Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2511 It’s not certain who is the hunter

If you don't take it seriously, just return the card to me. Why are you keeping it in your pocket?

Junko Daomoto was stunned by Chen Xin'an, but she didn't dare to say anything and could only nod with a smile.

She looked at Chen Xin'an carefully, pointed to the top of her head and said, "Mr. Chen, do you think the needles on the heads of me and these brothers are..."

Chen Xin'an casually took off the needle on the back of her head and said to her: "The steel needle on Baihui point will enter your head in two hours.

As long as you don't hit that location hard, it won't have any impact on your usual activities.

But it cannot exceed one month, otherwise you will suffer from severe epilepsy.

But don't worry, as long as you don't think too much and want to cooperate, you can cooperate with me honestly.

One month later, I will give you the injection with my own hands! "

When Junko Michimoto and a group of men in suits heard this, their faces turned pale.

I wanted to ask Chen Xin'an to show mercy, but I saw him say with a straight face: "Those who want to plot against me have not ended well so far.

I can give you a chance, which is already considered merciful.

If I drank that cup of milk, I think you should know very well what I would look like now.

So the result now is that you are to blame. If you still want to push further, I will give you another shot! "

Everyone was silent, and no one dared to make any more demands.

It's your own fault, and you really can't blame others.

The reason for doing this is that tonight Chen Xin'an is going to the Daohe United Headquarters to fight a life-or-death battle with Takabe Kenxiong.

Li Qi must be taken care of here.

Although she is working with Junko Michimoto, Chen Xin'an is not 100% assured of her.

Now that I have control over their lives, if I leave Li Qi to them for protection, then everything will be safe.

As night falls, Chen Xin'an has packed up and is ready to go.

Junko Michimoto said to him nervously: "Mr. Chen, do you really don't need me to send someone to follow you?

Neither Gao Limina nor Takabe Keno will let you walk out of Dohe Building alive!

It's just a trap to lure you there. Mr. Chen doesn't have to fall for it! "

She is really concerned about Chen Xin'an's safety now.

There was no way, if Chen Xin'an died, he and these dozen brothers would not be able to survive.

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, shook his head and said: "If you go, it's just food delivered to your door, you can't help me or anything!

I know it's a trap, but it's hard to tell who is the hunter!

That Takabe Takeo, I must kill him with my own hands!

No one can get away with hurting my brother!

You guys help me take good care of Aqi. If anything happens to him, I will kill Takabe Kenxiong and then come back to kill you! "

Domoto Junko and everyone else turned pale, lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

Chen Xin'an grabbed her backpack and put it on her back, turned around and walked out of the door.

Junko asked for a motorcycle and rode it to Daohe Building.

From a distance, he saw many figures moving at the door. Chen Xin'an knew that Dao Helian had made a lot of preparations for him to come here tonight.

If I arrange a life-and-death fight, will I give you a fair fight?

Do not be silly!

It can be seen from the siege of Liumu New Town by the coalition forces that Daohe United has no intention of giving Chen Xin'an a fair chance to fight!

It would be best if these people could be used to kill Chen Xin'an. Even if they couldn't be killed, the layout of these levels could still injure Chen Xin'an and consume his physical strength.

Even if Chen Xin'an passed through all the levels and really stood in front of Takabe Kenxiong, he would still have no energy left to deal with the attack of a superb swordsman master.

So tonight's Daohe Building will be Chen Xin'an's grave, and he will definitely die here.

Thirty meters away from Daohe Building, there is the first layer of protection.

All people or vehicles entering this area will be inspected.

Chen Xin'an rode her motorcycle around and saw a container truck that had just unloaded its goods at the side entrance of a large supermarket.

After parking the motorcycle, Chen Xin'an quickly ran to the container truck. The driver was sitting in the driving seat looking at the order in his hand.

The car door was suddenly opened, and before he could react, he was grabbed out of the car!

"Asshole, what are you doing! I..." the driver yelled, but the next second, a pistol was pressed against his head!

Chen Xin'an reached out to him, and the driver had no choice but to hand the key into his hand.

Putting away the gun, Chen Xin'an turned around and got into the car, started the car with the key, and left slowly.

Chen Xin'an drove the container truck and rushed towards the Daohe Building a hundred meters away.

Someone had already noticed the car and waved a glow stick to signal the car to stop.

Chen Xin paid no attention to it and instead stepped on the accelerator.

The group panicked, and someone took out a bright flashlight and pointed it at the driver's eyes.

Without saying a word, Chen Xin'an took out the pistol with his left hand and fired with a bang, shattering the bright flashlight. The bullet passed through the arm of the boy holding the flashlight!


The container truck crashed through the car blocking the road ahead and rushed towards the video game arcade on the first floor.

With a loud crash, the front of the car hit the glass wall of the arcade and broke in!

The accelerator was almost pressed to the bottom, and the container truck was running rampant inside!

All kinds of valuable game consoles were smashed to pieces.

Because the ground was too slippery, every time the car turned, it made a big flick, sending those game consoles flying.

At the beginning, some people tried to stop it.

But Chen Xin'an drove the car and ran over those guys without any scruples at all!

After seeing the bloody corpses on the ground, the remaining group members also realized that the guy driving the car was a madman and he had no scruples at all!

Now no one dares to come and die!

A group of community members watched from a distance, each shouting louder than the other, but no one dared to take a step forward.

In less than three minutes, the entire video game city turned into a ruins, which was too miserable to look at.


There was another loud noise, and the container truck hit a pillar, and a large piece of wall fell from above.

These are the load-bearing pillars of the building. Once they are broken, the building will collapse!

However, since it is a load-bearing column, it is naturally relatively strong. After the collision, only a crack appeared, but white smoke came out of the container truck's engine.

Looking at the lying container truck, a group of club boys became bolder, holding sticks in their hands and rushing towards them.

Chen Xin'an got out of the car with her backpack, and calmly took out a few small things from her backpack. She threw her arms forward, divided the three small pineapples into three directions and rolled them out!

The club boys who could no longer hold back and wanted to swarm up and beat the lunatic to death with sticks suddenly changed their expressions when they saw the little pineapple rolled to their feet!

With a scream, everyone turned and ran!

Boom boom boom!

Three explosions, smoke and dust mixed with red flesh and blood filled the surrounding area overwhelmingly.

There were screams of ghosts and wolves howling all around. When the smoke and dust cleared, everyone looked at the bloody scene in front of them in shock. They turned around and vomited one by one.

But Chen Xin'an had already gotten rid of everyone and entered the elevator.

"He's already up! Be careful, he has weapons on him! Don't give him a chance to take action, kill him as soon as you see him!"

The sound of the elevator door kept coming through the headset.


With a bell ringing, the elevator stopped and the door slowly opened.

At the same time, all the club boys waiting near the elevator door raised their guns and fired, and bullets rained down on the elevator car.

Even a fly can't fly out with this kind of fire suppression!

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