Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 252 Don’t care about these details

In the underground parking lot of the train station, Chen Xin'an squatted on the ground and looked at the few drops of blood at his feet.

Xiao Jiu ran over, his face suddenly turned pale, he looked at Chen Xin'an with tears in his eyes and said, "Brother An, my master..."

"Although it is fresh human blood, it does not necessarily belong to your master! Your master is not the only one who can come here!" Chen Xin'an comforted her.

But his eyes had already seen several obvious shoe prints on the front hood of a car next to him.

There were similar marks on several adjacent cars.

In almost every parking lot, there will be a kind of car. I don’t know who the owner is. It has been left there for many days, covered with dust and never driven.

So it's not surprising that there are dusty cars here.

It’s not surprising that there are shoe prints on the front hood of the car.

The strange thing is that these footprints are not complete, there is only one shoe tip, not the entire shoe sole.

Ah Quan also noticed these shoe prints and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother An, how did you leave these? Is someone playing here with a child?"

Lei Ming rolled his eyes and scolded him: "Your child has big feet of size 42? Look at my 40 shoes!"

He took off the sneakers he had picked up and carefully placed them on one of the shoe prints. The front end was noticeably smaller!

Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "Two people stepped on it while running, because there are two kinds of shoe prints.

One ran, the other chased, and there was a fight here. Look, the car glass was kicked to pieces! "

Ah Quan nodded and said: "So this is what I don't understand! This doesn't look like a trace of someone stepping on it at all. The car body is almost undamaged, except for the broken glass!

When a person hits the ground while running, the landing is very heavy, and the whole body is concentrated on the front half of the sole of the foot.

So stepping on the car would not leave just a single footprint. There was not a single dent on this car!

A car may be of good quality, but if so many cars are like this, it’s a bit strange! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "It's actually very simple, just take a breath and it's done!"

As he spoke, he jumped onto a car next to him, tapped his feet on the front cover a few times, jumped onto another car, ran a few meters and jumped off.

Ah Quan ran over and looked at the clear shoe prints on the hoods of those cars. His eyes widened and he blurted out: "Qing Gong?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "It's not a qinggong, it's just a running skill, but it requires a special connection!"

"Master is so awesome!" Lei Ming praised sincerely.

Ah Quan also nodded vigorously and gave Chen Xin'an a thumbs up.

"What's the matter? You're just making a fuss!" Xiaojiu curled her lips with disdain, took a running start, and jumped into the air.

Her feet quickly passed over several vehicles side by side, like a swallow flying low over the water.

At this moment, a loud shout came from not far away: "What are you doing, come down! I've caught you!"

Xiao Jiu staggered and almost fell from the car. She jumped down awkwardly and sprained her foot. Ah Quan quickly ran over to help her, but she pushed him away in shame.

Two security guards, one fat and one thin, both had a steel pipe in their hands and ran over menacingly with angry faces. The fat man pointed at Xiao Jiu and cursed:

"I'm telling you who is so incompetent, jumping up and down on the front of other people's cars, and kicking the glass of other people's cars to pieces. It's you! It's not enough to destroy it once. It's not even half an hour and here it comes again!"

Xiao Jiu looked embarrassed, pointed at Chen Xin'an and said, "No, I am... He was also... just now..."

The thin man pointed at her and cursed: "We saw it with our own eyes, and you still want to deny it?

I said, are you full enough?

These cars are parked here properly, are they messing with you? Why are you stepping on it? "

"No! You can't blame me..." Xiao Jiu looked anxious, looking at the three guys next to him, but saw Chen Xin'an pointing to a car and saying, "I'll go, there's a Maybach here too!"

Lei Ming and Ah Quan looked surprised, followed Chen Xin'an and walked over, pointing around a car, as if a mountain cannon was entering the city.

These three ungrateful bastards!

The fat man pointed at Xiao Jiu and said, "What bothers me the most is a little girl like you. She doesn't study well all day long and follows a bunch of wild men to cause trouble! She thinks she's cool, but she's actually just stupid!"

"That's right!" The thin man also scolded: "You look good, but why don't you study well all day long? Don't your parents care about you?"

The fat man snorted coldly and cursed: "These kind of people come from single-parent families with a father but no mother, or a mother but no father. As long as both parents have two parents, they will not let her follow a bunch of wild men and ghosts!

She didn't know how to keep herself clean at a young age. Even though she looks pretty, she has been played by several men and had many abortions! It sucks inside and out! "

Your uncle, you just stepped on the car a few times. Are you so vicious?

Xiaojiu felt like she was going to explode. She squinted at the two security guards and said, "Forget it, I consider myself unlucky. You guys can tell me what to do!"

"Pay up!" the two security guards said in unison.

"Okay! I'll pay, how much?" Xiaojiu said simply, as if he recognized me.

The fat man snorted coldly and said, "The car repairman has the final say on how much money he pays, do you think it's for me?

Besides, do you think the purpose is to make you lose money?

It’s about making you realize how wrong things are!

You look pretty good as a little girl, but why are you so mean-spirited?

If you don't walk on a good path and insist on jumping up and down, you are a rabbit! "

"Stop!" Xiaojiu impatiently raised his hands in front of him, looking like he was surrendering, and said to him: "I will pay him as much as you want. Don't lecture me, I can't stand it!"

Seeing that Chen Xin'an and the other three had already left, Xiao Jiu thought in her heart and wanted to get rid of these two security guards immediately. She took out a wallet and said:

"I don't have time to wait here for the car repairman, so why don't I give you a thousand? A windshield only costs three to five hundred, so leaving one thousand is enough for you, and you can buy a cigarette for the rest!"

The two security guards looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes, but they still had a righteous look on their faces!

"What do you mean? Bribing us? Do you think we are easy to bribe?"

"That's right! We are just seeking justice for our clients, not against you!"

When he saw Xiaojiu's wallet, Fatty's eyes widened and he said with a smile: "Do you also like to use this brand of wallet? My girlfriend also gave me one, and I like it too!

Are you taking photos at Wushan Lake as well? My girlfriend often takes photos there, the scenery is beautiful..."

Xiao Jiu nodded perfunctorily and said to them: "Yes, yes! Here, here is 500 yuan to pay for the windshield. Here is 1,000 yuan, you come and divide it! Is everything okay? I'm leaving if everything is fine." "

A wad of money was handed into the fat man's hands, Xiaojiu turned around, clapped his hands, and walked away.

When she could no longer see anyone, the two security guards grinned, each stretched out their right hands and gave her a high-five.

The fat man said excitedly: "I'm so prosperous! I made a thousand yuan inexplicably!"

"Oh, fat brother!" The thin man patted him on the shoulder and reminded him kindly: "I made a total of one thousand yuan, and five hundred of it is mine!"

"I know, don't worry about these details! After the glass is repaired later, we will split how much is left!" The fat man curled his lips and took out his wallet from his pocket, preparing to put the money in it.

But when he saw the inside of the wallet, he was dumbfounded!

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