Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2503 My eldest brother was killed by his sister-in-law

Although it was a little strange, Wei Yuan mentioned that he would send medicine, and Chen Xin'an agreed without hesitation.

Thirty minutes later, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Xin'an looked out of the peephole and opened the door.

Wei Yuan and Chu Haitao stood at the door, followed by two women and two big men.

Of course He Meijuan was an acquaintance, but the woman standing next to her was the first time they met.

However, even though there were many wrinkles on her face, it was still 60% similar to that of He Meijuan. Chen Xin'an also guessed the identity of this woman.

This should be He Meijuan's biological mother, the international student who abandoned her husband and child after giving birth to her daughter and returned to Japan.

When Wei Yuangang wanted to speak, Chen Xin'an stepped aside and said, "Come in and talk!"

Wei Yuan and Chu Haitao, who were still a little nervous at first, breathed a sigh of relief and followed Chen Xin'an into the room.

Everyone gasped when they saw the blood in the living room.

He Meijuan even covered her mouth with her hands and almost spit it out.

In fact, Li Qi had already been carried into the room by Chen Xin'an, and there were only tools left in the living room from the treatment just now.

Naturally, his brother's weak and embarrassed appearance cannot be seen by outsiders.

However, the woman looked like she had seen the big scene, her expression did not change at all, she looked at Chen Xin'an and asked calmly:

"Are you Chen Xin'an? I heard that as long as I can kill you, I can get at least five million Eagle Flag dollars in reward?"

The two big men behind her were already on full alert, staring at Chen Xin'an without blinking.

"Mrs. Daoben!" Wei Yuan and Chu Haitao screamed in surprise, then stared at the two big men.

As long as they dare to act rashly, Wei Yuan and Chu Haitao will take action immediately!

"What are you doing!" He Meijuan yelled at the woman, completely lacking the respect that a daughter would have for her mother.

The woman looked at her guiltily and sighed heavily.

He waved his hands to the two big men, then looked at Chen Xin'an with contempt and said:

"Mr. Chen, don't be nervous. If I really wanted the bounty, I wouldn't bring only this few people!

I'm just very disappointed with Mr. Chen's sense of precaution.

In your current situation, you actually dare to let a stranger into the house, and even deliberately leave your back to him. It's hard for me to imagine how you have survived until now.

I can’t figure out how, with your vigilance,..."

Before she could finish her words, her eyes suddenly blurred. Chen Xin'an had already strangled her neck with one hand, and her whole body was pushed against the wall with a bang!

The two big men were shocked and stretched out their hands.

But before they could pull their hands out, they heard two pops and two steel needles piercing their chests.

Their upper bodies suddenly became extremely stiff, but their lower bodies were still moving. Their upper and lower bodies were uncoordinated, and they fell to the ground with two thuds.

Chen Xin'an grabbed the woman with one hand, stared at her with red eyes and said, "You can come in because Brother Yuan and Brother Tao brought you here.

I don’t know you, but they are my friends and I trust them!

As for leaving my back to you, you bunch of losers, even if I leave you a chance, can you seize it? Can you kill me?

Listen, I know you are Miss He's mother, and she is also my friend, so I will save you some respect.

I don't have time to scheming with you here now, hurry up and tell me why you are here, or I will throw the bodies of the three of you downstairs! "

"Mr. Chen..." Wei Yuan and Chu Haitao were moved and guilty. After all, they were the ones who brought the person.

He Meijuan bit her lip and glanced at Chen Xin'an, then turned to the woman and shouted:

"Do you have to do this?

Do you think everyone is under your control?

I told you, Mr. Chen is not something you can mess with!

Don't take out your things yet! "

The woman was now deeply aware of this. She looked at Chen Xin'an with fear in her eyes and moved her lips pleadingly.

Chen Xin'an let go of his hand expressionlessly. The woman staggered and stood by the wall, covering her neck with both hands, coughing a few times, and then took out a small glass bottle from her pocket.

