Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2502 I want to steal people from the hands of the Lord of Hell

After the silver needle was inserted, Chen Xin'an lifted Li Qi up with both hands and ran to the business car.

But when they got there, they discovered that all the tires had been punctured by Dao Helian's gang!

Chen Xin'an, who was red-eyed, hugged Li Qi and ran out of Chinatown without saying a word.

Just when he saw a black car approaching, Chen Xin'an rushed over with Li Qi in his arms and stopped on the road!


The car stopped half a meter in front of Chen Xin'an. The driver stuck his head out and cursed at him:

"Asshole! What do you want to do? Are you looking for death?"

Chen Xin'an looked at the driver and said, "Take me to the nearest hospital and I'll give you money!"

"Chinese? What the hell are you talking about? I don't understand! Get out of here!" The driver yelled and waved his arms to signal Chen Xin'an to get out of the way.

This is near Chinatown, so it’s not surprising that Chinese people appear here.

Seeing this guy holding a man, the driver had no interest in finding out what was going on.

He was already disgusted with the Chinese people, and when he saw that the guy in front had no intention of getting out of the way, he became even more angry.

Get off your seat!

"You bastard Chinese people, get out of here! If I weren't afraid of trouble, I should have just hit you to death!"


Before his stick could come down, he was kicked in the stomach and his whole body was kicked out!

Chen Xin'an walked to the car, opened the rear door, put Li Qi in the back, then walked to the driver's seat and sat on it.

Turning on the communication system, Chen Xin'an called out: "Xiaolan!"

There was no response there. Chen Xin'an looked at the time and saw that it was almost midnight.

Everyone was sleeping at this time, so Chen Xin'an had to give up and prepare to close the communication.

At this moment, Xu Qilan's voice came from the headset: "Brother An, I'm here!"

Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm near Chinatown. Where is the nearest hospital?"

Xu Qilan said quickly: "Brother An, wait a moment, I will check it for you!

Turn right at the intersection in front of the Chinatown Archway and go right at the first intersection.

Don't turn when you pass the traffic light, Yingjing Central Hospital is on your right! "

Chen Xin'an hummed and said, "Okay, it's okay, you can rest!"

Xu Qilan said nervously: "Brother An, why are you going to the hospital so late? Are you injured?"

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "No, no need to ask more, just continue to rest!"

Without any explanation, she turned off the communication, stepped on the accelerator, and drove to the Central Hospital.

She quickly found the hospital, and Chen Xinan drove the car directly to the lobby door.

After getting out of the car, he was about to open the back door and take Li Qi out, when he saw a group of people rushing out of the hall!

They were not paramedics, they were gang members in suits!

These people held various sticks in their hands and rushed towards Chen Xin'an while shouting aggressively!

Seeing them, Chen Xin'an understood.

Daohelian has told other associations about Chen Xin'an, and also told them that Chen Xin'an will definitely come to the hospital!

Instead of searching aimlessly for this person, it would be better to just wait and see in the hospital.

In normal times, Chen Xin'an would not take these club members seriously at all.

But now he doesn't dare to waste time!

The poison in Ah Qi is spreading, and his silver needles can only suppress it temporarily, but cannot completely remove it!

Not daring to fight, he could only close the car door, run to the driver's seat, and drive away quickly.

Facts confirmed Chen Xin'an's guess. He drove to several hospitals one after another, and all of them were guarded by community members!

As soon as they saw Chen Xin'an, they rushed forward desperately. After all, if they killed this man, they could get a bonus they would never earn in their lifetime!

Chen Xin'an was unwilling to fight and drove away in a hurry.

Later, even the Da Ying police were dispatched, but they were not here to arrest the club members, but the car owner called the police, and they were all here to arrest Chen Xin'an.

Finally, seeing that there was no hope of treatment, Chen Xinan took Li Qi back to Shimu Town.

He abandoned the car in a parking lot and walked back to Rogi New Town with Li Qi in his arms.

Back in the room, Chen Xin'an rummaged through the cabinets, looking for everything he could use.

Alcohol, gauze, scissors, and anti-inflammatory drugs are all ready.

Chen Xin'an said to the dying Li Qi: "Brother, your boss is incompetent and can't take you to the hospital.

But don't worry, today I, Chen Xin'an, will use all my knowledge in the past twenty years to snatch you from the hands of the Lord of Hell!

No one can take my brother's life away!

So, brother, you have to hold on! "

Li Qi looked at Chen Xin'an. The always strong man also had tears in his eyes.

He has never seen such a miserable boss, like a rat crossing the street, being yelled at and beaten wherever he goes.

But the boss could only swallow his anger and didn't even fight back. He just led him to hide and flee in embarrassment.

If it weren't for him, how could the boss be so cowardly!

Whenever he was pointed in the nose, yelled at and provoked by a group of gangsters, he did not dare to fight back. He just left that place as quickly as possible to prevent himself from being surrounded by them!

Li Qi now has difficulty breathing, and toxins are beginning to erode his respiratory system.

He struggled to even breathe, let alone speak.

But he saw every move Chen Xin'an made.

Countless times there was a voice in his head: If you are tired, stop pushing and go to sleep! Even just squinting for a little while is fine.

But every time at this time, he would think of Chen Xinan's words.

No matter what, you have to look at him, you can't close your eyes, you can't sleep!

Chen Xinan took a deep breath and began to treat Li Qi's wounds.

He had to cut open Li Qi's clothes to expose the wound, then dig out the rotten flesh eroded by the venom and disinfect the wound.

But the current situation is very dangerous.

The toxin has spread, so Chen Xinan's treatment is only a temporary solution.

To really drive out the poison for Li Qi, you have to use medicine.

But now, let alone hospitals, even pharmacies are already being squatted by gang members.

On the way back, I came across several pharmacies. When I saw the men in suits at the door, Chen Xinan didn't even dare to stop!

If you don't use medicine, acupuncture to force out the poison is not impossible.

But it must be combined with herbal medicine.

But now, where can I get the herbs?

In this situation, Chen Xinan can't think too much, he can only take one step at a time.

First, save Ah Qi's life, as for the remaining toxins, slowly remove them.

No matter what chain reaction will be triggered, as long as the life is still there, there is a possibility of recovery.

For a whole hour, Chen Xinan used silver needles and a knife to force out the poison for Li Qi.

There was no anesthetic, only alcohol. Li Qi endured the pain that ordinary people could not bear, and he did not say a word during the whole process.

Putting down the knife in his hand and taking off the disposable gloves stained with blood, Chen Xinan used a tissue to wipe the sweat from Li Qi's forehead with trembling hands.

Then he wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:

"Brother, why don't you take a break.

I guess these three days, our brothers have been fighting with the King of Hell.

You must conserve your energy and don't give up!"

Li Qi was speechless, but stared at Chen Xinan with a gentle look.

His life belongs to the boss, and it doesn't matter when he returns it to the boss.

Chen Xinan glanced at the phone on the table next to him, picked it up and answered the call:

"Brother Yuan, you called me so late, what's the matter?

Yes, those people are looking for us. They had a fight with an old man named Gao Bu Jianxiong today, and Ah Qi was injured.

How do you know he was poisoned?

No need to come over, it's very dangerous here!

Medicine? Okay, then you can send it over, I'll wait for you here!"

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