forward again!

The old man's face was a little hot, and he was even more angry at Li Qi's words.

He pointed the knife forward with both hands and yelled at Li Qi: "You are in a hurry to die, then I will help you! Go to hell!"

The long knife swung out and slashed the opponent's head!

According to Takabe Keno's thinking, the opponent will dodge to the left with this move, and then his sword will change from diagonal slash to horizontal slash.

For a swordsman who has been using knives for decades, he is very familiar with the power control of this kind of change of moves.

Every move of the opponent is part of his calculation.

Therefore, the sword skills will also be endlessly varied, all of which are designed to dodge and respond to the enemy, leaving the enemy with no way to escape.

What surprised Takabe Takeo was that this time he calculated wrong!

The opponent didn't dodge at all and allowed the long knife to hit him!

With a click, the blade cut into Li Qi's left shoulder!

But the next second, the muscles and bones of Li Qi's shoulder contracted, clamping the blade!

Takabe Kenxiong drew his sword forcefully, but Li Qi took the initiative to "throw himself into his arms"!

At this time, Takabe Kenxiong wanted to give himself a big mouth!

Even though he knew that this guy was a Chinese green-suited fighter, he still subconsciously used the same methods to deal with Chinese warriors!

In the blink of an eye, the bones and muscles on Li Qi's shoulder were sliced ​​by the blade, but he was already standing in front of Takabe Kenxiong!

The next second, the sword flashed through a cold light again, and with a pop, it pierced into Takabe Kenxiong's right shoulder!

This old man should be grateful that he is short, otherwise this knife would have penetrated his chest!

Li Qi couldn't draw his sword too far down, otherwise it would be like automatically pulling out Takabe Kenxiong's sword!

Takabe Kenxiong shouted and wanted to draw out his sword, but Li Qi held down the back of the sword with his injured arm, and dug hard with the sword in his other hand!

The severe pain made Takabe Kenxiong almost kneel down!

He shouted angrily, turned the hand holding the knife, grabbed the handle of the knife, pulled out a short knife, and stabbed Li Qi in the chest!

Then he raised his foot and kicked Li Qi out!

No one thought that this old man could be so despicable!

There is also a short knife hidden inside his long knife!

Once the enemy restrains the long sword, he will pull out the short sword and give the enemy a fatal blow by surprise!

Moreover, the luster on the short knife is quenched blue, and it is obvious that the knife is quenched with poison!

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