Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2518 What a fast knife

It is difficult for older warriors to maintain long-term physical strength, so duels with others usually decide the outcome with one move.

It just so happens that a powerful opponent like Chen Xin'an will never fight with you with one move.

Chen Xin'an likes to fight with masters. The more masters, the more he can arouse his desire to fight.

He will not fight for life and death right away, but will constantly observe the opponent's moves and weaknesses.

Try to remember the highlights of the opponent's killing moves as much as possible, and try to turn them into your own things.

The most important thing is to find the opponent's flaws, and then break the flaws and defeat the opponent!

Chen Xin'an stood in place, hooked his finger at Gao Bu Jianxiong, and raised the corners of his mouth.

Compared with the anger of his disciples, Gao Bu Jianxiong did not have too many emotions.

He held the knife with both hands, closed his eyes, breathed slowly, and adjusted his breath.

The moment he opened his eyes, he also moved.

His feet quickly ran forward in small steps, and a diagonal chop was made at Chen Xin'an's head!

Chen Xinan slashed his hands and leaned back to avoid the knife.

Gaobu Jianxiong's body trembled, his hands turned, and then he slashed from the bottom to the top of Chen Xinan's left waist.

This change of moves was too fast, twice as fast as Gaobu Jianxiong's move just now, and Chen Xinan seemed to have nowhere to hide!

At least in the eyes of Zangshan Shinobu, if he faced this move, he would not know how to dodge and would definitely get hurt!

But Chen Xinan did a move he could not have thought of at all

He originally leaned back, but now he simply fell down completely and lay flat on the ground!

But Gaobu Jianxiong seemed to have known that he would resolve it this way, and let the long sword turn a circle on the back of his hand.

In Chen Xinan's eyes, the long hilt of the knife was stuck on Gaobu Jianxiong's right hand, and the guard in front of the hilt just served as the center point, turning around his right hand!

This is the turning sword technique in the Itto-ryu style, which quickly changes the normal grip to the reverse grip.

Gaobu Jianxiong still held the hilt with both hands and thrust it down fiercely!


The tip of the knife pierced through Chen Xin'an's body and stabbed into

These three moves were fired by Gao Bu Jianxiong with accumulated power, without any pause in between.

All the changes and counters seemed to have been rehearsed in advance, but in fact they were all the on-the-spot reactions of the two.

Before the group of apprentices could see clearly, or even react, they had already seen Chen Xin'an being nailed to the ground by a knife.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then cheers rang out!

"I said that Master would not lose, that guy is simply looking for death!"

"Dare to underestimate Master's strength, and shamelessly say that you will not move and let Master hit you? Now you, a piglet, know how powerful our Daying martial arts are, right?"

"Did anyone see Master's move just now? It's amazing! Such a fast and unexpected knife rotation is definitely a great move!"

The most excited person is Takanari Mina!

She looked at Chen Xin'an who was nailed to the ground, and shouted with wide eyes: "Great! Uncle, you finally killed this bastard!

Sister, Uncle Jianxiong helped you get revenge!

Damn Chinese, aren't you very arrogant?

Now you get up and continue to be arrogant!

Uncle Jianxiong, go cut off Chen Xin'an's head now and give it to me!

His head is worth 5 million Eagle Flag Yuan, and I will give you 500,000 when the time comes... No, I will give you 1 million!

Go, go cut off his head, what are you waiting for!"

After Gaobu Jianxiong nailed Chen Xin'an to death with a knife, he still stood there with his waist bent, his hands still holding the handle of the knife, and the whole person seemed to be frozen.

But Cangshan Ren saw that a drop of blood dripped from his neck!

"Mr. Gaobu!" Cangshan Ren shouted with a frown.

Gaobu Jianxiong seemed to want to respond, his throat moved, and just as he was about to speak, a burst of blood quickly splashed out, and his knees softened and he knelt on the ground!

"Master!" A group of disciples were startled and all stood up.

