After dealing with these two people, Chen Xin'an picked up his backpack and walked forward along the corridor.

Seeing that there was no access control at the door next to him, Chen Xin'an pushed it. Unexpectedly, it actually opened the door.

But the facilities inside made Chen Xinan stunned.

There is a large circular water bed in the middle, with a large mirror facing it.

There are actually hanging rings and red ropes on the bed, and there are all kinds of things hanging on the wall next to it.

Whips, chains, collars, handcuffs...

Chen Xin'an withdrew with a blushing face and opened the door next to her. It was basically the same.

It turns out that this floor is just for people to play!

The Ying people are really perverted, and this is the first time he has seen some things!

No wonder there were only two people guarding this floor. They probably knew that the enemy would not come to such a boring place.

However, Chen Xin'an found several small buckets in a room, which contained some seemingly transparent but very viscous liquid.

Although I can’t understand the Japanese characters on the outer label, I can understand the picture. It should be something like massage oil.

He found a candle igniter nearby. Chen Xin'an grinned, lit the sheets on fire, and then poured the oil on the big bed!

Seeing the fire burning, Chen Xin'an turned around and walked out, closing the door.

Just after taking a few steps, there was a loud bang behind me!

The fire wave rushed out of the room that was just set on fire with the door fragments in it, and spread for several meters in the corridor!

Chen Xin'an ran forward more than ten meters in embarrassment, slapping the flames on his body and cursing.

I didn't expect that kind of oil to explode, and it was quite powerful!

Are the people of Japan so cruel?

Did you mix gunpowder with water and rub it on your body?

Just as I was thinking about it, another explosion came, more powerful than the one just now!

Chen Xin'an felt that the whole building was shaking, and after one sound, there were three or four more sounds in succession!

Did this set the gunpowder magazine on fire?

What exactly is on this floor?

Chen Xin'an returned to the elevator entrance, opened the elevator door, looked at the elevator car rising from below, grinned, took out a small pineapple from his backpack, and threw it away.

He turned around and quickly walked to the corner of the nearby corridor, covering his ears with his hands.

Soon there was a loud noise in the elevator shaft, accompanied by the screams of countless people.

The elevator indicator light that was originally on also went out, and there was a bang in the elevator shaft, like a heavy object falling to the ground!

In an office on the eighth floor, a woman wearing a black Japanese robe asked with a ferocious face:

"Rush up from the stairs. No matter how much you pay, you must bring Chen Xin'an to me and let me cut off his head with my own hands!"

She picked up a photo in her hand and said in a deep voice to the woman on it: "Jingxiang, don't worry, my sister will definitely avenge you!"

Takabe Kenxiong, who was sitting next to her, looked at her lovingly and said, "Mina, I'd better leave this person to me. Anyway, he has agreed to compete with me..."

Gao Limina glared at him and cursed: "I said I would kill him with my own hands, didn't you hear?"

Takabe Kenxiong frowned, looking embarrassed.

It seems that she also knew that her attitude was a little too much. Gao Limina's expression softened, she turned to Takabe Kenxiong and said:

"Uncle Jianxiong, I know you do it for my own good and are worried about me.

But I don't want you to risk it for me.

If you were ten years younger, I could safely let you deal with Chen Xin'an.

But now, he is only in his twenties, and you are almost seventy. This kind of competition is originally unfair.

I no longer have a father, a mother, and a sister. Now I can no longer live without you, my only relative!

No matter what method I use, I will not let Chen Xin'an leave here alive tonight, no matter what the price is!

I want to kill him, but also let you live! "

Hearing what she said, Takabe Kenxiong's face was also filled with relief.

He smiled slightly and said to Gao Limina with a proud look on his face: "Mina, as warriors like us get older, their physical flexibility will certainly deteriorate a lot.

But masters don't just count on physical flexibility.

My sword skills and inner strength have improved with age. This is a capital that Chen Xin'an cannot match if he lives for another thirty years!

If I play against Chen Xin'an, I will not give him any chance to attack or escape.

It's actually not difficult to kill him, so don't worry! "

Gao Limina looked at him, nodded and said, "In this case, when Chen Xin'an is trapped, I will ask Uncle Jianxiong to cut off his head for me."

At this moment, there was an explosion from above, and the whole building was shaking.

Gao Limina's expression changed, she stood up and asked in surprise: "What happened?"

Someone ran in and said in a panic: "Madam, there was an explosion and fire on the 18th floor. Our sesame oil was ignited and a deflagration occurred. Now the fire protection facilities have been destroyed!"

"This bastard! I'm going to kill him! Tell everyone, he is on the 18th floor. Come up and kill him. Don't let him escape again!"

The younger brother looked embarrassed and said to Gao Limina: "Madam, it's burning up there. The fire is too strong and there's no way anyone can get up!"

Gao Limina shouted frantically: "Even if you can't get up, you have to get up! No matter what the price, I will kill him!"

Takabe Kenxiong said softly: "Mina, you are actually..."

"Shut up!" Gao Limina shouted at him and said through gritted teeth, "Whoever dares to disobey orders is a traitor to the Daohe Alliance!"

No one dared to say anything now, they all kept their mouths shut.

"Hey!" Takabe Kenxiong sighed, stood up and walked out slowly.

He didn't go far, he just came to the next room and opened the door.

Smoke lingered in the room, and from time to time there was the sound of wooden fish knocking.

When he heard someone walking in, the bald man sitting on the futon behind the incense altar stopped tapping and said calmly: "My friend, your heart is confused! Don't you have confidence in this battle?"

Takabe Kenxiong sat next to him, nodded and said: "It's not because of strength. I believe that with my current combat power, even if he is twenty or thirty years younger, he is still no match for me!"

"But you're afraid of him!" The bald head opened his eyes, and said to Takabe Kenxiong as if to poke his heart:

"I see fear in your eyes!

I remember you didn’t have such fear when you used your third level strength to kill the fourth level master of China’s inner strength! "

Takabe Kenxiong sighed and said to him: "Because such an opponent is a true warrior!

As long as they have an obsession with martial arts in their hearts, I can take advantage of them.

But the person I have to deal with now is fundamentally different from the Chinese warriors we met before.

He has no rules at all and does not abide by them. He is worse than the bad guys and more evil than the traitors.

There is no scruple in doing things, and there is no lower limit to the means.

It's very troublesome to deal with such people, I'm afraid I might miss! "

The bald man smiled slightly and said to him: "This is why you invited me here!

Don't worry, my friend, I'll watch you fight him.

No matter what tricks he wants to play, I won't give him a chance! "

Takabe Kenxiong breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "With the help of the temple, no matter how cunning he is, I won't be afraid anymore!"

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation from the next door!

Takabe Kenxiong stood up suddenly, shouted in panic: "Mina!" He turned around and ran out!

The bald man shook his head helplessly.

This old friend is good at everything, but he is too nervous about the little girl he has watched grow up.

As an old friend, he could certainly see Takabe Kenio's abnormal feelings for Gao Limina, but he did not stop it.

After all, in Da Ying, this kind of thing is nothing!

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