Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2534 I heard you are quite resistant to beatings.

No knife could penetrate the Vesu man's body, but his body was controlled by these small steel needles, making him unable to move.

Burevich looked at Chen Xin'an with eyes full of disbelief.

How did this Chinese do it?

But now he also knows that this is not the time to figure this out.

Just as he was about to pick up the gun in his hand and aim at Chen Xin'an, the other party rushed over. With a flash of cold light, a sword slashed his throat!

The long spear is no longer useful in close combat!

Brevich was not stupid either. He immediately threw away the spear and while dodging, he pulled out the dagger from his waist!


The two knives crossed each other, and the blades rubbed past each other, causing a series of sparks and a tooth-piercing friction sound.

Li Qi, who had already walked out from behind the cabinet, said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, be careful, it's the Boyer sword of the Weisu green-suited special operations team!

The handle of the knife is a pistol and can fire two bullets! "

Chen Xin'an hummed, indicating that she understood.

His hands kept moving, and with a backhand knife, he cut Brevich's armpit.

Now that Li Qi could see the origin of the opponent's knife, it meant that the big man in front of him had probably served in the Weisu Green-suited Special Forces.

Authentic Zhanshu knives like this, no matter which country they are in, are exclusively for sale and are not allowed to be bought or sold.

The only way to escape is to be like Chen Xin'an, who has been in the special operations team and has certain privileges.

Otherwise, even if it is revealed, it will be confiscated and can be easily traced.

The elite of Weisu's green-suited special forces actually came to Da Ying and became the boss of the black society. This is very interesting to think about.

But if it falls into Chen Xin'an's hands, it will be even more interesting!

I thought tonight's events were not chaotic enough, but now that the identity of the Ice Bear Club's boss is a little more complicated, it would be easier.

"Damn it, I'll kill you!" Bulevich shouted angrily, the dagger in his hand flashed with cold light, and he rushed towards Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an held the sword and did not retreat at all, fighting him at close range!

Playing knives face to face requires quick eyes and quick hands.

Not only must you prevent being stabbed by the opponent's knife, but you must also find the right opportunity to fight back.

Everyone only saw a burst of sparks flying, and the sound of clanking metal kept ringing in their ears, but neither of them could see their movements clearly!

But even if they couldn't see clearly, everyone was a little shocked by Bulevich's strength.

Being able to play with Chen Xin'an face to face with a knife, this guy is no ordinary person!

Seeing his opponent's movements getting faster and faster, Brevich's face showed a hint of shock.

He has never met an opponent in this kind of swordsmanship!

Feeling that he was increasingly unable to keep up with the opponent's rhythm, Brevich hesitated and deliberately slowed down a beat, allowing Chen Xin'an to stab the sword into his chest!

This is the most muscular place. As long as it’s not the heart, it won’t be fatal!

Moreover, after the opponent is stabbed, he will be paralyzed. This is the best moment for him to fight back!


The sword stabbed Brevich. At this moment, he regretted it!

The opponent's knife was too sharp and powerful. It almost stabbed him through!

Under the severe pain, Brevich gritted his teeth, raised the dagger, and pointed the handle at Chen Xin'an's head!

But before he could pull the trigger, Chen Xin'an kicked him in the chest again, kicked him back two steps, and pulled out the sword at the same time!

But the longer the distance, the easier it is to shoot!

Brevich endured the severe pain and pressed the button on the handle of the knife.

The bullet flew out and went straight to Chen Xin'an's head!

A sneer appeared on the corner of Brevich's mouth, this guy is dead!

Didn't you expect that? This dagger of mine is specially made and can also be used as a gun!

But at this moment, a person stood in front of Chen Xin'an!

The bullet penetrated his head instantly, exploding a pool of blood!

Brevich was shocked!

What the bastard Sarev is doing!

Why should you block this shot for the other party?

But when he saw Chen Xin'an holding Sarev's arm with one hand, he understood!

It turned out to be this guy’s fault!

But how did he know that his dagger was attached to a gun?

There was a look of horror on Burevich's face. Seeing Sarev fall to the ground and die, he roared and aimed at Chen Xin'an and shot again!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an waved his hand and threw the sword over.

The tip of the knife hit the barrel of the gun at the bottom of the dagger without any bias!

As Brevich pressed the firing button, the bullet was blocked as soon as it came out of the gun chamber, exploded with a bang, and the dagger handle exploded from the chamber!

"Ah!" Brevich's right hand was dripping with blood, and even his right eye was bleeding!

He covered his wound, bent down and cursed loudly.

Chen Xin'an didn't give him a chance to fight again. He rushed over and kicked him away, then picked up the sword on the ground and threw it away!


The sword penetrated Brevich's neck and penetrated him!

Beside the wall, Brevich held the handle of the knife around his neck with his left hand and tried to pull it out. As soon as he moved, a large amount of blood poured out of his mouth!

He coughed and drew the knife, but all the strength in his body quickly disappeared like water!

Chen Xin'an walked up to him, lowered her head and looked at him, then held the handle of the knife with her right hand, circled it around his neck, and turned it in a circle!


Luo Xiaoman punched the strong man Weisu in the head. The guy staggered, his eyes were dull, and he took two steps back.

"I heard that you are quite resistant to being beaten!" Luo Xiaoman looked at the strong man Weisu and sneered, then rushed forward again, clenched his fists, and used all the strength of his body to punch the opponent in the forehead!

There was a click, and the opponent's forehead bone cracked, and if the skin hadn't been covering the whole head, it would have been split in half!

This punch was so powerful that even Luo Xiaoman felt much more comfortable.

When I punched before, I always felt like I still had some leftover power, but I couldn't get every punch to reach full strength.

Now this feeling is gone, and his confidence has doubled. Even if there is an Iron Man standing in front of him, he dares to punch him a few times!

Three corpses were lying by the window, and Chen Xin'an was still holding Brevich's head in his hand.

He said to everyone: "You go down and drive first, I will be there soon.

We have to leave here right away, we can’t stop for a moment! "

Xiao Zhang nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "I observed just now. There is an alleyway out the back, which is just enough for a car to drive. Let's go from the back later, and I will clear the road!"

"Okay!" Everyone nodded together.

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and asked everyone to go downstairs first.

He smashed the window glass, lifted the body and threw it outside, and asked: "Xiaolan, give me a Ying dialect.

Let's work together to kill all the Vesu people! "

Xiaolan spoke slowly into the headset, and Chen Xinan listened carefully.

The three corpses had been thrown downstairs. Chen Xin'an held up Blevich's head and yelled the Japanese language he had just learned while lying by the window.

Then he threw the head in his hand high!

After doing this, Chen Xin'an jumped directly from the second floor to the lobby on the first floor and got into a taxi.

The off-road vehicle in front rushed out with a roar, followed closely by Luo Xiaoman in a taxi.

With a crash, the two cars broke through the back door one after the other and entered an alley.

There were not many cars blocking the road here. The two cars were running very fast. After turning a few turns, they left the pedestrian street!

The piercing sirens sounded, and the battle on the pedestrian street finally led to the dispatch of the Metropolitan Police Department.

This is not the most exciting thing. As soon as the people from the Metropolitan Police Department arrived at the pedestrian street, loud noises were heard one after another!

There were frequent explosions on the pedestrian street, flames shot into the sky, and the cries of ghosts and wolves could be clearly heard by Chen Xin'an, who was hundreds of meters away!

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