Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2521 You are the murderer of my brother’s family

The martial arts hall was filled with a strong smell of blood, and five motorcycles were rampaging inside, invincible.

Seeing this scene, Takanashi Mina, who was already seriously injured, was so angry that she vomited blood.

She gritted her teeth and shouted to the surrounding Dao Helian members: "Kill them! What are you waiting for?

Don't run, and don't be afraid of them!

There are so many of us, are we still afraid of a few of them?

A group of people rushed up and blocked their car. The rest of the people rushed up and hacked them to death with random swords! "

The people around listened but did not do what she asked.

If there is a traffic jam, go ahead and see what the consequences will be if a flesh and blood body like you blocks a motorcycle that is accelerating!

No one is a fool, let alone a fool, and it is impossible to use his own body to clear the way for others.

A group of mixed-society clubbers whose realm has not yet reached that noble level!

Many people from Dao Helian ran out of the gym, and another group of people immediately poured in!

Takanashi Mina yelled with a cruel smile: "We have a lot of people here, let's see how long you can continue to be arrogant!"

Chen Xin'an was riding a motorcycle with Luo Qianhe on the back seat. He suddenly shouted to everyone: "Stop!"

The other four motorcycles also stopped in place.

Takanashi Mina was overjoyed and shouted to everyone around her: "What are you waiting for? Kill them! Now is a good opportunity!"

But no one around took action, they just stood aside and watched.

Mina Takanashi shouted angrily: "Are you all deaf? I'll let you go up and kill them..."

"Stop yelling, they won't listen to you!" Someone shouted and strode towards her!

Junko Michimoto is here!

Beside her, there were more than a dozen people, all of whom were former backbone thugs of the Daohe Alliance.

When those people from Dao Helian saw them, they all lowered their heads with guilty conscience.

After the death of Suzutaro Domoto, the power struggle in the Doi Alliance was centered on these two women.

Because of the support of Takeo Takabe, the position of president finally fell to Mina Takanashi.

In fact, for people in the Doi United Federation, it is orthodox for Michimoto Junko to succeed the president. After all, Takanashi Mina can only be regarded as the mistress of Michimoto Suzutaro at best.

"What are you doing here!" Mina Takanashi looked at Junko Domoto with a gloomy face.

In addition to Chen Xin'an, this woman is also the person she must kill.

Because it will directly affect her position as president.

So these years, she has been secretly tracking down Junko Domoto and the people who left Dohelian with her.

Only if these people are dead can she rest easy in her position as president.

Junko Michimoto ignored her, turned around and said to Chen Xin'an beside him: "Mr. Chen, Tatsuta Shizuhiko and thirty people are protecting Mr. Li Qi."

Chen Xin'an nodded.

On this occasion, Michimoto Junko would come. He expected it and it was something he and Michimoto Junko had agreed upon.

He never killed Takanashi Mina, but saved it for Michimoto Junko.

Junko Michimoto walked up to Takanashi Mina, turned around and said to the members of the Michi United Alliance:

"From now on, Dao Helian will return to our Dao family!

Takanashi Mina killed the president and usurped the society, and has been expelled from the Dohelian!

I will let you forget what happened in the past. If anyone still dares to persist in his stubbornness, he is a traitor to Dao Helian! "

"Hahaha!" Takanashi Mina laughed sharply, looked at Junko Domoto with a mocking look and said:

"Junko, I didn't expect that after so many years, you are still so naive!

It was obviously you who killed your brother, why did you rely on me?

Do you think everyone will believe your lies? "

Junko Michimoto stretched out her hand, and someone next to her handed over a document.

She held the bag, raised it above her head, and said loudly: "Takanashi Mina, the information in this is how you planned the car accident and killed my sister-in-law and my nephew.

And how you poisoned my brother Suzutaro Michiomoto.

There are photos, testimonies, and recordings!

I have already made a copy and handed it to the Yingjing Police Department!

Takanashi Mina, you vicious woman, give back the lives of my brother and his family of three! "

Takanashi Mina's expression changed. She looked at the document bag in horror and shouted:

"Don't believe her lies!

Those information are all false. I have never done those things. She is slandering me and framing me! "

She turned her head and said to Junko Domoto with a mocking expression: "Where do you get these so-called information from? Do you think everyone will believe it?"

"I gave it to her!" Someone stood up and said in a deep voice.

Takanashi Mina looked at him with a look of disbelief on her face, and shouted angrily: "Funakoshi, how dare you betray me?"

"Betrayal?" Funakoshi's face showed deep sarcasm, he squinted at her and said:

"Do you really think of me as your personal property?

No, just loot.

A doll that you only need to have sex with once.

And you also use this method to win over other community backbones and make them your confidants.

You can play with any man at will, but you don't belong to anyone.

Power, money, identity, revenge, these are your real pursuits! "

Takanashi Mina looked ferocious, rushed up and kicked Funakoshi, and cursed: "Damn men, none of you are good!"

Funakoshi did not dodge, letting her kick him, and said with a mocking look:

“You are a woman with a heart as poisonous as a scorpion, and you still blame a man for treating you badly?

I have been loyal to you, right?

But what did you do to me?

You are fooling around with your envoy in front of me!

You know that he stole my girlfriend once, but you still let me suffer such humiliation for the second time!

It's you who committed the crime yourself, didn't love yourself, and let yourself down, and you blame it on a man. It's really ridiculous!

I kept a file of everything you ordered us to do.

That's the evidence that you killed the old president's family. Now it's time for you to pay back! "

"Traitor!" A loud shout came, a cold light flashed, and a long knife stabbed Funakoshi's chest!

Funakoshi lowered his head and looked at the knife on his chest in pain, then raised his head and glanced at Toshiya holding the knife again, with an angry expression on his face full of pain.

"Ah!" As Michimoto Junko shouted, she pulled out a dagger from her waist and stabbed Toshiya in the stomach!

Min Ye screamed, holding his stomach and taking two steps back. Looking at the blood on his hands, he raised his head and looked at the woman in front of him in disbelief.

Michimoto Junko's eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth and said to him: "I know that Takabe Kenxiong ordered you to do those things.

You are also one of the murderers who killed my brother and his family! "

Several people standing behind Junko Michimoto rushed forward and chopped at random, cutting Toshiya into a pool of blood!

The group of fellow apprentices just looked on stupidly, and no one dared to step forward to stop him!

Junko Michimoto held the bloody dagger, walked towards Mina Takanashi, gritted her teeth and said, "What else do you have to say now?"

Takanashi Mina stepped back step by step, with a look of fear finally showing in her eyes.

If her hands were healthy, she would still have the confidence to resist.

But now, looking at Junko Michimoto, who is pressing closer and closer, she has no fighting spirit at all except giving in out of fear!

With the shrill scream, Michimoto Junko rushed forward and stabbed Mina Takanashi with the dagger in her hand.

Funakoshi looked at the tragic scene and wanted to walk over. As soon as his steps moved, a mouthful of blood flowed from his mouth.

This knife pierced the heart and killed him with one knife!

Looking at Takanashi Mina lying in a pool of blood, Funakoshi's face also showed a smile of relief, slumped to the ground, and died!

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