Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2523 Iron Will Luo Xiaoman

Looking at the crossbow and medicine bottle on the table, Chen Xin'an was stunned.

He couldn't figure out with his toes how these things got past the security check.

You must know that these guys did not come here illegally, but flew to Da Ying through normal channels.

If the security check discovers the purpose of these things, they will be arrested as soon as they land!

Xiao Zhang knew what Chen Xin'an was afraid of, so he smiled and said to him: "Okay, boss, don't worry.

The materials of these things can perfectly avoid security checks.

The packaging of these potions also has regular drug labels.

Mr. Luo and Ge Ge, when they were doing these things, they had already considered the issue of air transportation security inspection!

Chen Xin'an nodded, he understood what Xiao Zhang meant.

Luo Zhonghua and Luo Qingqing designed the Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle back then. It is not difficult to improve Zhuge Liannu.

The reason for doing this was probably because Luo Qianxue begged them to design this for the safety of her troubled son-in-law.

No matter where you are, there are few ways for ordinary people to obtain guns and ammunition, and the costs are high.

The key thing is that it can't pass the security check and get on the plane.

But this thing is just fine. If it is directly dismantled into parts and said to be process equipment, then it is completely acceptable.

There are no blueprints, no matter how hard the customs guys try, they can't assemble it!

Chen Xin'an turned his head, looked at Luo Qianhe and cursed angrily: "What about you, why did you come up with such a thing? If the authorities find out about this, you will stay here for at least five years!"

Luo Qianhe smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "I don't use it in the country, so what should I be afraid of?

This thing is used to deal with large troops. It is not fatal, but only reduces the combat effectiveness.

The duration is about three to four hours.

It's my first time trying it tonight, I've used mice before.

The effect is pretty good, I will do more when I go back! "

Chen Xin'an scolded with a dark face: "You have to hand the knife to others, right?

This thing is too dangerous, more scary than a crossbow, don't do it again! "

Luo Qianhe shook his head and said, "I will be careful!"

"I told you to stop, don't you understand?" Chen Xin'an became angry and glared at Luo Qianhe.

Xiao Zhang quickly said to Luo Qianhe: "Pigeons, it's really dangerous! It's easy to get into trouble if you do this.

Not to mention anything else, as soon as you came back, you called Zhaodi and Mengpowa to your laboratory in Jishitang. You did this every day. How many times did they both faint?

This thing is too harmful to the body, you'd better not touch it again!

Listen to your senior brother, he is doing it for your own good! "

Luo Qianhe looked at him and said: "So next time I am chased by the killer troops, I will still watch you being killed like Dalei Zi?

Or are you watching your senior brother hide like a lost dog, being chased by green suits, and come back to see us with half his life?

If you throw half your life away, what will be the result?

This kind of thing is not a weapon of destruction, it is just a drug used for large groups.

Even if the authorities find out, how many years can I be sentenced?

It’s nothing compared to the risks we have to take!

In the future, senior brother will often go abroad, and not every time we can follow him.

It's not like we can help him deal with all dangers by following him.

After all, he still often faces those dangers alone. No matter how hard he fights, there is still the possibility of injury or even death.

This thing can reduce his risk, why don’t I do it? "

Everyone was silent.

Luo Xiaoman took a sip of wine and said to Chen Xin'an: "You don't need to worry! We are not children. We don't know what to do? You don't have to worry about it!"

Chen Xin'an said nothing, just stretched out her hand and rubbed Luo Qianhe's head!

"You're going too far. Don't call me when you're drinking!" A weak voice came from the bedroom door.

Everyone raised their heads, and Li Qizheng was holding the door frame with a pale face, looking at everyone with a smile.

"Damn!" Luo Xiaoman cursed, ran over and cursed: "You are so virtuous, just lie down and sleep in there, what are you doing out here!"

Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe also walked over and helped Li Qi sit on the ground together.

Luo Qianhe picked up Li Qi's arm and checked his pulse.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an: "The pulse is stable, it seems that all the toxins have been eliminated!"

Chen Xin'an also breathed a sigh of relief and said to Li Qi: "Brothers are here. You don't have to worry about anything during this period. Just rest and recuperate."

"Okay!" Li Didian nodded and said nothing more, just looking at everyone laughing.

There is nothing more joyful than the reunion of brothers!

After a big battle, drinking wine and eating delicious food, the brothers sit together and chat. There is nothing more comfortable than this.

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Xiaoman and laughed and cursed: "I've been with my daughter for a hundred days, and you still run away. Are you so serious about being a father?"

Xiao Zhang smiled and said to him: "Whoever doesn't come, this guy has to come too!

Even if he doesn't come to you, he will definitely make this trip.

He said when he came here that he must buy some authentic double movies here and go back!

Love movies like this from Da Ying are world-famous! "

Luo Xiaoman blushed, pointed at Xiao Zhang and cursed: "Old Xiao, you are so slandering me!

Old Chen, you know that I am not that kind of person at all!

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a decent person with strong moral character.

Lao Xiao, have you forgotten?

When I came through security, the alarm kept beeping. The security officer checked everything but couldn't find the reason.

Only later did I realize that it was my iron will!

How could a person like me watch that kind of thing? "

Luo Qianhe laughed and scolded: "Get out of here! The siren went off because you were wearing the soft sword as a belt. They just confiscated it and didn't arrest you. It's an extrajudicial mercy!"

Luo Xiaoman was anxious after being exposed, waiting for Luo Qianhe to scold: "You are pure, you are serious! I checked the information before coming here, and all I searched were love toys from Da Ying!"

I don’t even have the nerve to look at that computer screen!

Lao Xiao was even more shameless. As soon as we got off the plane, he asked about the style shops here. If he hadn't been in a hurry to find Lao Chen, he would have taken us directly to the hot springs! "

"I did it to make medicine! I recently wanted Jishitang to develop this business!"

"I'm just curious, I don't really want to go! After all, if you don't take a hot spring bath in Daying, your visit is in vain! I'm not going right away..."

Chen Xin'an covered her face with her hands.

What a bunch of talents!

Do you only have such a dirty image of Daying in your minds?

They are also developed countries after all, right?

When the phone rang, Chen Xin'an walked into the bedroom, took out the phone, glanced at the number on it, and frowned.

"Brother Tao, it's so late, why are you looking for me?"

It was already early in the morning, and Chu Haitao would not call unless there was something urgent.

Chu Haitao said hesitantly: "Mr. Chen, I have a friend who suddenly called me and said that he knew you and was eager to find you.

I didn’t know whether to call him or not, so I called and asked what you meant! "

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Does your friend know me? What's his name?"

Chu Haitao said: "I'm sorry, I can't tell you her real name unless she tells you in person.

She has a Japanese name, Yamaguchi Hanako. "

"Hanako Yamaguchi?" Chen Xin'an frowned, as if he had never heard of this name...

Wait a minute!


Chen Xin'an widened her eyes and said, "Is it Yan Chunhua?"

Chu Haitao's tone became obviously relaxed and he said to Chen Xin'an: "It turns out he is really Mr. Chen's friend!"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "Give me her phone number, and I'll call her now!"

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