Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2529 I want to ruin their reputation

A girl with pigtails walked out of the crowd, quickly put her cell phone into the bag beside her, and walked over with her head lowered.

Spider-chan handed her his mobile phone and said expressionlessly: "Take it, we will start shooting after we find the scene. Remember to take continuous shots and pay attention to every expression!"

The girl named Xinyue nodded vigorously.

Hou Sai Lei and Spider Jiang looked at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman with disdain, snorted coldly, curled their lips, and turned around to leave.

Chen Xin'an said to them: "Let me tell you a joke.

I met an old cousin whose father was a common man and was arrested to build fortifications for the Japanese soldiers.

The mother was pregnant and was forcibly humiliated by a group of Japanese soldiers who broke into the house.

After his father came back, he fought with the Japanese soldiers and was beaten to death.

His mother also died after giving birth to him.

When this old cousin grew up, he regarded himself as a descendant of Great Ying.

I learned how to speak and dress like the Ying people, and I admired all the culture of the Ying Dynasty.

He looks down on Chinese people and feels aggrieved for being in China.

But they have to stay here because they want to make money from the Chinese people! "

Luo Xiaoman laughed and said: "The key point is that they want to recognize those Daying people as their fathers, but they don't admit that they have such sons and daughters!

Therefore, if you are neither earthy nor foreign, and you don’t act like an upright person, you just become a bastard. Do you think it’s ridiculous? "

Hou Sai Lei and Spider Jiang's expressions became extremely ugly. At the same time, they rolled up their sleeves, pointed at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman and cursed:

“Who are you calling a bastard?

Do you know who we are?

Believe it or not, we can ruin your reputation just by saying something casually to someone higher up?

Two angry young men dare to provoke us, who gave you the courage! "

There was no need for Chen Xin'an to take action. Luo Xiaoman, who had already lost his patience, rushed over and kicked both of them, knocking them to the ground!

"You two bastards, I feel dirty when I hit you with my hands!

How dare you threaten me?

Are you worthy enough? "

Luo Xiaoman felt annoyed and jumped up and kicked the two of them several times, causing them to scream loudly.

There were a lot of people around, but no one came to help. They were all watching the fun with great interest.

Even the assistant Xinyue secretly took out her phone and took pictures of everything.

Chen Xin'an walked up to her, stretched out her hand and said, "Give me your phone!"

"Mr. Chen, I will give you the video, but not now!" Xinyue whispered to Chen Xin'an, with a scared expression on her face.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked her, "Do you know me?"

Xinyue nodded slightly and said, "I am a loyal fan of Youhuoyi column.

I once watched your video on my mobile phone, but the column group later deleted it. "

Looking at Hou Sai Lei and Spider Sauce who were lying on the ground being beaten violently, Xinyue also showed a trace of disgust on his face.

“They are typical elites, but they feel they are elites!

When I came to Da Ying Temple to worship, I knew what their intentions were, so I excused myself from feeling unwell and did not go with them.

But I didn’t want these two people to keep deceiving the feelings of the Chinese people, so I secretly came over and took pictures of all their ugliness.

Mr. Chen, give me your email address and I will send you all these videos!

In fact, there are many more, but I dare not disclose them without the right person.

They are big internet celebrities, no one would believe it even if I posted it.

There will also be a dedicated team to help them clear their names, and they may even threaten my safety.

When I met Mr. Chen, I knew I had waited for the right time.

I know Mr. Chen must have a way to ruin their reputation! "

Chen Xin'an looked into Xinyue's eyes, smiled and said, "You are very smart and do a good job!

I'll give you an email address and you can just send it to the other party.

That is the private email address of the person in charge. "

Xinyue's eyes lit up, she looked at Chen Xin'an in surprise and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

Hearing the screams of Hou Sai Lei and Spider Sauce, Xinyue's face changed and she quickly said:

"Mr. Chen, please ask your friends to stop and never beat them both to death!

For them, the harm of a beating is far less than the loss of reputation. On the contrary, it can get them more sympathy and increase their popularity! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, it's okay!"

Luo Xiaoman stopped kicking them both, and cursed with disdain:

"A pair of traitors, if you dare to yell at me again, I will strip you naked and let you two act like dogs here!"

Hou Sai Lei and Spider Sauce lay on the ground holding their heads, just wailing and not daring to respond.

I don’t know how long it took, but it wasn’t until the assistant came over to help them up that they realized that the two guys had disappeared!


A slap hit Xinyue's face, and Spider-chan scolded her with a ferocious face:

"I'm being beaten, what are you doing?

Why don't you rush up and fight them to the death?

Don’t you understand the principle of humiliating a minister to death?

Useless trash!

Did you record everything just now? "

Xinyue covered her face, handed her cell phone to Spider-chan and said, "It's all recorded!"

Spider-chan pushed the phone away and cursed: "What are you doing now!

So stupid!

Take some more expressions and I will post them online.

I won't stop until those two bastards are killed!

They have to expose their identities through human flesh, and let their whole family become famous in the streets!

Hurry up and take the photos. I'll bring the makeup over later. I'll touch up my makeup and take photos for worship!

A group of angry young keyboard warriors, the more they don't let me worship, the more I will worship, let's see who can stop me! "

In the taxi, Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman looked out the window boredly, feeling a little heavy.

The two traitors were not enough to affect his mood.

Even though he had taught them a lesson, Luo Xiaoman still retained his strength and did not act harshly.

It's easy to kill them, but it's not worth getting yourself into trouble just for a pair of bastards.

And there are not a few Chinese people who think like them.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman can't be two door gods outside the Daying Temple, and fight one against the other, right?

The only one who can really cure them is Wang Yi.

If you make a fortune from the Internet, then let the Internet destroy you.

I just don’t know if that little girl named Xinyue can help me.

"Hold your breath!" Chen Xin'an suddenly came to Luo Xiaoman's side and whispered to him.

Luo Xiaoman was stunned and felt that he smelled a strange smell.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly kicked the driver's seat back!

The unsuspecting driver's body was bounced forward, hit the steering wheel, and then bounced back!

Chen Xin'an strangled his neck and removed the oxygen plug from his nose.

At the same time, Luo Xiaoman knocked on the car window next to him with his elbow.

The glass shattered with a crash, and fresh air rushed in. Luo Xiaoman opened his mouth wide and took a big breath.


The taxi spun around and hit a nearby streetlight.

Chen Xin'an pressed the driver's head against the exhaust vent and asked the driver, "Who are you?"

The driver struggled hard, but still couldn't get rid of Chen Xin'an's control. He said a difficult word, then rolled his eyes and passed out.

Luo Xiaoman asked Chen Xin'an, "What did he say?"

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said, "He said he is from the Zuji Society! This is the territory of the Zuji Society!"

"Okay, Old Chen!" Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened with disbelief on his face: "You can even understand the Japanese dialect!"

Chen Xin'an rolled his eyes at him and cursed: "I can understand a der! Xiaolan told me!"

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