Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2542 Do you know the mystery of inner strength?

The door that he locked has now become a prison that traps him to death!

A group of Heguhui disciples crowded in the doorway of the gym with howls. The dragon forces behind them went on a killing spree and pulled the trigger with the light punch without any mercy!

Suzuki Rin now wants to give herself a few big mouths!

When we came here just now, we should have asked our men to take out their guns!

Although it is just a pistol, not a high-power weapon like this, it is still sufficiently suppressive and lethal. It will not just serve as a target like it is now!

But what's even more strange to him is, how come the dragon force has such a weapon?

In Da Ying, it is very, very difficult to get this thing.

I heard that only the Visu people can get it.

Could it be that the Dragon Force has colluded with the Ice Bear Society?

impossible? Aren't they mortal enemies?

Moreover, the Ice Bear Society is finished now, so why would they give their weapons to the Dragon Force?

There were a lot of questions, but Suzuki Rin didn't dare to stop!

He relied on the cover of his companions and pillars to dodge bullets. He was almost hit several times, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat!

Finally, the gunfire stopped and the bullets were gone!

This kind of picked-up gun originally didn't have much ammunition.

Because guns are banned in Da Ying, it is difficult to find matching bullets.

We didn't bring all the magazines tonight, just a full magazine for each person.

Now that they were all out, Tang Yang and his brothers did not panic. They put the guns back into their backpacks, carried them on their backs, and pulled out the knives from their waists.

"They have no bullets, chop them to death!" Following Suzuki Rin's loud shout, the people from the Hegu Association turned around and rushed towards the Dragon Force group with murderous intent.

Looking at the mattress under his feet that was stained red with blood, and the countless brothers lying motionless on the ground, Suzuki Rin almost had sparks in his eyes!

In less than two minutes, Heguhui suffered heavy losses. Nearly half of the brothers fell down, not knowing whether they were alive or dead!

These bastards from the Dragon Force, cutting them to pieces with thousands of swords is not enough to satisfy their hatred!

Dad was injured on the East Third District Pedestrian Street, and Hegu Hui has been hit hard again. It is estimated that Hegu Hui will not be able to recover within half a year.

Fortunately, Tang Yang, the boss of the dragon force, is here.

If we kill this guy tonight, the dragon force will fall apart.

When the time comes, I will take my brothers to snatch their territory and supplies, and the Hegu Society will be able to recover quickly!

As for those two guys who look very fierce and know Chinese Kung Fu, so what if they are masters?

Under siege by so many brothers from Heguhui, what's the use of kung fu?

"Kill Tang Yang first if you hit the man's hand, he is the main target!

The others are not important, just keep two alive!

When Tang Yang dies, let them take us to the dragon force base to grab things! "

At this moment, someone beside him cursed: "Who the hell are you saying is unimportant?"

Suzuki Rin was startled and turned around suddenly. A Chinese man was not far behind him. He knocked away the Heguhui disciple who was blocking him and kicked him with a flying kick!

This guy is the Chinese kung fu master who knocked out Hideki with one punch!

Unexpectedly, so many people were blocking him, but he could still rush to his side!

It's a pity that Suzuki Rin is not a warrior of Hideki's level.

He has been practicing karate since he was a child, and is now a master of karate beyond tenth level!

Facing Luo Xiaoman's flying kick, Suzuki Rin blocked with both hands, preparing to block the kick first, and then counterattack before the opponent could land and stand firm.

Unexpectedly, when this kick hit him, he felt as if he was hit by a car 80 yards away, and his feet were lifted off the ground!

Bang bang!

Suzuki Rin bumped into the two brothers behind him. While the two fell to the ground sleeping, he took advantage of the situation to stabilize his body and stand on the mat.

But his arms were a little numb, and his face became extremely ugly!

Luo Xiaoman didn't give him a chance to breathe. He had already caught up with him, raised his fist, and smashed him at him, cursing:

"I'm asking you, it doesn't matter who you say!"

"I..." Suzuki Rin wanted to speak, but was interrupted by the opponent's attack!

He didn't understand why the other party could talk while fighting.

A real master uses Qi to control his strength. Only the punches he punches have the power to break open monuments and crack rocks!

It took him nearly twenty years of hard training to begin to understand the secrets of this, and to achieve today's achievements.

Doesn’t this Chinese kung fu master understand this truth?

Then why does his move have such terrifying power?

The only explanation is that this guy is simply born with divine power!

Such people look fierce, but they are not scary at all.

It is impossible to fight a protracted war simply by relying on a rush of momentum without resilience.

Once he lets out his energy, he turns into a human-shaped punching bag, only worthy of being beaten!

A sneer appeared on the corner of Suzuki Rin's mouth, and he concentrated on defending against the opponent's attacks, using every move as he saw it.

Now we don’t seek victory, we only seek stability, just drag the opponent down!

At the same time, the brothers next to him were not idle either. Several of them rushed over to share his pressure and consume this guy's energy.


Luo Xiaoman punched Suzuki Rin's arm again, but this punch was not very strong and just shook him.

Suzuki Rin was overjoyed. The energy that the other party relied on had been released!

He took a step back and watched his men entangle Luo Xiaoman. He took a deep breath to increase his strength and prepare to give the opponent a fatal blow.

But he said with a sneer: "What's wrong, do you feel you have no strength?

Are all Chinese warriors so stupid?

Do you really understand the true meaning of Kung Fu?

Let me tell you, the real master fights not with brute force, but with Qi!

Do you know what anger is?

It’s something that can call upon your body’s potential.

That kind of potential is called inner strength!

Brute force cannot defeat a master like me.

Only inner strength is the most terrifying power!

A half-hearted martial artist like you who relies on his physical condition and wastes his talent can die without regrets if he can experience the mystery of inner strength before he dies! "

He slowly closed his eyes and opened them again. His fists were clenched, the muscles on his arms were bulging, and his veins were bulging, as if he felt infinite power gathering!

With a loud shout, the disciples of Hegu Hui surrounding Luo Xiaoman pushed aside in tacit agreement and gave up their positions.

Suzuki Rin rushed to Luo Xiaoman with the power of thunder, raised his right fist, and hit the opponent's chest hard!

In this punch, even if the opponent is a black bear, the force will break through the tough bear skin and directly burst the heart!

"The Curator is so awesome! Even standing next to me, I can feel the death aura from this punch!"

"That guy actually tried to catch the curator's punch with his fist regardless of life and death. Is he crazy?"

"Stand away, don't get splashed by that idiot's blood!"

Amidst the shouts of the younger brothers around them, Suzuki Rin and Luo Xiaoman's fists collided firmly!

In the crackling sound, the joints shattered like firecrackers, and they were sent out one after another!

At the same time, blood spattered, and pieces of flesh and broken bones splashed on the people next to him!

One boy excitedly wiped the blood from his face and shouted: "I just said that idiot will definitely..."

Before he finished speaking, he froze in place with a face full of shock.

The surrounding area fell silent instantly, and everyone looked at the two people in the field in disbelief!

Luo Xiaoman punched the opponent's right hand, which exploded from the palm to the forearm. The broken bones were so rugged that it was too painful to look at.

The pain had not spread so quickly. Suzuki Rin looked at his severed hand with his mouth wide open and murmured: "How is this possible?"

Luo Xiaoman shook off the blood stains on his fist, looked at Suzuki Rin with disdain and cursed:

"You, a scumbag who has just discovered the art of Nei Jin, are you going to tell a third-level Nei Jin master about the mysteries of Nei Jin?

Is your brain filled with urine? "

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