Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2517 I stand here and let you chop me down

In the eyes of others, the two people fought each other in an instant, and then separated in an instant.

Before he could understand it, the master's long sword was broken!

The group of disciples were stunned and no one spoke for a moment.

Zangshan Ren stared at Chen Xin'an, but felt a little shocked in his heart.

Of course he can see that Chen Xin'an's strength is by no means inferior to Gaobe Kenxiong!

I originally thought that no matter how strong this young man was, he was just a lucky martial artist who accidentally glimpsed the realm of inner strength, so he was stronger than ordinary warriors.

Relying on this, he was able to deal with the killers of Sakura Club.

As the guardian of the Sakura Club, Zangshan Shinobi naturally knew the name Chen Xin'an for a long time.

It was only when he met the real person that he realized that the information about this person given to him by Sakura Club was really unreliable!

This person's strength is the most unfathomable that Kuroyama Shinobi has ever seen.

Not even from the duel between him and Takabe Kenxiong, but from the first time he met him and caught the long knife he threw casually with both hands, the Kurayama ninja felt that this Chen Xin'an was very strong!

Now he knows even more that he is strong enough to compete with Takabe Kenyu in an equal duel!

It seems that my old friend is in danger this time!

Looking at the broken sword in his hand, Takabe Kenxiong looked a little confused.

This portable weapon that had been with him for more than thirty years was broken so easily?

Although it was not cast by a famous master, and it was not a precious sword, it was a gift given to him by his good friend.

This good friend is Takanashi Mina's father, Takanashi Takahiro.

He was chased by his enemies, and when Takabe Kenxiong arrived, he was already dead.

Before his death, Takanashi Takahiro gave this sword to Takabe Keno and entrusted him to take care of his two daughters.

From that time on, Takabe Keno began to contact Takanashi Mina, who was already fourteen years old.

And the relationship is getting better and better, and we are getting closer.

It can be said that this sword carries many memories of Takabe Kenxiong, but now, it has been broken!

Takabe Kenxiong was sad, but he didn't say much. He just said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, can you let me change my sword?"

Chen Xin'an relaxed his shoulders and made a casual gesture.

Takabe Kenxiong turned around and shouted to Toshiya.

Min also stood up and ran out, and soon came back with a long knife in his chest.

Seeing him carefully handing the long sword to Gaobe Kenxiong, Chen Xin'an also realized that this sword should be a precious sword!

Takabe Kenxiong knelt on the ground, held the sword flat with both hands, placed it gently on the ground, and bowed three times.

Then he solemnly covered the long knife, choked, and pulled out the knife.

Chen Xin'an also had to admit that this knife looked completely different from the one just now in terms of material and toughness!

Takabe Kenxiong stood up, held the knife with both hands again, rotated the blade, and made a downward slashing motion. The tip of the knife pointed diagonally at the sky and said coldly to Chen Xin'an: "Please!"

At this time, Takabe Kenxiong finally had the aura of a first-class swordsman in Japan, and his whole body was integrated with the long sword in his hand.

Before the sword was drawn, the sharp sword energy made people feel that the surrounding temperature had dropped a lot.

Chen Xin'an also restrained her joking thoughts, stared at Gao Bu Jianxiong, twirled the sword, held the handle of the sword behind her back, placed it across her chest, clasped her fists and said, "Please!"

It was still Takabe Kenxiong who took the lead in attacking!

He stepped forward with his left foot, followed closely with his right foot and left heel. His feet moved forward quickly, and he was in front of Chen Xin'an in the blink of an eye!

The long knife was swung down, like lightning, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and even the sound of breaking through the air did not have time to appear!

This silent sword slashed diagonally at Chen Xin'an's shoulder.

Only this time, Chen Xin'an didn't stand up, and kept retreating with both feet to avoid the knife!

Takabe Kenxiong didn't give Chen Xin'an a chance to breathe. He put his feet forward and pressed forward step by step.

