Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 251 I am not the kind of person you imagined!

Ah Quan, who had been scribbling on the paper with a pen, finally finished and handed the A4 paper to Chen Xin'an.

Looking at the character sketch above, Chen Xin'an recognized it at a glance. This was the person Feifei said she saw before!

"Okay, Ah Quan, you actually have such a skill!" Chen Xin'an gave Ah Quan a thumbs up, praised, and handed the piece of paper to Lei Ming and Xiao Jiu.

Ah Quan said with a humble face: "These are the basic skills of being a police officer, they are nothing!"

Lei Ming chuckled and said: "My dad has a sketch artist who draws portraits of people. Usually, others finish describing the characteristics and she also finishes the drawing.

And every time I catch someone, I find that her drawings look like the photos!

Ah Quan, you’ve been painting a portrait all the way, you still need to practice more! "

Ah Quan curled his lips and said: "I know who you are talking about, Xu Qing, the captain of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Municipal Bureau, that is my senior sister! How can I compare with her!"

Um? Does Xu Qing still have this ability?

Chen Xin'an even had some doubts. Doesn't that girl like to lift the pole the most? You actually know how to draw pictures?

Xiao Jiu looked at the portrait for a long time and asked inexplicably: "Who is this person? Why is he uglier than Si Tu?"

"Pfft!" Lei Ming couldn't hold it back and burst out laughing, scolding Xiao Jiu: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Ah Quan's face darkened, and he stared at Xiaojiu and said, "Sister Xiaojiu, I seriously doubt your vision now. Are you afraid that your eyesight is lame?"

Xiao Jiu said with some embarrassment: "I didn't mean that! I mean... your paintings are quite lifelike, just like real people, you are not completely useless..."

I don't want to talk to you!

If you don’t know how to nag, don’t force yourself to nag!

Ah Quan’s face was dark and he was almost angry to death!

Lei Ming couldn't stop laughing. He snatched the piece of paper from Ah Quan's other hand and said, "You still have to draft this...I'll go, you're such a talented person, Ah Quan!"

"Don't look!" Ah Quan was anxious and immediately rushed towards Lei Ming, trying to snatch the piece of paper back.

Lei Ming, with quick eyes and quick hands, put the hand holding the paper behind his back, looked at Ah Quan and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I appreciate it myself! If you don't show it to others, not even my master, do you believe me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Jiu had already passed behind him, took the piece of paper in his hand, curled his lips and said, "What is it? It's mysterious. Let me take a look!"

"Don't look!" Lei Ming and Ah Quan shouted in unison, but Xiao Jiu had already opened the paper.

"It's over!" Ah's face looked ashen as if the sky had fallen.

As soon as he turned around, he grabbed Lei Ming's neck, gritted his teeth and cursed at him: "You don't even give it to your master!"

Lei Ming stuck out his tongue and said, "It's true that I didn't give it to you, but she took it away! Don't forget that she was the one who stole the door!"

Xiaojiu opened the piece of paper and took a look, and then his whole face suddenly turned red!

With tears in her eyes, she looked at Ah Quan with inexplicable grief and anger and cursed:

"You gangster! Beast! Beast! Trash!

You actually humiliated me like this!

You are despicable, shameless, dirty, obscene and filthy..."

She held the paper and was about to tear it into pieces, but her hands were empty. The paper had already been taken away by Chen Xin'an!

"Don't look!" Xiao Jiu shouted in shame and anger.

Unfortunately, Chen Xin'an didn't listen to her. She looked at the painting on the paper and was stunned.

This is also a sketch. It depicts Xiao Jiu sitting in the car, looking out the window. Just from the side, she looks young and beautiful, with a kind of innocence and cuteness.

It's a pity that it's not wearing any clothes... It's so curvy and graceful that it makes people's noses bleed just looking at it.

