Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2530 Their marksmanship is embarrassing

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman have already talked about the instant translator at Yingjing University.

Therefore, Luo Xiaoman has long heard about Xu Jiaoyang and Xu Qilan, a pair of top academic siblings.

Moreover, the brother and sister have already contacted Ning Xiruo, and have even been assigned positions by Anhao Group and are going through the contract process.

After they graduate, they will be full-time employees of Anhao Group, and they can even have independent research laboratories funded by Anhao Group.

This is rare among their classmates, and others are only jealous!

So the two brothers and sisters now call Chen Xin'an from An Ge'er to boss!

"Come on, come on, just dial the same channel for me and let me talk to sister Xiaolan!" Luo Xiaoman quickly waved to Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an had no choice but to ventilate Xu Qilan's side.

The communication host is now in Xu Qilan's dormitory at Yingjing University.

So the communication channel debugging was all done by this little girl.

Soon Luo Xiaoman also heard Xu Qilan's voice.

"Most of the members of the Zuoji Society are taxi drivers in Yingjing!

The headquarters is right where you are now. One hundred meters ahead is Sanlian Transportation Co., Ltd.

Boss, Brother Man, you'd better get out of there right away! "

It's too late to say this now.

As he was talking, a large number of taxis appeared from both ends of the street. They all stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the place where the two of them were.

Chen Xin'an said to Luo Xiaoman: "Get in the car and sit tight!"

Throwing the unconscious driver into the trash can next to him, Chen Xin'an got into the driver's seat. As soon as he accelerator, the car roared forward!

During the horizontal battle, Zuojihui was one of the members who was chasing Chen Xin'an.

After arriving in Yingjing, every time the coalition forces were dispatched, Zuoji would provide vehicles.

Naturally, Chen Xin'an would not let go of such an old friend easily!

It is precisely because he knows the characteristics of the Zuoji Society that Chen Xin'an always takes a taxi when he goes out, just to look for them.

You know, taking a taxi in Daying is quite expensive.

But I have to admit that the taxi services in Da Ying are among the top three in the world!

The overall feeling is clean, even the wheels are spotless.

The service is bowed ninety degrees, and the polite people treat you not only as God, but as if you are an ancestor.

So when they saw Chen Xin'an rushing over in a taxi, a group of taxi drivers who had been aggressive just now suddenly changed their expressions and quickly put into reverse gear and backed away, for fear that Chen Xin'an would hit them!

In Da Ying, car repairs are not cheap, and whoever’s car is damaged has to pay for the repairs out of his own pocket!

Chen Xin'an didn't care, he turned the taxi into a bumper car and jumped into it!

"Get out of the way! Don't block me from those behind! He has already rushed over!"

"Damn bastard! My car lights are smashed! Stop him quickly, my car is going to be totaled!"

"Hurry down and rush over to stop them! If I had known this, I wouldn't have participated. My hard-earned money this month won't even cover the maintenance fee!"

Amid the howls of the people around him, Chen Xin'an drove his car on a rampage. One car forced dozens of cars to go backwards, daring not to move forward.

"Asshole, go to hell!" A Zuojihui boy jumped on the front of the car, holding a pistol in his hand, pointing it at Chen Xin'an who was rushing over, and fired several shots!

Chen Xin'an shouted at Luo Xiaoman: "Get down!"

Turn your body to the side and step on the accelerator!

As the taxi roared, bullet holes appeared in the windshield in front, cracked like a spider web.

But the taxi didn't slow down or change its appearance at all. It rushed over and collided with the front of the gunman's car amidst the screams of the gunman!

The front of Chen Xin'an's car was raised high, and the whole car flew up. He climbed onto the opponent's car, knocked the gunman away, and then hit the roof of the opponent's car heavily!

The carriage was flattened and the injuries were serious.

They were trapped in the car and couldn't get out. As for the brave gunman, his entire body had been smashed and his bones were broken. He was curled up in the corner like a puddle of mud and could no longer die.

"Get out!" Chen Xin'an shouted to Luo Xiaoman, kicked open the windshield, and jumped out from the front.

Luo Xiaoman followed closely.

Then there was a burst of gunfire, and bullets shot at the two of them!

The people from the Zuoji Society had already gotten out of their cars and were standing around with guns shooting at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman.

This is their base camp, so naturally they have nothing to worry about!

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman ran quickly, using the cover of surrounding cars to avoid bullets.

Because she was asked out by Yan Chunhua, she originally planned to go back after meeting her once.

I walked around the entrance of Daying Temple. It was purely a temporary idea.

Therefore, the two of them did not bring guns, let alone small pineapples. After all, there were not many of them, and now there were only two left.

But both of them brought crossbows!

After all, this is Luo Zhonghua's new product. It is easy to carry, lightweight and practical, and Chen Xin'an likes it.

The only drawback is that the arrows are limited and you have to take them back after you use them, otherwise they will become less and less the more you use them.

That's why Luo Xiaoman asked Tang Yang to help make more, but it would take two days to get the finished product.

Now they each carry thirty of them, so they have to use them sparingly.

With a forward roll, Chen Xin'an's body turned over the roof of a taxi. The moment he landed, he had already held the crossbow in his hand.

Before the gunshots in front of them could react, there was a whooshing sound in their ears.

When they felt as if their bodies had been pushed, they took two steps back. When they looked down, they saw an arrow stuck in their chests, piercing half of the arrow's body!

Severe pain instantly surrounded them, and the gunmen who had been hit by arrows collapsed to the ground one after another.

Chen Xin'an put away the crossbow, ran in front of them, grabbed two guns with both hands, pointed them at the Zuojihui boy next to him, and pulled the triggers continuously!

Several Zuozhai boys didn't even scream, they were shot in the head and fell to the ground!

Someone shouted: "Hide! Be careful!"

The gunmen, who originally looked fierce and unafraid of death, now looked like lost dogs, running away in all directions howling like ghosts.

Luo Xiaoman also grabbed two guns and shot wildly around him.

He has no marksmanship at all, he just uses the fastest time to empty the bullets in the gun.

But this kind of attack made the Zuoji Society people even more frightened. No one wanted to be hit by an inexplicable stray bullet!

"Old Chen, there are no bullets!" Luo Xiaoman shouted and rushed over, hiding behind a car with Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an scolded angrily: "Me neither! These poor people don't have ammunition prepared, they are all disposable!"

After fighting countless gunmen and enemies of all kinds, this group of Da Ying people really opened Chen Xin'an's eyes.

Their meticulous calculations seeped into every aspect, even killing people with guns.

When the dealer comes out, he only has this magazine in his gun, and it's gone when he's done shooting it.

Chen Xin'an searched for the corpses of several people, but didn't find a single round of ammunition.

At this moment, there is only one bullet left in the four guns!

The person behind the opposite car shouted loudly: "They are out of bullets! Go up and kill those two bastards!"

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes, raised her gun, and fired the last bullet!

"Be careful, they still have bullets! Hide!"

"Don't be afraid, there's only one shot! And their marksmanship is so rubbish, they can't hit me even if I stand still!"

"Haha, I can see it too, that guy's bullets hit the sky! With such shooting skills, I don't know what I was afraid of just now!"

Just as they were mocking wildly, Chen Xin'an's bullet hit the car.

A group of gunmen from the Zoji Society burst out laughing, seemingly mocking Chen Xin'an's shameful marksmanship.

But the next second, the car burst into flames with a bang, and then exploded into the sky!

This shot hit the fuel tank!

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