Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2512 I’ll show you what real kung fu is


As one person raised his left hand high, the gunshots stopped and the surrounding area became quiet.

There was nothing in the elevator except bullet holes all over the wall.

The guy who was clearly watching entering the elevator has now disappeared!

Strange, where are the people?

Chen Xin'an had already opened the skylight above the elevator and climbed out.

Putting on the prepared non-slip gloves, Chen Xin'an grabbed the cable and began to climb up.

In fact, there is no need to be too tired. No matter whether the elevator is going up or down, there are corresponding cables that slide up or down.

As long as you grasp the timing well and grab the upward cable, you can use the force to move upward. Just don't worry about being strangled.

Since the other party has ambushed many levels, what Chen Xin'an has to do is to disrupt their deployment and plans.

The elevator stopped one floor below, then continued upward, and soon stopped again.

The other party was not slow to respond and began to investigate layer by layer.

Chen Xin'an was not in a hurry. When the elevator stopped again, he stood on the inside of the door, then used a long knife to pry open the gap and force the door open.

Someone was talking in the corridor, but they didn't look this way.

Chen Xin'an's steps were very light, and she followed the sound and walked forward.

Two club boys in suits were on guard at the stairs. Chen Xin'an turned on the communication system, and Xu Qilan started translating there.

I had already contacted Xu Qilan when I came here. She will be put to great use tonight as an instant translator for Chen Xin'an.

There was no need to ask or answer, as long as she heard the Japanese words in the headset, she would tell Chen Xinan what it meant.

"Oura, where did that guy go?

Is he really the legendary devil?

I heard that he killed Lord Miyazawa with his own hands!

Almost all the brothers who went to Chinatown that night died at the hands of this guy! "

"Zhengji, you idiot, where is the devil!

That guy is just a Chinese who knows some kung fu and uses guns!

I can do kung fu!

Have you forgotten that I am the boxing champion of this year’s Daohe United Rookie Competition?

The Chinese are all sick, and no one can really fight!

If that guy stood in front of me, without a gun, I could blow his head off in three seconds! "

The two were chatting happily when a burst of applause suddenly sounded in their ears.

The two people who were startled turned around and saw the young man in sportswear behind them.

Both of them were a little creepy.

Is this guy a ghost?

When did you stand here?

Why is there no sound at all?

"Who are you?" Da Pu shouted sharply to Chen Xin'an:

"What are you doing here? A closure notice was issued tonight, didn't you see it? Get out of here right now!"

Zhengzhi on the side pulled his arm with a pale face and said in a trembling voice: "D-Dada Pu, he should be that Chen, Chen Xin'an!"

Oura's expression changed and he subconsciously took a step back.

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a half-smile, threw the backpack behind her on the ground, pulled her sleeves, clapped her hands, and then hooked her wrists twice at the two of them.

Now I don't have a gun in my hand, you can come together.

Zheng Zhi swallowed his saliva and didn't dare to move.

This guy is the one who cut off Lord Miyazawa’s head!

And tonight, he will have a duel with Mr. Takabe, the top master of the Dohe Alliance!

If his kung fu was poor, how could he dare to go to Daohe Building alone and come to make an appointment with Mr. Takabe?

However, Da Pu was worried and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Huaxia people, don't you know kung fu?

Your kung fu is all learned from our Da Ying martial arts!

Today I will show you what is the most authentic ancient martial arts! "

As he spoke, he punched Chen Xin'an in the face!

Chen Xin'an did not dodge, but when the fist was close to the tip of her nose, she raised her left hand and slapped the opponent on the wrist!


Oura's punch was empty, and most of his strength was gone.

However, Oura did not stop, and followed closely with the second punch from his left hand, targeting Chen Xin'an's face.

The characteristic of his punches is that he is fast!

In this year's rookie competition, he relied on his unparalleled fast punches to pass the test and became the rookie king of the Daohe League.

Tomoyuki Miyazawa is his idol.

Since you are in a mixed club, you must be the one who can fight best. Only in this way can you stand out!

He believed that Chen Xin'an, a Chinese, could not evade such an intensive attack even though he had escaped one or two punches from him!

But he suddenly discovered that he was faster, and the other party was even faster than him!

Chen Xin'an just stood there, exposed to the attack range of his fist.

Except for his left hand, the rest of his body was completely motionless.

Every time, just when his fist was about to approach the opponent's door, he was slapped by his left hand!

He didn't even touch the opponent's hair, but the insides of his wrists were already swollen!

Shao said that he had thrown fifty or sixty punches just now, but none of them could hit.

However, his arms were so painful that he could hardly lift them up, and his physical strength was exhausted. He was no longer able to attack, so he could only stop and gasp for air.

On the contrary, the opponent standing in front of him still looked calm and composed, and even his breathing did not change.

But there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and there was a hint of disdain in his expression, as if he was mocking the opponent who just said he could blow his head off in three seconds. With this strength?

At this moment, a proud smile appeared on Oura's face, as if he had won the battle, and he said with a ferocious smile: "Go to hell!"

Zhengzhi, who was standing behind Chen Xin'an, had already taken out his pistol, pointed it at Chen Xin'an's head, and then pulled the trigger!

He had been acting very timid and timid just now, as if he was afraid of Chen Xin'an.

In fact, he was indeed afraid of this person and knew that this person was very strong, but that didn't mean he would surrender.

He just used his cowardly appearance to lower Chen Xin'an's wariness against him.

Then look for a favorable position and opportunity, take out your gun and blow Chen Xin'an's head off!

A gunshot rang out and a bullet hit the back of Chen Xin'an's head.

Da Pu had a ferocious smile on his face, ready to watch Chen Xin'an's head being penetrated with wide eyes.

But at this moment, he saw the person in front of him shake.

It seemed to be moving, but I couldn't see it clearly.

However, the opponent who was originally standing facing him now had his back turned to him and was standing facing Shoji.

He also raised his right hand and placed it at the same level as his eyes. He twisted his fingers and pinched a yellow bullet!

Oura and Shoji's faces instantly lost all color, and they stood still in fear!

He actually caught the bullet with his hand!

How can this be?

How can a person catch a bullet with his bare hands?

What kind of hand speed is this?

Oura finally realized that his so-called fast punch speed was nothing but a joke in front of Chen Xin'an!

He can even catch bullets, so it's no wonder that he can accurately deflect every punch!

He had no chance of winning against such a person!

Chen Xin'an looked at Zheng Zhi mockingly, and the finger that twisted the bullet suddenly paused, then flicked his middle finger, and with a pop, the bullet penetrated into the center of Zheng Zhi's forehead, and a line of blood spurted out behind his head!

Zhengji's eyes were wide open, but they were lifeless. His body fell straight to the ground, dead.

Da Pu turned around and wanted to run away, but Chen Xin'an waved his left arm and hit Da Pu on the head like a casual punch!

There was a crisp click, and this was the last sound Oura heard in this world.

He felt that his head turned several times on his neck, and his cervical vertebrae were completely gone. His vision went dark, and he fell heavily to the ground!

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