The doctor who looked angry and unconvinced just now became mute and looked a little embarrassed after Feifei spat out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Xin'an opened Feifei's eyelids and looked at her eyes carefully.

The tall girl snorted coldly and said: "Do you understand at all? Didn't you say that the internal organs were injured? Why did you pull her eyes?"

"Send her to the hospital quickly! What do you want to do? Do you have a grudge against Feifei?" The short man also shouted anxiously to Chen Xin'an.

Ah Quan scolded them impatiently: "You two, stop talking nonsense! Otherwise, get out!"

"Why? It's you who want to go out..." The two girls cursed at Ah Quan angrily.

Ah Quan didn't bother to argue with them and directly took out his police academy student ID card, which made them shrink their necks and shut their mouths.

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "The complexion is pale and pale, there are purple and red veins floating in the white of the left eye, and there are bruises at the end. Do you know what this means?"

The doctor looked solemn, nodded and said, "I know, it's the injury reporting point!"

Chen Xin'an continued: "The congestion is on the side of the white eye. The surrounding color is black, and the color is as light as clouds. It is distributed irregularly. Do you know what's going on?"

The doctor broke out in a cold sweat and said solemnly: "It should be the left chest rib or left back that was injured. I don't know what happened next!"

"Qi and blood are both injured!" Chen Xin'an said, unbuttoned Feifei's shirt, pressed on her chest a few times, and said in a deep voice: "Two ribs are broken! The left lung is injured.

In order to prevent her from choking to death from the blood she spit out, I will wake her up and suppress her pain. After you get to the hospital, help her set her bones first! "

"Yes!" Unknowingly, the doctor's attitude towards Chen Xin'an has undergone earth-shaking changes. Just with the "sight" he showed just now, he can't catch him!

Chen Xin'an took out the cloth bag, took out the silver needle from it, and stuck two acupuncture points on Feifei's chest.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's movements, the doctor's eyes lit up. He seemed to have thought of something, but he did not dare to disturb him.

With Chen Xin'an's fingers gently twisting, Feifei woke up and spat out blood foam from her mouth in discomfort.

"Send him to the hospital quickly! Remember, treat the chest and rib injuries first, and then do a brain CT scan!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and asked someone to carry the injured person away.

He also nodded to Ah Quan, ready to be awesome.

At this moment, Feifei suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute! I'll tell you, I saw him!"

Chen Xin'an stopped, turned around, looked at her and asked, "Who did you see?"

Feifei breathed rapidly and said feebly: "The person who detonated the gas tank! I was by the window at the time, and I saw him enter Xiaojiu's room!

Something happened in the room not long after he left. It must have been his fault! "

Ah Quan was startled, walked up to her and asked, "What does he look like?"

Feifei looked at Chen Xin'an, saw him nodding, and then gasped and said: "Tall and strong, wearing very strange clothes, as if there are many pockets.

He has a beard and a fierce face. One of his eyes seems to be fake. He looks terrible! "

Chen Xin'an glanced at Ah Quan and said to Feifei: "Okay, I understand, thank you! Go to the hospital quickly!"

Chen Xin'an and Ah Quan hurried downstairs. Just as they were about to go out, Ah Quan suddenly turned around and asked the landlady for some A4 paper.

Watching Chen Xin'an and Ah Quan go out, the tall girl said to the short man next to her: "That guy just now seems to be really like that. Is he also a doctor?"

Before the short man could speak, the doctor on the side shook his head and said: "He is not a doctor, but all the doctors in the city put together are not as good as his medical skills!

Also, you two had better speak politely. A person like him is not someone you two ladies can desecrate! "

The two girls curled their lips, looking unconvinced, but there was nothing they could do about it.

If you are doing this kind of business, you can't offend anyone but the doctor!

Lei Ming drove an SUV on the side of the road. Chen Xin'an and Ah Quan got into the car. Xiao Jiu curled up and sat in the back obediently.

Ah Quan immediately grinned, ran over and sat next to her and said, "Xiaojiu, are you still there? I thought you had left!"

Lei Ming snorted and said, "I wanted to run away just now, but then I ran back on my own!"

Xiaojiu pushed Ah Quan with a look of disgust and said, "Go away! I'm going to find Brother An!"

Ah Quan looked at her with a hurt expression and said, "Sister Xiaojiu, brother Ah Quan can also protect you!"

"I don't want your protection. I want to laugh when I see you!" Xiao Jiu rolled her eyes at him.

"Huh?" Ah Quan looked at her with surprise and said, "You mean, Brother Ah Quan makes you very happy?"

Xiaojiu nodded and said, "You look like Brother An from the back!"

What a surprise, you're not the first to see this!

She continued: "But if you look at it from the front, your face is really square.

Add two eyes and two nostrils, and you look like the four tubes in mahjong!

From now on, just call it Si Tong! "

I have four tubes for you, uncle! You only have four tubes! Your whole family is full of four tubes!

Ah Quan's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot!

Lei Ming slapped his thighs and laughed so hard that he couldn't breathe.

After finally catching his breath, he said to Chen Xin'an: "Ah Quan had this nickname in junior high school and high school, which is Si Tong!

Later, after the old classmates finally went their separate ways, no one called him this anymore. Unexpectedly, it happened again today!

Come on Ah Quan, you will never get rid of this nickname in this life!

Ah Quan gritted his teeth and cursed: "I have graduated, and I don't dare to do anything. I just hunt down gamblers! I specialize in catching mahjong players, so they will never see four barrels again!"

Chen Xin'an looked dumbfounded.

Xiaojiu said to Ah Quan angrily: "I'm sorry, I didn't know you had this nickname before.

It seems like it has left a deep psychological shadow on you, right?

Although it's very appropriate, since you don't like it, I won't call it.

But you do look very similar, super similar! "

If you don’t know how to chat, just shut up!

Ah Quan was too lazy to pay attention to her, closed his eyes and greeted Lei Ming: "Drive! Hurry to the train station, maybe the old man has died!"

"You just died! Don't talk nonsense!" Xiaojiu's expression changed, she glared at him and said, "My master will be fine!"

Chen Xin'an looked at her and asked in a deep voice, "Did you call just now?"

Xiao Jiu nodded and said in a trembling voice: "It's no longer possible to get through!"

In the Dongshan Railway Station Square, Xiaojiu stood under a street lamp and said to Chen Xin'an: "My master left a mark here, he should have gone that way!"

Lei Ming circled around the pillar and didn't see the so-called mark. He glanced at her and said, "Did you see it wrong? Why didn't I find any mark?"

Xiaojiu looked at him like he was a fool.

Ah Quan said to him: "Some Jianghu people have different marks to communicate with each other for the sake of their own people. They will not be known to outsiders and can only be understood by their own people!"

Lei Ming pouted, what's so great about this!

Chen Xin'an had already walked forward. When she passed a trash can, she glanced at it and said to Xiaojiu: "It should be going down!"

He pointed to an underground parking lot not far away.

Xiaojiu's expression changed drastically, she glanced at Chen Xin'an, grabbed him, and whispered: "How do you know our secret code to break into the door? Are you the same..."

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Stop guessing! I'm not a burglar! In fact, I know a little bit about the signs of all Jianghu sects! Because I am also from Qingniu Mountain!"

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