"Mr. Chen, don't get me wrong. I don't have any ill intentions when I come here. I'm here to deliver medicine to you!"

At this time, the woman no longer looked arrogant, and her face was full of humility. She held the bottle in both hands and handed it to Chen Xin'an.

Seeing that Chen Xin'an just looked at her coldly and showed no intention of reaching out, the woman said anxiously:

"Mr. Chen, this is the special antidote to Takabe Kenxiong's poisonous knife!

Only by taking this medicine can the person who was stabbed recover.

Otherwise, even if it is sent to the hospital, there will be no real effective medicine.

Even if you are lucky enough to save your life, you will not be able to recover. In the end, you will be riddled with diseases for the rest of your life, and you may even be paralyzed in bed! "

Chen Xin'an's expression changed slightly, he glanced at the woman, and grabbed the glass bottle!

"I don't believe you, but I believe the three of them!

If you can really save my brother, I, Chen Xin'an, owe you a favor.

How much to eat? "

The woman breathed a sigh of relief and said to him: "Divide this bottle six times and drink it within two days."

"Okay!" Chen Xinan turned around and left, leaving a group of people in the living room.

Walking to the bedside, Chen Xin'an opened Li Qi's mouth and poured one-sixth of the potion in the glass bottle. Then he sat by the bed and stabbed Li Qi's heart with a silver needle.

Feeling the faster and faster trembling from the silver needle, Chen Xin'an felt happy, it really worked.

"Okay brother, you can sleep now!" Chen Xin'an patted Li Qi's shoulder, put a needle on his head, and watched him close his eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

After walking out of the bedroom, Chen Xin'an's expression softened a lot.

He stretched out his hand and said to the woman: "Please sit down! I'll clean up first!"

"Mr. Chen, I'll come!" He Meijuan nodded to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an did not refuse, walked up to the two big men, turned them over, and pulled out the steel needles from their chests.

Looking at Chen Xin'an in front of them, the two big men had a look of fear on their faces.

This guy's steel needle was able to prevent them from even having a chance to draw their guns!

Chen Xin'an turned his head and said to the woman: "You give me a price for this bottle of medicine, and I'll buy it!"

The woman shook her head, smiled at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, how much do you think I should ask for?

That bottle of medicine may be worthless in the eyes of others, but it is worth ten thousand dollars to Mr. Chen, right? "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "So you can say how much money you want, I don't have it now, and I will find a way to get it for you as soon as possible!"

The woman looked at him with a half-smile and said, "What if I want all the assets of Anhao Group in exchange for this bottle of medicine?"

Chen Xin'an said: "Then I will kill you without hesitation! I don't care how much money I spend to save my brother, but I don't allow others to treat me as a fool!"

The woman was stunned, as if she didn't expect this answer, but when she looked at Chen Xin'an's eyes, she admired it even more.

She smiled slightly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, I'm not that greedy.

I don’t want a cent for that bottle of medicine.

But I didn’t give that bottle of medicine for free. I want to cooperate with Mr. Chen, is that okay? "

"Cooperation?" Chen Xin'an frowned and looked at the woman and asked.

The woman smiled and said: "My name is Junko Domoto, and Suzutaro Domoto is my eldest brother!"

She didn't speak, but looked at Chen Xin'an seriously, waiting for his question.

Chen Xin'an seemed to be waiting for her to continue speaking. Seeing that she had not spoken, she frowned and asked, "That's it? Is it over?"

The woman said angrily and funny: "Mr. Chen, have you never heard of Suzutaro Domoto?"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said, "This is the first time I heard of it!"

The woman covered her forehead with her hands, looking like she was defeated by you, and said to Chen Xin'an:

“The former president of Dohelian was Suzutaro Inamoto!

The current president, Gao Limina, is my sister-in-law.

I suspect that my eldest brother was killed by her! "

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