The long knife in his hand continued to draw arcs of light. There was no other movement, just diagonal slashes from left to right!

Chen Xin'an retreated one after another, as if his whole body was shrouded in sword light. As soon as he stopped, his whole body would be split in half!

"Master, that's awesome! That's it, hack him to death!"

"I said before, as long as Master picks up his Kotetsu Sword, he will be invincible!"

"You did fight back! Weren't you very arrogant just now? Why don't you even dare to fight back now?"

"Haha, how can he fight back now? It's good if he can hide! If he were a little slower, he would die under the master's sword!"

Takanashi Mina, whose eyes were fixed on the battle, felt very happy when she saw that Chen Xin'an could only parry and had no ability to fight back. She was at a disadvantage!

She shouted to the stage with a ferocious expression: "Kill him! What are you waiting for? Hurry up and chop him to death! Uncle, my hand hurts!"

"Shut up!" Zangshan Ren shouted angrily at her.

Takabe Kenxiong's body froze, his hands paused, and he continued to swing the sword.

However, there was still a moment of stagnation in the series of sword skills.

For others, this may not be noticeable at all, and they may not even react.

But for a master like Chen Xin'an, this moment of stagnation is enough for him to take a breath and do a lot of things!

He took advantage of this opportunity, suddenly approached, and stood face to face with Takabe Kenxiong!

The distance between the two is no more than a punch, and even their breathing can be clearly heard!

The long knife cannot function at all at such a distance!

Instead, it was Chen Xin'an's sword that made several hooks in succession, almost breaking Gaobe Kenxiong's belly!

Takabe Kenxiong, who had been pressing forward step by step just now, could only retreat continuously to avoid Chen Xin'an's close combat.

The disciples who were originally cheering and shouting also tightly shut their mouths.

In just the blink of an eye, the situation of the battle was turned upside down!

Listening to Gaobe Kenxiong's rapid breathing, the corners of Chen Xin'an's mouth curled up.

He knew that the other party was almost out of strength.

Physical exhaustion is the most terrifying enemy for an elderly person!

Takabe Kenxiong's eyes were full of unwillingness. He held the sword in both hands, but he couldn't use it, and it became a burden!

If he were twenty years younger, such a situation would not have happened. With his body skills, he could pull off the fierce force and keep the opponent under the cover of his blade!

It's just that now, he is already an old man. If he fights an opponent in his prime, he has no chance of winning physically!

As if seeing his unwillingness, Chen Xin'an suddenly stopped the blade, pushed his chest with a palm, and pushed him a few meters away.

Not to mention that Takabe Kenxiong was a little confused, even the group of disciples next to him didn't know what Chen Xin'an was going to do.

Chen Xin'an moved her fingers and made the sword rotate quickly in the palm of her hand. She sneered and said to Takabe Kenxiong:

"I know you are dissatisfied and feel that you are too old to take advantage of your physical strength.

That's fine, I won't bully you either.

I'll just stand here without moving and let you hit me.

If you can hack me to death, you are considered very capable!

But you have to remember, if we fight again, life or death will be decided!

If you can't kill me, you will be the one who falls! "

After someone translated Chen Xin'an's words, the people around him were stunned for a moment, and then yelled angrily!

"What is this arrogant Chinese guy talking about? That bastard pig, he has to pay the price for his arrogance!"

"Master, this is a good opportunity for him to come to your door. Hack him to death and don't hold back anymore!"

"How dare he humiliate Master like this! Humiliating Master is humiliating our martial arts! Why are you so polite to such an arrogant pig? Let's all join in and hack him to death!"

Mina Takanashi also angrily cursed Takabe Kenio: "Why are you so useless! Didn't you have the upper hand just now?

You're so close to hacking him to death, you better hurry up! "

The Zangshan nin shouted angrily at everyone: "Shut up! Whoever dares to talk nonsense again, I will beat him to death first!"

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