Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2528 This is not a place for you to bow down and bow down.

This is not nonsense by Chen Xin'an.

In Da Ying, only those Westerners with blond hair and blue eyes can be respected and flattered by the Da Ying people.

Orientals are not popular here because the people of Japan feel that they are the noblest among the Orientals!

Moreover, he also knew what Luo Xiaoman's temperament was. He was just a talker and a dazzler.

If he were asked to do something practical, he really wouldn't have the guts!

If you go back and let Luo Qianxue know, you might even castrate him!

The two walked around for a long time and arrived at the foot of Yingjing Tower.

There are office buildings below the tenth floor, and pure steel frame structures above.

With a height of 330 meters, it is a landmark building in Yingjing and a must-see attraction in Daying.

There are three observation towers on the surface of the entire tower.

The first place is on the tenth floor, the second place is at 150 meters, and the third place is at 260 meters.

In fact, there is a fourth place, located at the top of the tower over 320 meters.

It's just never open to the public, so very few people know about it.

And the place where Zangshan Ninja fights with Chen Xin'an is in this fourth place!

Except for the first to sixth floors, which are open to the public, the upper four floors are only accessible by internal elevators, and special access cards are required.

Others are not allowed to enter.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman did not go up, but just walked around under the tower.

The two entered the alleyway next to them and walked for five minutes. A group of circular buildings appeared in front of them. The Daying Temple had arrived!

It's just a bit far from the main building, and there are walls and gates that prevent people from entering.

On the roadside, there are many tourists coming here, including many with oriental faces.

Three days later is Daying’s Brazier Festival.

At that time, the Da Ying Temple will be open to receive prayers from believers from all over the world.

Luo Xiaoman looked at the people who were taking pictures with great interest, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"What the hell, there are so many people visiting this rubbish place, it's really unreasonable!"

The photo spot is an entire wall to the left of the temple gate.

Various Buddha statues are painted on it, and it is called the Thousand Buddha Wall.

What Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman didn't expect was that there were actually a lot of Chinese characters signed with Chinese names!

"Holy shit!" Luo Xiaoman suddenly shouted, pointing to a signature and saying, "This guy also came to the temple to sign?"

Chen Xin'an frowned, glanced at the name and asked, "Do you know him?"

Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "The veteran host of the Kyoto Children's Channel is here, how can I not recognize him!

Growing up watching the programs he hosted, I thought he was an old artist with both virtue and skill, but I didn’t expect that he turned out to be a traitor!

Damn, there’s more here!

If you look at these names, they are either celebrities or CEOs of large companies.

Everyone is sanctimonious on domestic TV, but I didn’t expect that my knees would be so weak. Those bastards here are here to kneel down! "

Chen Xin'an rarely watches TV, so she doesn't know these people.

Just hearing Luo Xiaoman tell them their identities in China, they also frowned.

"Sorry to bother you!" A couple walked over next to them. The man had short hair, all dyed silver white.

Wearing a pair of glasses, he looked like he was smiling politely, but for some reason, it made people feel that he was not actually smiling, and was even a little arrogant.

The woman was dressed in a very Ying-style dress and looked like an authentic Ying-ying girl. She only had one mouth, but she spoke pure Chinese.

Seeing Chen Xin'an turn around, the girl pointed in the direction of the door and said to Chen Xin'an, "Can you take a photo for me?"

Before Chen Xin'an could answer, Luo Xiaoman came over, pointed at the Thousand Buddha Wall and asked the couple:

"Are you Monkey Sai Lei and Spider-chan? Is that what you just signed?"

The girl looked helpless and said to the boyfriend next to her: "What did I say? It's not good to have too many fans. You can be recognized even if you go abroad!"

The man said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman: "Recognize it if you recognize it, and don't post it online, otherwise my lawyer will cause trouble for you.

Take a picture for us two, and we'll send it out to mention you when it's done.

Don't use your junk phone, use ours, and get the best results! "

Chen Xin'an looked at Luo Xiaoman with a puzzled face and said, "Do you know them?"

Luo Xiaoman said with a gloomy face: "A pair of CP Internet celebrities from China!

He is famously pro-Ying.

In their home, there is even a plaque bearing the name of the Sick Man of China!

There are a lot of people scolding you online, but the more you scold me, the more popular you become!

I think China’s current network environment is also seriously ill. People like this can become famous! "

Chen Xin'an turned her head, looked at the couple, frowned and said, "What kind of photos do you want to take?"

Spider-chan pointed to the temple gate and said, "We'll face the mountain gate over there later, and bow three times and knock down nine times. Give us a nine-shot shoot!"

We must show our piety and our expressions must be photographed, no problem? "

Chen Xin'an took a breath, looked at her and asked, "Do you know where this place is?

It's okay for you to sign here, but why do you still bow and kowtow three times? So pious? "

Hou Sailei, who had long pointed ears and monkey cheeks, said impatiently to Spider-chan: "We met an angry young man again!

I don’t know what these idiots are doing here after they’ve been eating all day and have nothing to do!

You are so brave, why don’t you come to Daying? "

Spider-chan seemed quite patient, and said to Chen Xin'an with a fake smile:

"Sorry, we are just here for a trip.

This place is a very famous attraction in Daying. I think you should know about it, otherwise you wouldn’t come here, right?

So we just visited and took some photos.

I heard that you were speaking Chinese and thought that we were compatriots, so I came over to ask for your help.

If you don’t want to help, forget it. It’s the same if we help others. "

Luo Xiaoman looked at the two of them angrily and said, "This is not a question of whether to help or not!

This is really a matter of attitude and stance!

Let’s not talk about whether it’s right or wrong to visit it as an attraction. It’s wrong to just sign on the wall.

And you two are still here bowing three times and kowtowing nine times to show your piety?

Has your brain been kicked by a donkey?

Do you really not know who are the people worshiped inside?

Do you give them three bows and nine kowtows?

If your grandpa finds out, he will be so angry that he jumps out of his grave and beats you both to death! "

Hou Sailei cursed angrily at Luo Xiaoman: "What the hell are you talking nonsense here!

I just want you to help take some photos. If you don’t want to help, forget it. Who are you scolding?

Are you still here to lecture us?

who do you think You Are?

If the assistant hadn't come, would we have needed your help?

A group of angry young people who have no skills all day long will be morally kidnapped!

If you cling to things that happened decades ago, you might as well just live in the past! "

Spider-chan also curled her lips and said to Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman with disdain:

"Our generation has forgiven us, so what's the point of you holding on to it?

What kind of society is it now, why are you still reading those old almanacs?

Okay, I don’t need you anymore, let’s find someone else to help! "

Angry looks appeared on the faces of Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman. It was really unexpected that such people could become Internet celebrities?

At this moment, Spider-chan looked at the crowd next to him and cursed sternly:

"Xin Yue, where did you die?

Didn’t you say you couldn’t come over if you didn’t feel well?

Why did you come here again?

It would be less troublesome if you come here early!

When you go out to take photos, you can meet keyboard warriors and angry youths, which is really unlucky! "

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