"Uh!" Chen Xin'an handed the sketch back to Xiaojiu with some embarrassment. Watching her tear the painting into pieces, she coughed twice and said, "Well... the painting is quite similar!"

have to!

Another one who can’t speak!

Ah Quan looked up to the sky and sighed, looking at Xiao Jiu who was crying out of shame and anger, and said:

"Xiaojiu, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean to blaspheme you.

Only by drawing the body first can we supplement the clothes, so that we can have a three-dimensional sense. I am not as nasty as you think! "

Xiaojiu didn't listen to his explanation, covered her face and turned around to run away.

But at this moment, the mobile phone in her pocket rang!

Everyone immediately fell silent. Chen Xin'an motioned for her to take out her mobile phone and looked at the caller ID. Xiaojiu said with surprise, "It's my master!"

"Ask him where he is now!" Ah Quan ran over with a flattering smile on his face.

Xiaojiu rolled her eyes at him and pressed the answer button.

Everyone put their ears closer, but there was no sound from there, just a ticking sound.

Then the call was hung up. Xiaojiu wanted to call again, but found that the other party had turned off his phone!

Xiaojiu almost burst into tears and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, what's wrong with my master? He's never been like this before!"

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to her: "Maybe your master has been targeted by this person!"

He pointed at the piece of paper in Lei Ming's hand.

Picking up the portrait, Lei Ming widened his eyes and said, "This person looks quite fierce. Master, what do you mean, is he a master?

Isn’t this kind of muscular man generally looked at but not used? "

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and said, "Do you have any misunderstanding about muscular men?

Why do people have muscles? Isn’t it through practice?

Do you think everyone can achieve the point of tempering their bodies and restraining themselves? "

Ah Quan also said with some confusion: "You can tell from Xiao Jiu's skill that her master is definitely not mediocre. Even if he can't beat this person, is it not easy to get away?"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to him: "We were in the alley next to the massage club just now. Do you know how wide it is?"

Xiao Jiu thought for a while and said to him: "Almost four meters, the difference is no more than ten centimeters!"

Chen Xin'an nodded, looked at her with admiration and said, "Yes! This person jumped from the roof of the opposite building to the roof of the fifth floor of the club! Then he entered Xiaojiu's room from above!"

Lei Ming curled his lips and said with a look of disdain: "It's only four meters, it's not that far. As long as I run up enough, I can jump over!"

"You? I'm not sure, but you still say you're good?" Xiaojiu looked at Lei Ming with disdain.

Lei Ming is not happy anymore, who is he looking down on!

Although I haven’t practiced long jump much, in order to keep in touch with Feipai and maintain physical strength during this period, I have been exercising every day, okay?

You're just four meters away and you want to stop me?

Ah Quan on the side said to him: "Don't forget that the building opposite is only the fourth floor!"

Thunder suddenly lost his temper.

He definitely couldn't jump from the roof of the fourth floor to the roof of the fifth floor with a distance of four meters in between.

It’s okay to do it upside down, so jump backwards like this, unless it’s a pole!

But this guy who looks big and thick in the painting actually did it!

If Xiaojiu's master is targeted by such a guy, it will be really difficult to escape!

Chen Xin'an closed her eyes and kept searching for her memories in her mind. Xiao Jiu wanted to say something, but Ah Quan waved his hand to her, indicating not to disturb her.

"Mysterious!" Xiao Jiu pouted and muttered in dissatisfaction.

Her master is in danger right now, but this guy is still concentrating with his eyes closed, not worried at all. Isn't this irritating!

Chen Xin'an suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Xiaojiu and said, "Is your master a thin figure and likes to wear gray sportswear and black sneakers?"

Xiaojiu looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise with wide eyes, and nodded vigorously.

Chen Xin'an continued: "On the plane, the old man sitting on the right side of you two rows away from the aisle is him, right?"

Xiao Jiu cried out, "Oh my God! I just took a look at it. It's been so long, and you can still remember it?"

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