Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2501 I want to duel with you

Li Qi, who fell to the ground, tried to push himself up, but found that he couldn't feel his right arm!

Fortunately, the piercing just now was on the right chest, not the left, otherwise Li Qi would have died here on the spot!

But even so, Li Qi now felt as if the right half of his body had been cut off. It was completely numb, and it was still spreading!

At this time, he also knew that the opponent's knife was poisonous!

Takabe Kenxiong lowered his head and looked at his bleeding shoulder, gritted his teeth and cursed at Li Qi:

"An ant-like loser like you can actually hurt me!

Now let me give you a taste of what life is worse than death! "

He took the short knife, rushed towards Li Qi again, and stabbed him in the heart!

With his strength, it was not impossible to stab Li Qi in the heart or cut his throat with a knife.

But in that case, it would be equivalent to killing the other party directly. For him, this guy would be too cheap!

Takabe Kenxiong has forgotten how many years it has been since he was injured.

His sword skills have already reached the level of martial arts, and he can be said to be at the top of the list in the entire Da Ying.

Many people became frightened when they heard his name. When they saw the real person, they knelt down and begged for mercy without even taking action.

But now, he was injured by a Chinese who didn't know how to use martial arts at all. If word spread, his whole life's fame will become a big joke!

So this kid in front of me must die!

But you can’t die too simply or comfortably.

He must let him taste the most painful taste in the world before letting this kid die!

Looking at the opponent's stabbing knife, Li Qi didn't dodge at all.

The brain is slowly losing control of the body, even vision is affected, and the head is starting to feel dizzy.

But he still held the sword tightly, and his right hand stopped obeying the command, so he held it in his left hand.

When Takabe Jianxiong approached, Li Qi took the initiative to meet him, stabbed forward, and quietly stabbed Takabe Jianxiong's stomach with his sword!

damn it!

Gaobe Jianxiong was about to pierce the poison-quenched short knife into Li Qi's body, but at the last moment he swiped it down and knocked away Li Qi's knife with a clang!

This bastard still uses that trick, even if he is injured, he still wants to give his opponent a blow!

Takabe Takeo now hates this desperate style of play!

With the opponent's strength, it is simply impossible to kill him or leave any fatal wounds on him.

But being slashed by him again was not very harmful, but extremely insulting!

Takabe Kenxiong, a majestic swordsman of the Great Ying Dynasty, was repeatedly injured by swords in the hands of a person who was not a warrior. This is simply a fantasy, enough to make people laugh!

Takabe Kenxiong felt that his patience was running out.

The thoughts that tormented him were disappearing.

Although this kind of ant is not powerful, it is difficult enough to deal with.

As long as you are not careful, you will fall into his trap and be hurt by him!

It's better to kill him with one knife, it's the easiest thing!

Takabe Kenxiong shouted angrily, raised his sword and rushed towards Li Qi, swung the sword in front of him, and then suddenly changed his moves and slashed the opponent's neck.

He used a move to feint, trying to deceive the opponent's defense and expose the gap in his body.

I just didn't expect that Li Qi wouldn't block it at all, as if he had given up resistance.

Now that the whole body is open, he can kill him as he pleases!

His short knife cut the opponent's throat, and the opponent's sword also stabbed his lower abdomen again!

Damn the Chinese!

Takabe Kenxiong watched the other party's movements.

His knife can naturally cut the guy's throat before the other person stabs him, but he doesn't guarantee that the other person will die immediately.

This knife could still stab him in the stomach.

So if the opponent trades his life for injury, it will still work!

But this time, Takabe Kenxiong didn't want to waste it anymore!

At worst, if I get stabbed again, this bastard will be killed first!

Anyway, there is no difference between being laughed at once and being laughed at twice!

Just when Takabe Kenxiong's dagger was about to cut Li Qi's throat, someone suddenly shouted: "How dare you!"


The cold light of the knife struck, faster than lightning!

The hair on Takabe Kenxiong's whole body stood up, and at the critical moment, he blocked the dagger in his hand in front of him.


The short sword was pierced through a hole and flew past his ears. Takabe Kenxiong took several steps back and broke out in a cold sweat!


This is the true master of ancient martial arts, and his inner strength has reached the realm of transformation!

Chen Xin'an rushed over desperately, like a newly fired cannonball, hitting Gaobe Kenxiong hard!

Without enough time to dodge, Takeo Takabe kicked up a wounded person on the ground.

"Sir Takabe!" The wounded man in a suit screamed in horror. He had been kicked away when he was blocking Chen Xin'an from rescuing others, and his internal organs were injured and he could not stand up.

Now that I saw myself being picked up by Takabe Kenxiong and standing between him and Chen Xin'an, I was so scared that my eyes almost popped out!

But before he could say anything else, Chen Xin'an hit him hard!

In just a moment, blood spurted from his mouth and nose, the bones in his chest were shattered, and he died on the spot!

Takabe Kenxiong was also knocked out and fell three meters away!

So strong!

Takabe Kenxiong's expression changed. The opponent's strength was too high. He didn't have a long sword in his hand, so he might not be his opponent!

And in the collision just now, even if there was someone in the middle, his left arm was broken!

Looking at Chen Xin'an's red eyes, Gaobe Kenxiong found that there was a trace of fear in his heart!

He didn't even know that there were people he was afraid of in this world!

Seeing that Chen Xin'an was about to rush over again, Takabe Kenxiong shouted: "Chen Xin'an, your friend is dying!"

Chen Xin'an, who was about to rush over, stiffened and turned to look at Li Qi.

At this time, Li Qi's face was gray, his lips were black, but the blood vessels on his head were blue, protruding one by one.

This is poison!

Gaobe Kenxiong stared at Chen Xin'an and said: "Chen Xin'an, you killed my beloved disciple, and I will seek revenge from you. It is only natural and right.

We are all warriors, so we shouldn’t be like the gangsters on the street, fighting and fighting here!

According to the rules of the Japanese warriors, I challenge you to a duel!

Tomorrow night, the Daohe Joint Martial Arts Arena will be on the eighth floor of the building you set on fire. Only one of us can walk off the stage alive. Do you dare? "

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at him with red eyes, stretched out her right hand and pointed a finger, and said to Takabe Kenxiong:

"Wash your neck. Tomorrow night I will go to Daohe United, cut it off in front of everyone in your club, and stomp it to pieces!"

Takabe Kenxiong's eyes twitched, and he snorted coldly and said: "It's useless to talk more, let's meet Zhenzhang tomorrow night!"

After speaking, he waved his hand and led the members of the Dao United League to quickly withdraw from Chinatown.

Chen Xin'an ran to Li Qi, who was exhausted and fell to the ground.

Li Qi, who looked dejected, seemed to have been suddenly drained of his life force. He looked at Chen Xin'an with dull eyes and whispered: "Boss, I..."

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Don't talk, I will give you an injection! I will suppress your injury and then send you to the hospital!"

Li Qi closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Chen Xin'an took out the needle bag and said: "Aqi, look at me! Don't close your eyes, don't speak, but you must look at me, understand? Don't sleep, don't faint!"

Li Qiqiang opened his eyes, looked at Chen Xin'an, and said weakly: "Boss, I'm a little tired, I think I'll take a nap!"

"You won't listen to what I'm saying, right?" Chen Xin'an quickly inserted the needle with both hands and cursed at Li Qi:

"I told you not to talk or sleep!

Why are you squinting? You can only squint when I tell you to!

Now, why don't you keep me awake? "

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