Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2519 I have only one reason to kill you

The door of the martial arts hall was opened, and a large number of Daohelian disciples poured in.

Funakoshi saw Takabe Kenio's body on the stage at a glance, and his face changed drastically, but he didn't say much, and just led people to protect Takanashi Mina.

Mina Takanashi seemed to be crazy and shouted to everyone around her: "Kill Chen Xin'an!

Whoever can kill him, I won’t take any of the bounty, I will give it all to him! "

The eyes of a group of Dao Helian brothers were bright and they were eager to give it a try.

Kurayama Shinobu said with a gloomy face: "Mrs. Takanashi, the first thing to do now is to carry Mr. Takabe out and handle the funeral arrangements, right?"

Mina Takanashi scolded with disdain: "A good-for-nothing will die when he dies! Killing Chen Xin'an is the most important thing for me right now!"

Not to mention that Takabe Kenxiong's disciples all looked angry, even the people from Dao Helian felt a little chilled after hearing these words.

The current president’s wife has really gone crazy and fallen into a state of madness!

The Kurayama Shinobi scolded her with a gloomy face: "Mr. Takabe has tried his best, and even if he dies in battle, it will be a glorious defeat.

Throughout his life, he looked up to the heaven and the earth and was worthy of others!

It's in vain that he is so infatuated with you. He didn't expect you to be so cold-hearted. Aren't you afraid of chilling everyone's heart? "

"Stand up to the sky and be worthy of others?" Takanashi Mina showed a mocking look on her face, pointing at Takabe Kenxiong's body and said: "Are you talking about him? Is he worthy?"

"What do you say again!" Toshiya turned around with tears on his face and shouted to Takanashi Mina: "If you dare to slander my master again, I will make you pay the price!"

The other disciples all glared at Takanashi Mina.

Funakoshi stood in front of Takanashi Mina, stared at Toshiya and shouted: "How dare you disrespect the president's wife and seek death?"

Takanashi Mina pushed Funakoshi away with her left hand, pointed at Takabe Keno's body and cursed:

"I lost my father when I was fourteen. My father was his friend and asked him to take care of my two sisters before he died.

Do you know how he takes care of us?

My father's body was still cold, and our sisters were insulted by him!

My sister is only eleven years old!

This beast has caused harm to our sisters for twelve years! "

Everyone was stunned. They didn't expect that the usually sanctimonious Takabe-sama would have such a nasty side!

But no one suspected that Takanashi Mina was talking nonsense, because this kind of thing is not uncommon in Da Ying!

Mina Takanashi looked at Kurayama Shinobi sarcastically and said, "Is this what you mean by standing up to the sky and standing up to the earth, worthy of others?"

The old Zangshan nin blushed and was speechless. He looked at the body of his old friend and sighed.

He actually knew about this matter. When he was young, Takabe Kenxiong regarded this as something he was proud of and told him about it.

It was only later that Takabe Keno's feelings for Takanashi Mina changed and he became completely obsessed with her.

I'm afraid Takabe Kenxiong never thought until his death that the person he loved deeply would hate him so much.

This also explains why Takabe Keno was so supportive of Takanashi Mina's mastery of the Doi Alliance.

Could it be said that her marriage to Suzutaro Michimoto and his death were also influenced by Takabe Keno?

Kurayama Shinobu looked at his dead old friend beside him and suddenly felt strange.

Chen Xin'an folded her arms and watched this bloody drama, feeling a little speechless.

This kind of thing can only happen in Da Ying, right?

Mina Takanashi looked at Shinobu Kurayama with a sarcastic look and said, "Mr. Kurayama, if I remember correctly, you are the guardian of Sakura Club, right?

Chen Xin'an is the target that Sakura Club must eliminate. Now that he is standing in front of you and has killed your friends, you will just sit here and watch? "

The Kurayama Shinobi glanced at her with disgust, and said lightly: "Ms. Takanashi, Chen Xin'an and I must have a battle, but not now!"

Min Ye said angrily: "Master Zangshan, are you leaving now? Don't you want to avenge my master?"

Funakoshi snorted coldly and said to the Kurayama Shinobi: "Speaking of which, our Dohelian went to deal with Chen Xin'an because of your Sakura Club.

Now that Chen Xin'an is right in front of you, you, a member of the Sakura Club, have to run away first! "

Zangshan Ren looked impatient and shouted at Chen Xin'an: "Chen Xin'an!"

The sound caused everyone around him to close their mouths at the same time and reach out their hands to cover their ears with pain on their faces.

After a while, they loosened their hands and rubbed their buzzing ears.

But at this moment, another blast of thunder sounded in my ears: "What are you doing!"

Chen Xin'an also shouted loudly, the volume was even louder than what Zangshan Ninja shouted just now!

Several Dao Helian boys knelt down on the spot, their hands covering their ears were smeared with blood, and their eardrums were already injured!

Chen Xin'an curled her lips, what a lion's roar!

Just use your inner energy on your vocal cords and exhale loudly, so your voice will naturally become louder.

He watched it twice and after a little pondering, he learned it.

Zangshan Ren turned around, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Mr. Chen, I am here today to be a witness to the duel between you and Mr. Takabe.

Now that the outcome has been decided between you, my mission is completed.

Next time, it's my turn to duel with you.

If you can leave here alive tonight, I will wait for you at the top of Yingjing Tower at twelve o'clock in the evening three days later.

I'm sorry, Takabe Takeo is my friend, I come from the Great Era Temple, and I'm still a worshiper of the Sakura Club.

These three reasons make this battle unavoidable. Please forgive me! "

Chen Xinan grinned, looked at Cang Shan Ren and said, "I want to kill you for one reason, you are a master from Daying and have been to China!" Cang Shan Ren opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end, turned around and left quietly. Now only the people from Daohelian and 20 to 30 disciples of Gao Bu Jianxiong were left in the field. Everyone looked at Chen Xinan with a covetous look and silently drew their weapons. The fire upstairs had been put out, but the building was seriously damaged. The most important thing was that the loss was huge, not just economically, but more than 30 people died! Now even Gao Bu Jianxiong, the first master of Daohelian, died at the hands of Chen Xinan, and the entire Daohelian was afraid and hated Chen Xinan. It was not easy to block him here alone. If he couldn't be killed this time, there would be no such opportunity in the future! "Kill him! Whoever can cut off his head with his own hands will receive a five million bonus, and I will give him one million more!"

Takarari Mina's face was ferocious, she pointed at Chen Xin'an with her left hand and shouted loudly!

The people around were all boiling!

A full six million Eagle Flag Yuan, that is a fortune that cannot be earned in several lifetimes!

Everyone shouted and raised their knives and rushed towards Chen Xin'an.

Takarari Mina looked at the crowd with satisfaction, grinned and cursed at Chen Xin'an: "I wonder if you will die today!"

Chen Xin'an sneered and suddenly rushed forward!

Under such circumstances, he not only did not run away, but rushed to a crowded place!

Before everyone reacted, Takarari Mina let out a shrill scream!

Chen Xin'an cut off the elbow tendon of Takarari Mina's left arm with a sword, and stabbed her in the stomach with a knife.

The wounds avoided the large blood vessels and fatal parts, so Takarari Mina could only feel pain but could not die.

Since you are so crazy about wanting my life, Chen Xin'an, then I will let you watch me make a scene in your Daohe League with your own eyes!

Of course, I can't let you watch the fight here so comfortably, and accompany me while bleeding!

A large number of Daohe League members poured into the martial arts hall. The originally empty venue was soon filled with people, at least thousands of people!

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