Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2522 If you have anything to say, let her come and talk to me.

Gululu A bloody woman's head rolled on the floor, then stopped.

Until this moment, Takanashi Mina still had her eyes wide open and her mouth wide open, with a look of disbelief on her face.

Junko Michimoto was covered in blood, her face full of murderous intent, and the dagger in her right hand was still dripping blood.

She walked to Takanashi Mina's head, bent down and grabbed the hair, lifted the head up, and shouted to everyone: "Surrender without killing!"

The dozen or so people standing behind her shouted in unison: "Surrender without killing! Surrender without killing! Surrender without killing!"

Amidst the shouts again and again, the Dao Helian brothers, who were originally wavering, threw away their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

People from other clubs also wisely withdrew from the martial arts hall.

This is Dao Helian's family matter and has nothing to do with them.

Outside the Daohelian Building, there were many vehicles of all sizes parked.

The fire upstairs has been extinguished, but toxic smoke is still rising.

As a large number of people poured out of the building, Junko Michimoto appeared on the second floor balcony.

The surrounding lights also hit her.

Junko Michimoto held a small trumpet in her left hand, and held Mina Takanashi's head in her right hand. She shook it hard and threw the head far downstairs.

She put the trumpet to her mouth and shouted loudly

"The traitors in the Dao Helian have been eliminated, and I, Junko Daomoto, will serve as the new president of the Dao Helian!

From now on, Dao Helian will withdraw from Sakura Club's bounty mission.

All plans of Sakura Club have nothing to do with Dao Helian.

Anyone who wants to continue the Sakura Club's bounty mission, please withdraw from the Dao United Alliance's territory before proceeding.

Otherwise, it will be regarded as a provocation to Dao Helian and will be fully counterattacked by Dao Helian!

Dao Helian will no longer pursue what happened tonight.

Within thirty minutes, all uninvited people will leave the Daohe Alliance’s territory! "

As soon as this was said, everyone was in an uproar.

Dao Helian has directly broken with Sakura Club!

It seems that the black forces in Da Ying will usher in a big storm!

However, since Dao Helian issued an order to expel guests, people from other societies did not dare to provoke.

Junko Michimoto's toughness and ruthlessness are obvious to everyone.

It is estimated that Dao Helian will be even more difficult to provoke in the future. It is not necessary to provoke them.

There seemed to be more wounded outside than inside the building, and many people were lying on the ground.

Chen Xin'an noticed that not many people actually had wounds or blood stains on their bodies. Instead, their mouths were full of filth.

His eyes turned white, as if he had been poisoned.

Everyone hurriedly carried these people into the car, and countless cars started to start, then turned around and left the Daohe United Headquarters.

As long as the bounty target does not leave Da Ying, we can take action at any time. We are not in a hurry about this matter. After all, if this person was easy to kill, he would not be alive until now.

"Old Chen, why do I get more and more confused the more I watch? What is going on with these people?"

Luo Xiaoman straddled the motorcycle with a puzzled look on his face, looking at the lively and deserted Daohe Building just now.

Chen Xin'an shook her head, smiled and said to him: "No need to understand!

To be honest, ordinary people can’t understand the brain circuits of the Japanese people!

It’s okay tonight, let’s go! "

"Mr. Chen!" A big man came over and said to Chen Xin'an in blunt Chinese:

"The president asks you to wait for her in the tea room on the second floor. She will come over later and have something to say to you."

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, this guy should be called Xiu Xin.

He said to Xiuxin expressionlessly: "If you don't have time, tell Junko Domoto that if you have anything to say, ask her to talk to me!"

"Mr. Chen!" Xiu Xin still wanted to stop him, but Chen Xin'an stopped, looked at him coldly and asked, "Any more questions?"

Xiuxin trembled, lowered his head and said quickly: "No! Mr. Chen, please!"

Chen Xin'an ignored him, waved to his brothers, started the car and drove away.

Returning to the room in Rokgi New City, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Li Qi sleeping.

Tatsuta Jingyan said to Chen Xin'an in a flattering manner: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Li has been sleeping since these friends left, and he hasn't woken up yet.

We'll take care of him and nothing will happen! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to him: "Thank you, everyone.

You can go back and rest! "

"No!" Ryota Jingyan quickly waved his hand and said to Chen Xin'an: "My wife has told me that we will stay here to protect Chen Xin'an and these friends..."

Seeing Chen Xin'an looking at him with strange eyes, Tatsuta Jingyan blushed and immediately explained:

“I know that with the strength of Mr. Chen and these friends, they don’t need our protection at all.

But it’s not useless for us to stay here.

We can be on guard duty, do some small things that are required of us, and we can also run errands.

Don't worry, Mr. Chen, we won't disturb you.

My wife has rented a house next door, and we will live there! "

Chen Xin'an smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll trouble you all!

By the way, I still want to ask you for a favor. Do you know how to buy wine and food at this time?

My brother is here and wants to get together with them, so..."

Tatsuta Shizuhiko patted his chest and said, "Leave it to me! Mr. Chen, wait a moment, I will prepare authentic Chinese wine and dishes for you right away!"

Seeing Chen Xin'an frowning, Ryota Jingyan was startled and thought he had said the wrong thing. After thinking about it for a while, he understood and quickly said to Chen Xin'an:

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen, we are not going to Chinatown!

There is a famous never-night street in Yingjing, which is specially designed to serve people who like to stay up late.

There is also a Hua Xia Restaurant there, which tastes very good! "

Chen Xin'an suddenly realized it and said to Tatsuta Jingyan: "Wait a moment!"

He walked into the bedroom, and after a while he took out a stack of eagle flags, put it into Tatsuta Shizuhiko's hand and said:

“We don’t need much here, just four or five side dishes and a few bottles of wine are enough.

The remaining money will be used to reward you brothers.

No need to save money for me, I can eat and drink whatever I want! "

"Thank you, Mr. Chen!" Tatsuta Jingyan bowed gratefully to Chen Xin'an, turned around and trotted away.

I have to say that this guy was quite efficient in his work. He came back in less than half an hour and prepared some very good food and wine for Chen Xin'an and the others.

It is the custom of Chinese people to have a drink when friends come over.

Chen Xin'an and these guys didn't need to be polite. Chen Xin'an opened the lid of the wine and said to everyone: "Tell me, what's going on?"

Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment and asked him, "What's going on?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and scolded: "Why are you pretending to be confused! Why are you here? And where did those crossbows come from? How did those people lying outside Daohe Building fall?"

Luo Xiaoman grinned and said: "Are you asking this? Didn't you already tell me how you got here?

Just because we found out your location from Xi Ruo, we came here!

As for those crossbows, I have to thank my father-in-law!

I don’t know what’s wrong with him, but he’s been studying this kind of weapon recently.

You also know that this stuff is illegal.

But the old man's work was not in vain, he actually asked him to create the legendary Zhuge Liannu.

This time I came to Daying, I picked up a few.

Do you know the biggest advantage of this thing?

It is simple and easy to disassemble. You can dismantle it into parts and ship them over. No one knows what they are used for. You can pass it by just giving any reason!

As for those who are outside, you have to ask the pigeons! "

Luo Qianhe smiled faintly and said to Chen Xin'an: "I just figured out the instant anesthetic spray, and I brought it with me this time!

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