Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2532 Let’s make it a little more chaotic

Zuojihui has business dealings with almost all black societies in Japan.

Because of the special nature of their work, they can always find opportunities to cooperate with other associations.

For example, helping carry goods or attracting customers.

Business on the Bar Pedestrian Street has been poor recently.

The Weisu people thought of a way and invited many female college students from nearby universities to come here for chance encounters.

This kind of trick is very common in Weisu country.

Of course, saying please is more official and polite.

The actual situation is deception, kidnapping, or even forcing a girl into prostitution.

Zuoji will look for candidates and send them to the pedestrian street.

The rest will be left to the Ice Bear Club.

As a reward, Ice Bear will give the Zoji Association a sum of money based on head count.

But after doing this kind of thing for a long time, the reputation became so bad that it affected the reputation of Yingjing Taxi.

You must know that taxi fares are expensive in Da Ying, but what they build is service and reputation.

If things continue like this, the Zuoji Society's own business will definitely suffer, and it will be difficult to maintain it just by relying on some commissions!

Therefore, the Zoji Club intends to stop cooperating with the Ice Bear Club.

Because of this matter, the two sides were at loggerheads.

The Ice Bear will ridicule the people of the Zoji Society for being timid and afraid of getting into trouble, and for being stupid if they don't make money.

The people of the Zuoji Society scolded the Changmao of the Ice Bear Society that they were the rat excrement of Da Ying. They not only disturbed Da Ying but also made them stink. They should really get out of Ying Jing.

In anger, Ice Bear will prepare to buy his own car, join the transportation association, and form his own taxi fleet.

Since then, the Zuoji Club has stopped working. There has been constant friction between the two sides. If the Sakura Club hadn't been suppressing them, they would have started fighting!

Of course, as the boss of the Ice Bear Club, Brevich can still distinguish the important from the important.

The primary goal now is to get rid of the dragon forces first!

The only way to make a lot of money is to kill the dragon forces and snatch orders from Sakura Club.

Zuojihui's side is just a small profit, one day early and one day late will not cause much loss.

If you want to kill the dragon forces, you must first deal with the two Chinese masters who appeared this afternoon!

This is the biggest variable in getting rid of the dragon forces. If they are dead, the dragon forces can be defeated with a snap of their fingers!

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion in front, as if something important had happened.

Brevich looked gloomily and said to the people around him: "Go and see what's going on? Who dares to make trouble here?"

The men ran forward quickly, and within thirty seconds, they ran back and shouted in panic: "No, boss, people from the Zuoji Association are here!"

Brevich frowned and asked him: "People from the Zozy Society are here? Are they crazy? How many people are here?"

The subordinate pointed his finger and shouted to him: "Look!"

Brevich stood up, glanced ahead, his face changed drastically, and he cursed:

“Damn Zuojihui, I didn’t bother them, but they came to me first!

Notify everyone, prepare guys, give me a hard beating!

If they come to my territory and act arrogantly, I will make sure they never come back! "

The taxi showed no intention of avoiding it and rushed onto the pedestrian street, right towards those open-air bars!

Some foreigners sitting at the wine table drinking looked at the taxis rushing towards them. They didn't even have time to grab the things on the table, so they stood up and ran away with their heads in their hands.

Some who had no time to run were knocked out and fell several meters away, not knowing whether they were alive or dead.

A taxi and an off-road vehicle drove side by side, knocking the tables and chairs outside the shop into pieces.

The foreigners who ran to the side in embarrassment cursed angrily, picked up the wine bottles at their feet and smashed them hard.

But at this moment, there was a roar behind them, and they turned around and saw an even more terrifying scene!

A large number of taxis roared in, sweeping the entire pedestrian street like a violent wind!

In a taxi, the man sitting in the passenger seat turned his head and said with a pale face to the middle-aged man directing the battle in the back seat:

"Mr. Takamiya, something is wrong! This is the East Third District! We have entered the territory of the Vesu people!"

In the back seat, Jun Takamiyagawa, the boss of the Sakai Association, looked livid and stared straight ahead.

Why are you telling me this is the territory of the Ice Bear Club at this time? It’s useless!

Do I have to give in in front of all my brothers and leave here in despair?

He now hates those Chinese people in front of him and gnashes his teeth!

Along the way, the two cars in front kept slowing down and provoking him, almost knocking his car over.

Jun Takamiyagawa also has a bad temper, so he will naturally pursue him.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally ran into the Ice Bear Club's territory!

The relationship between the two societies was already tense during this period, and this time it became even more tense.

But now that you have come, you have to give it up!

As long as those Chinese people can be killed, everything can be remedied.

When the time comes, explain it to Bulevich and everything will be fine!

But at this moment, the car suddenly made a sharp turn and hit the door of the store next to it!

The brother in the passenger seat shouted at Jun Takamiya: "Boss, get down!"

Without his reminder, Takamiya Chunjun had already noticed something was wrong and climbed on the seat!

At the same time, all the window glass next to him was shattered, bullets shot in and hit the driver, causing his body to tremble violently and killing him on the spot!

"Yuji is driving, let's go!" Jun Takamiya shouted to the co-pilot, took out his pistol and fired back outside.

The co-pilot unbuckled the driver's seat belt, opened the door, kicked the driver's body down, then sat in the driver's seat and started the car.

"Kill them!" The Vesu people roared from behind, and two big men pointed their pistols at the people in the car.

Yuji put the reverse gear on and hit the accelerator. The car emitted black smoke and retreated, knocking the two Vesu men away. Then it swerved and rushed forward!

Takamiya Chunjun held a gun in his right hand and a walkie-talkie in his left hand, shouting: "Hit me! As long as they are not one of our own, kill them!"

There was loud gunfire on the pedestrian street, and chaos broke out for a while.

Seeing several Vesu men around him fall down, Brevich's eyes turned red and he shouted to his men: "Take out our big guy!"

A group of guys from the Ice Bear Club rushed into the nearby store and quickly ran out carrying several canvas bags.

"Go on!" With a shout, long guns were taken by the Vesu people and pointed at the taxis.


A grenade trailed white smoke and flew toward the taxis.

With a huge roar, at least three cars were blown up at the same time, and flames shot into the sky!

Immediately afterwards, assault rifles and assault rifles sprayed out dense flames, and bullets enveloped the taxi fleet like a torrential rain!

In the midst of the ghost crying and wolf howling, Takamiya Chun was lying on his seat

"Chen Xin'an is in the pedestrian street of East Third District and has already colluded with the Weisu people!

I took my brothers from the Zuoji Society to hold them back. Come quickly! "

After hanging up the phone, Jun Takamiya looked ferocious and shouted to Yuji who was driving: "Since it's already so chaotic, let's make it a little more chaotic!

Don't worry, the coalition forces will arrive soon, and even the ice bears will be wiped out!

Drive all these damn Vesu people out of Yingjing!

Yuji is driving, let’s go to the side and hide for a while!

Did you hear me? I'll let you drive! "

Yuji was still sitting motionless in the driver's seat. Takamiya Chun pulled his shoulder angrily, but he fell to the side!

Takamiyagawa turned around and took a look, and then he realized that Yuji's chest was soaked red with blood, and the two blood holes were still bleeding out!

"Yuji!" Takamiya Chunjun screamed sadly. This was his brother who had been following him from the beginning. He was loyal to him and obeyed his orders.

Unexpectedly, he died here in a daze!

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