Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 249 Why do we need doctors when we all rely on instruments?

Someone paid for Xiaojiu's master and apprentice to steal Li Zecheng's official seal, and then gave the official seal to the person behind it. This ended the matter.

I just don’t know the reason, but it’s probably because the price was not agreed upon, which led to the delivery being unsuccessful.

Xiaojiu's master went into hiding and made others angry. Because he was afraid that the matter would be exposed, he wanted to steal the official seal and kill people to silence him.

However, he didn't know where the official seal was hidden now, so he could only find the place where Xiaojiu lived temporarily.

I couldn't find anyone or the official seal, so I just blew up the place with gas and burned it down!

This should be the process of the entire case. The official seal should be on Xiaojiu's master now!

The meeting place between the master and the apprentice was at the train station, which meant that the old boy wanted to run away and leave Dongshan!

"Take us to the train station to meet your master and get our things back! I'll let you leave Dongshan!" Chen Xin'an said to Xiaojiu.

Xiaojiu pouted and said, "Then what good do we do?"

Lei Ming glared at her angrily and said, "What's in your ears? Can't you hear my master's words? The good thing is that I let you go! Otherwise, how about sending you to prison?"

"Hmph!" Xiaojiu pouted her mouth in dissatisfaction and said angrily: "Do you know how big a circle we have made on this trip?

From Haidong to Guanbei, and from Guanbei to Tailan.

I originally thought I could have a lot of fun in Tailan for a few days, but I didn't expect to receive such a job.

It was difficult to start on the plane, so I chased all the way back to Dongshan, and then it happened!

I was originally expecting to make a lot of money, but if you just want to have sex for free with just a few words, that's definitely not going to work! "

Ah Quan swallowed his saliva on the side, looked directly at Xiao Jiu and said: "I can pay, you make a price!"

Xiaojiu glanced at him with disdain on his face: "A police academy student is so poor, can you afford it? An Ge'er is the boss!"

Ah Quan became anxious and said to her: "But Brother An already has a wife, so I won't do this!"

Xiaojiu looked puzzled, frowned and asked, "What does this have to do with whether he has a wife?"

She is still a little sister who is less than twenty years old, and she is not in the same channel as you, a mosaic in the mind!

Chen Xin'an said to Xiaojiu helplessly: "Ignore him! Let me tell you Xiaojiu, you may not understand the current situation!

Do you believe that if I turn around and walk away now, you will never reach the train station? You can’t see your master anymore?

Maybe your master is in danger now!

Anyone who dares to blow up this place in such a big way is a powerful and capable person. You, master and disciple, are in big trouble this time! "

Xiao Jiu wanted to say something else, but Ah Quan shouted to her anxiously: "Listen to Brother An, he never scares others, and there is no need!"

Lei Ming gave him a strange look, opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Chen Xinan turned around and left. He didn't want to waste time with Xiaojiu here.

The police have already arrived and are questioning the proprietress. Of course, Xiaojiu will not show up and stays away from him.

Chen Xin'an originally wanted to leave, but there was a cry of surprise from the side. The girl named Feifei suddenly lay on the ground and fainted!

Her two sisters wanted her to go to the hospital just now, but she refused to go.

Seeing Ah Quan walking by the door, the two girls quickly came up to stop him and prevent him from leaving!

"Feifei has been injured by you, and you still want to leave? No way!"

"Comrade police, this is the man who beat someone upstairs just now. You should arrest him quickly!"

The policeman came over and was about to speak when he saw Lei Ming. He was stunned for a moment, suppressed a smile and saluted before turning around and walking away.

Lei Ming is now a celebrity in the police station and a master of streaking. Who doesn't know him and everyone talks about it after dinner?

"Damn!" Of course Lei Ming knew why the kid was snickering, but he couldn't express his anger. He turned his head and looked around. When he saw Xiaojiu sneaking away quietly, he quickly chased after him.

Ah Quan angrily scolded the two girls: "Don't talk nonsense, I slapped her to save her! You are confusing right and wrong here, I will arrest you both!"

Chen Xin'an walked up to Feifei, looked at her face, frowned, raised her hands, and picked her up!

"What do you want to do! Put it down! You are not allowed to touch her!"

"I'm warning you, Feifei doesn't do that, she only does massages, don't mess around!"

The two girls were anxious and rushed over to pull Chen Xin'an's arm.

Chen Xin'an said to them in a deep voice: "She may have internal injuries. I want to put her on the bed to check!"

The two girls didn't listen to him at all, one took her arm and said: "You are talking nonsense!

It was obviously just a bump on the head, but the internal organs were injured! You are not a doctor, can your eyes see through? "

Another person shouted at the police: "Don't you care? Our sisters are like this, and he still wants to bully us. Are all you policemen blind?"

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to pay attention to them and shouted: "Shut up! Get out of the way!"

It was like a thunder exploded in the ears of the two girls, frightening them so much that they turned pale and subconsciously took a step back.

Chen Xin'an carried Feifei through the door and went directly to the second floor.

Only the fifth floor was bombed, and the fire was put out in time, so the floors below suffered little damage.

Chen Xin'an put Feifei on the massage table on the second floor and said to Ah Quan: "Call an ambulance!"

"We have been fighting for a long time, and they are already here!" The taller one of the two girls rolled his eyes at Chen Xin'an angrily.

Sure enough, the ambulance roared over, and the short man led a doctor up.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!" The doctor pushed Chen Xin'an aside, looked at Feifei on the massage bed and said:

“There was blood on the forehead and clear scars could be seen on the edge of the hairline. It should have been caused by being hit by a hard object, which caused him to faint.

In specific cases, you need to go to the hospital for a CT scan and a comprehensive examination. Carry people away! "

The tall girl glared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Did you hear that? The doctor said it was a brain problem! What else did you say about internal injuries? You don't know how to pretend to understand, so just walk away!"

The short girl said angrily: "I just got into the ambulance down there. I had to report it up, and now I have to carry it down again. Isn't that superfluous? You just know how to cause trouble for others!"

Chen Xin'an ignored them and said to the doctor: "You just saw the injury on her head and made the conclusion? You didn't even check if there were any other injuries on her body?"

The doctor frowned and looked at him and said, "Are you a doctor? Do you know common sense? Do I still need you to teach me how to do it?

If you want to get checked, you have to go to the hospital to check. There is nothing here. How do you want me to check?

Why don't you come and check it out so I can take a look? "

Chen Xin'an said unceremoniously: "Okay, get out of the way!"

He stood directly in front of Feifei and said: "If everything depends on instruments, then why do we need doctors!

If you can’t do the most basic injury assessment, why are you a doctor? "

After hearing what Chen Xin'an said, the doctor was ashamed, blushed and shouted at Chen Xin'an: "Let me warn you first, if you delay the patient's treatment, you will take full responsibility!"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said with a look of disdain: "Okay! Just stand there! If you rush to carry people away without checking carefully, you are scorning human life!"

The doctor's face turned blue with anger, and just when he was about to retort, Feifei, who was lying on the massage bed, suddenly opened her mouth and spat out another mouthful of blood!

In fact, when Ah Quan slapped her just now and Feifei opened her mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, Chen Xin'an suspected that she had suffered internal injuries. Now it seems that she was right!

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