Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2533 The people we are looking for are them

With a crashing sound, taxis and off-road vehicles riddled with holes crashed into the nearby facade one after another.

The people inside either ran away or went out to fight. The huge store was actually empty, which was in sharp contrast to the bustle outside.

Chen Xin'an asked the three people who jumped off the off-road vehicle, "Are you injured?"

Luo Qianhe waved his hand and said, "It's okay! Everything is fine!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at Li Qi. He was in good spirits and there was indeed no sign of any new injuries.

Then he felt relieved, waved to everyone and said: "Go upstairs!"

Now that both ends are blocked, it's not easy to get out.

Moreover, there is a gun battle going on outside, and it would be unsafe to leave in a hurry now.

Chen Xin'an led everyone to rush here and defend the second floor. Even if there were enemies chasing him, it would not be easy to attack them.

The most important thing is that there are large windows on the second floor, you can see

Of course, be careful of stray bullets, getting hit is no fun!

Because of the blessing of powerful weapons, although the Ice Bear Society did not have an advantage in numbers, they took the initiative in the battle, which was equivalent to overpowering the Zuoji Society's people.

However, this situation did not last long, and soon a large number of reinforcements appeared.

The coalition forces have arrived!

Brevich was still wondering why this group of people came to join in the fun. Could it be that the Zuoji Club's action this time was the intention of the Sakura Club?

Or is it the Da Ying Society that wants to carve up the Ice Bear Club’s territory?

But it doesn’t matter anymore, since it’s already here, let’s fight!

Vesu people will never bow to anyone!

A more intense battle broke out, with loud gunshots and loud shouts on the pedestrian street, just like a war.

Soon the blood on the ground gathered into a river and spread on the pedestrian street. It was shocking to see it!

The coalition forces are so large in number that they have surrounded the pedestrian street.

It's just that their firepower is much worse than that of the Ice Bear Society, and they don't even have a few long guns.

Although the Vesu people are not large in number, they are well-equipped, and they are not afraid of death. Their overall quality is much better than that of the ragtag group of society coalition forces!

"These damn bastards!" In the lobby on the first floor, looking at the two cars that broke in and the mess on the ground, Brevich angrily kicked the wheel of the off-road vehicle.

Every store on the pedestrian street has suffered varying degrees of damage. This is not the only scene where a store door was broken open and a car was driven in, so it’s not surprising.

The boy next to him shouted to him: "Boss, this can't go on like this. We don't have much ammunition. Sooner or later, those Japanese bastards will attack us!"

I think it’s time to show our true strength! "

The companion on the side scolded him: "Salev, are you crazy? If we use those things, the Japanese officials will not let us go!"

Blevich also nodded and said to the two of them: "Hold on, I'll call Kazuo Yamasuke and ask what's going on!

If the Da Ying people really want to drive us Vesu people away, then don't blame us for putting all our efforts into it!

At that time, we will take out the items that we originally wanted to trade with Da Ying Green Equipment for use!

Let these damn Da Ying people know that the Vesu people cannot be bullied! "

At this moment, the sound of chairs being dragged suddenly came from the second floor.

Brevich raised his head, frowned and shouted: "Who is up there?"

The two boys beside him quickly picked up their guns and cautiously walked towards the stairs.

This store is Brevich's main store, and all the staff are members of the Ice Bear Club.

At this time, everyone should be fighting outside. If there are still people, they are enemies, or cowards who dare not fight.

No matter what kind of person they are, their fate will be the same and they must be dealt with.

Vesu people don't want to be cowards, the only outcome for not fighting is death!

The three of them went up to the second floor and moved towards the window.

Two gunmen in front, see the curtain

After a round of gunfire, the glass shattered and the curtains shredded, revealing the wall behind.

Just two pairs of shoes and no one at all!

The three of them were a little strange and were about to change their ammunition. At this moment, the door of the standing cabinet next to them was suddenly knocked open, and two figures rushed out from inside!

Before the two gunmen could turn their guns, their arms were pressed down, and with a thud, one gunman was stabbed in the chest with a sword.

However, this guy has a strong body and very solid muscles. The knife did not penetrate deeply and was caught by the opponent's muscles.

The severe pain turned him into a violent brown bear, grabbed Luo Xiaoman's arm, yelled, and threw him out!

Luo Xiaoman curled up and hit a table.

As the table fell apart, he rushed over like a spring and punched the gunman on the chin twice.

An ordinary person who received these two punches would definitely lie down and lose his fighting ability on the spot.

But this big guy just shook his head, spit out a mouthful of blood and broken teeth, and charged forward again with a howl!

The physical condition of the Vesu people is so good that even compared with the Eagle Banner people, they still have the upper hand.

This kind of nation that treats brown bears as pets is very powerful in unarmed combat even if they don't know kung fu!

With a beast-like roar, the strong man rushed towards Luo Xiaoman, raised his fist, and smashed the opponent's head hard!

I have already tasted your fist, now let you feel the power of my iron fist!

Luo Xiaoman didn't waste any time, clenched his fists and rushed forward again, hitting the opponent's fist hard!

Fighting fist to fist, the competition is whose fist is stronger!


The fists clashed, and both sides took a step back.

The next second, the two stood face to face, clenched their right fists, and slammed into each other's fists!

There are no bells and whistles at all, not even superfluous movements to change the route!

It's a fist fight between men, one after another, each punch with all your strength.

At this scene, everyone watching Xiao Zhang felt that their hands were sore and it hurt just looking at him!

With a crisp click, the two people who had punched each other for more than twenty times decided the winner.

The right hand of the strong man Weisu was in disfigurement. The broken bones pierced the skin, the flesh and blood were blurred, and the bones were white. It looked really horrible!

Luo Xiaoman's right fist seemed unscathed, but his fist was twice as big as usual, but he still looked very interested. He clenched his left fist and shouted to the strong man in front of him:

"Don't be afraid, keep going! Let's go to the left again. This time I will use my inner strength to punch you to death!"

Although his opponent could not understand what he was saying, he could tell that he was speaking Chinese.

Her eyes fell on his face, and she immediately showed a look of realization. She pointed at him and Chen Xin'an next to him, and shouted to Blevich:

"They are the people we are looking for!

These are the two Chinese people who killed Biev!

The first car that broke into the pedestrian street tonight was also driven by them! "

Brevich was furious!

Just now I was thinking of sending people tonight to find these two damn guys even if they searched the entire Yingjing.

I never expected that before I took any action, they would actually come to my door!

And as soon as he came, he brought himself so much trouble!

Bulevich now wanted to skin these two bastards, and shouted to the subordinate standing in front of Chen Xin'an: "Salev, kill him! What are you doing?!"

Sarev was motionless and looked in pain.

Only then did Brevich discover that several steel needles had been inserted into his face and hands at some point.

Sarev's nose was bleeding and he stood motionless, unable to move!

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