Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2504 Cooperation is our best way

The room fell silent, and everyone's eyes fell on Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an sat on the sofa, tilting her head and looking at Junko Domoto, with a very calm expression on her face.

What Junko Michimoto said just now, if exposed by the media, will definitely cause an uproar in Japan!

But for Chen Xin'an, it was like hearing a small story that had nothing to do with him, and it didn't make any waves in his heart.

At least in Michimoto Junko's eyes, the man in front of her looked like Furui Muha.

Brother, that is the club that has been hunting you down!

Wouldn’t this kind of big secret just arouse your interest?

How can you be so calm, as if it has nothing to do with you!

Chen Xin'an looked at Junko Domoto and said calmly: "Then what do you mean by coming to me to cooperate? To help your brother get revenge?"

Junko Michimoto shook her head and said: "I will do the revenge myself!

Mr. Chen just needs to help me kill Takabe Kenxiong, who is Gao Limina's loyal lackey.

I will help you solve the pursuit of you by the Dao United Federation and even other societies. "

Chen Xin'an squinted at Domoto Junko and said coldly: "How do you solve it?"

Junko Domoto looked at Chen Xin'an seriously and said: "Mr. Chen is unaware that the real elite of Dao Helian is not in the hands of Gao Limina.

These people were trained by my brother and are only loyal to my brother and me.

As long as Mr. Chen agrees to cooperate with me, these people will be at Mr. Chen's disposal from now on! "

Chen Xin'an looked at the two strong men and asked, "Are they also elites?"

Junko Michimoto nodded and said, "Yes!"

Chen Xin'an asked again: "In other words, they will obey my orders in the future?"

"I am loyal to Mr. Chen and obey orders!"

"Hi!" Two strong men stood upright in front of Chen Xin'an and bent down.

Chen Xin'an pointed to the window and said to the two of them: "Jump down from there now!"

The faces of the two strong men turned dark!

Is this really human language?

This is the sixteenth floor. If you jump down, can you still survive?

The two of them rolled their eyes at Chen Xin'an and ignored him.

If I wasn't afraid that he would do something, I would have given him the middle finger on the spot!

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said to Junko Domoto with a mocking look on her face: "Look, this is simply impossible!"

Junko Michimoto's face doesn't look good either. She can't beat you, but that doesn't mean there's something wrong with her brain!

If you ask someone to jump off a building and they still listen to you, that's weird!

She said to Chen Xin'an with a smile: "Mr. Chen, if you can treat them sincerely, they can really help you!

And I came to Mr. Chen to cooperate today with full sincerity. After all, we have a common enemy..."

She glanced at He Meijuan, with a pleading look on her face.

He Meijuan hesitated for a moment and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, if you are afraid that she will betray you, can I be your guarantee?"

Wei Yuan looked like he was hesitating to speak, while Chu Haitao next to him frowned, wondering what he was thinking.

Chen Xin'an looked at He Meijuan, then at Junko Domoto, and sighed softly.

He looked at Junko Domoto and asked: "She must have been paying attention to me for a long time, right? Even before I arrived in Da Ying, she already knew who I am, right?"

He Meijuan said anxiously: "Mr. Chen, please don't misunderstand!

She didn't know you at all before. It was only after I came to Yingjing that I accidentally learned Mr. Chen's name! "

"Oh?" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at He Meijuan and said, "Ms. He must have been to Yingjing more than once in the past two or three years in Daying, right?

I haven't found this biological mother for so long, but I found her only one day after coming here. What a coincidence!

If I guessed correctly, the woman's people have been monitoring Miss He.

Therefore, after she arrived in Yingjing, her whereabouts could be known to the woman, and then she could recognize her as if they had met by chance.

And the purpose of all this is just to cooperate with me?

This woman's calculation is quite deep!

Just using her biological daughter to make arrangements is not something ordinary women can do!

Does it mean that if you don't show up, you will never recognize your daughter in this life? "

He Meijuan's face instantly turned pale and all the color faded.

She turned to look at Junko Domoto and said with trembling lips: "Is that so?

Did you really, really know that I was coming to Daying to find you? "

Junko Daomoto didn't expect Chen Xin'an to be able to tell the truth. His face lost the calmness and calmness just now, and he looked a little flustered. His eyes looking at He Meijuan were also full of guilt.

She forced a smile and said to He Meijuan: "Meijuan, I do this for my own reasons..."

Big tears fell from He Meijuan's eyes. She looked at her mother as if she were a stranger.

“If you don’t love me, why did you marry my dad?

If you don't want me, why give birth to me?

Did you know that dad was looking at your photo when he was dying?

Do you know that even if I was bullied or humiliated by others, I would still stay in Da Ying just to find you? "

Domoto Junko said in a panic: "Meijuan, it's not that I don't want you! I really have my own reasons..."

He Meijuan stood up, looked at Junko Domoto coldly and said, "I feel worthless for dad!"

Wiping away her tears, she turned and left.

Returning to China, I am not used to this country, and I will never come back in this life!

As for the mother?

Haha, I haven’t had it since I was a child, and I don’t need it anymore when I grow up!

"Meijuan!" Junko Daomoto stretched out her hand to grab He Meijuan, but she threw her away.

Junko Domoto wanted to reach out, but He Meijuan turned her head and shouted to her coldly: "Go away, I don't know you!"

Junko Domoto was stunned, and her face began to turn pale. Seeing He Meijuan walking to the door, Junko Domoto shouted:

"Meijuan, I don't go looking for you just to protect you! If you and I recognize each other, Gao Limina will send people to kill you at all costs!

She must ensure that she is the only heir to the money my brother deposited in the World Bank! "

Wei Yuan frowned and said, "She is your brother's wife and your sister-in-law. She is the only legitimate first heir, right?"

Junko Michimoto grinned and said with a sarcastic face: "My sister-in-law passed away twenty years ago, and she later became my brother's.

My brother never really married her, so I never called her sister-in-law!

Only after I die and my relatives are no longer alive, according to the laws of Great Britain, only she, a woman in a de facto marriage, has the right to inherit! "

Everyone suddenly understood, but also felt chills running down their spines.

This family really does everything they can to scheming and scheming against each other!

Junko Domoto said to He Meijuan with red eyes: "Your father and I really loved each other back then.

I originally thought that I would stay in China for the rest of my life, stay with you and my daughter forever, form a small family, and never be separated in this life.

But something happened at home. My brother had a serious car accident. My sister-in-law and nephew both died tragically on the spot.

The opponent took the opportunity to attack Dao Helian. I received a call from my brother and came back to take control of the company's business.

It was at that time that the Takanashi family began to infiltrate Dougalon through the Sakura Club.

I originally wanted to bring you father and daughter to Da Ying, but I changed my mind because of this.

If you come, you will end up like my sister-in-law and nephew! "

She turned her head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, cooperation is the best way for us to deal with Dao Helian.

In fact, even if it weren't for Takabe Keno, the hatred between you and Gao Limina cannot be resolved.

Because she has a sister named Takanashi Shizuka! "

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