Chen Xinan bent his legs, and without using his hands to support himself, he used the strength of his heels to stand up again, and stood beside Gaobu Jianxiong.

The long knife nailed to the ground pierced two holes in his clothes on the left side, but did not leave any scars on his body!

In his right hand, he still held the sword, and blood was still dripping on the blade at this moment!

Gaobu Jianxiong let go of the long knife and tried to cover his throat with both hands.

But the gushing blood made it impossible for him to stop the wound. He knelt on the ground and could no longer support his body. He was about to fall!

Cangshan Ren had come to his side and hugged him, trying to stop the bleeding for him, but when he saw the wound, he gave up the action.

It was useless. This knife cut open the trachea, and Gaobu Jianxiong was beyond saving.

He was a little puzzled. When did Chen Xinan use the knife?

After thinking about it, Cangshan Ren remembered the scene when Gaobu Jianxiong made his first move!

After that downward chop, Chen Xinan leaned back to dodge.

At that moment, he had already drawn his sword.

After the first strike, Gao Bu Jianxiong's body shook obviously. He must have been stabbed by the sword at that time, right?

From beginning to end, Chen Xin'an only made this one strike, and it was a fatal strike.

But Gao Bu Jianxiong made two more moves in succession, without any pause!

If he was hit after the first strike, how could he make consecutive moves afterwards, as if he was not affected?

The only explanation is that Chen Xin'an's move was too fast!

It was so fast that even Zang Shan Shinobu couldn't see it clearly.

It was so fast that the wound appeared, but the injury was not formed.

The instinct of the body allowed Takabe Kenyu to complete all the remaining movements. When the injury broke out, everything was already too late!

Under this sword, all Takabe Kenxiong's moves became slow motion, which is not worth mentioning!

Gaobe Jianxiong looked pale, raised his head with difficulty to look at Chen Xin'an, and said with trembling lips: "Okay, quick, knife!"

A large amount of blood bubbles poured out of his mouth, and his eyes gradually dimmed.

Chen Xin'an looked at Gaobe Kenxiong seriously and said solemnly: "The last three moves are very powerful!

If you were twenty years younger, I might not be able to escape with just your knife-turning skills! "

A proud smile appeared on Takabe Kenxiong's face, and his eyes looked at Chen Xin'an with a hint of gratitude.

Then Hululu popped out a mouthful of blood bubbles and turned to look at Takanashi Mina, her eyes filled with reluctance, and her breath was completely cut off.

"Master!" The disciples rushed over and surrounded Takabe Kenxiong.

Takanashi Mina stood with disappointment and resentment on her face.

"Why are you so useless!

Aren't you bragging about your swordsmanship all day long?

Now you can't even kill anyone, you really deserve to die!

You waste, you wasted twenty years of my youth.

It’s no use in bed, it’s no use under the bed, it’s already dead! "

A group of disciples are all overly sad after their master dies, and they are not in the mood to pay attention to this crazy woman now.

When Mina Takanashi saw Chen Xin'an looking over, she cursed with a ferocious face: "You piggy boy, you're so lucky, I let you escape again!

It doesn't matter, I'll play with you slowly!

If I don't kill you, I won't be a member of the Takanashi family!

Zangshan Ninja, aren't you from the Great Ying Temple?

Isn't Takabe Takeo your friend?

Now your friend has been killed, why don't you help him avenge him? "

Zangshan Ninja sighed and said calmly: "Mr. Takabe and Mr. Chen are fighting a fair duel. If you ask for mercy, you will get mercy. If you ask for death, you will deserve death. You don't need me to take revenge!"

Takanashi Mina laughed loudly and said with a contemptuous look: "If you are afraid, you are afraid, why are you talking so high-sounding!

A little Chinese guy bent the backs of all the men in the whole country. What a joke! "

The Zangshan nin turned his head and looked at her, his eyes full of contempt, and said coldly:

"The only confused thing about Mr. Takabe's heroic life is that he fell in love with a woman like you. It's not worth it!"

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