Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2543 Everyone who falls into my hands dies

Seeing that the gym leader was injured, all the disciples of the martial arts gym rushed forward with shouts!

And they don’t care whether you took action just now, they are Chinese anyway and should be killed!

So even Xiao Zhang, Aze and Wang Si'an, who had been standing nearby, became their targets!

"Kill them! Kill all the Chinese pigs! If you dare to come to Heguhui's territory to cause trouble, you will be dead!"

"If you dare to deal such a heavy blow to the curator, then you must use your lives to compensate!"

"The strength of these guys is very average. Let's concentrate our efforts and kill them first!"

A group of people rushed towards Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe with murderous intent. When they saw the pale Li Qi, they even showed a cruel smile.

It's fun to hide here and watch the excitement, right?

Then let you damn Chinese people see enough!

But when they rushed in front of them, they were greeted by a series of arrows!

That group of Chinese people actually held a crossbow that looked simple in shape, but its power was very scary.

Every launch is like a swarm of bees, overwhelming a large area!

Puff puff!

The heads of the people who rushed at the front instantly turned into hedgehogs, and their heads were shot by crossbow arrows. They didn't even scream, they fell to the ground and died!

The people behind covered their faces with their hands and turned around to run away. Some people had crossbow arrows stuck in their eyes. After running for two steps, they fell to the ground, screaming and rolling in a pool of blood.

Aze and Wang Si'an looked at this scene dumbfounded, and were so frightened that they could not speak!

Chen Xin'an kicked the Heguhui boy in front of him away and turned to look at Xiao Zhang with a sarcastic expression.

What a bunch of idiots!

Do you really think all my brothers are weaklings?

Without the ability to protect myself, would I let them stay by my side?

Luo Xiaoman pulled Suzuki Rin's ears and dragged him to Chen Xin'an.

Suzuki Rin screamed loudly, but was unable to struggle.

That punch not only caused severe physical damage to him, but also directly destroyed his will!

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that my karate training, which I had practiced hard for more than 20 years, would be defeated by the opponent's punch!

What made him even more devastated was that he originally thought he had reached the threshold of inner strength, and that his strength was enough to surpass many others.

But unexpectedly, a Chinese guy randomly appeared, and he was a master of the third level of inner strength!

And he is much younger than him.

Then what have you accomplished after working hard for twenty years?

The curator was in the opponent's hands. A group of people were shouting fiercely, but no one dared to rush forward.

Luo Xiaoman let go of Suzuki Rin's half-torn ear and said to Chen Xin'an, "Old Chen, what do you say?"

Chen Xin'an looked around, lowered his head and asked Suzuki Rin: "Where is your father?"

There was a look of fear on Suzuki Rin's face. He was really afraid of these two Chinese masters now.

He is not someone he can deal with at all!

What's the use of having more people?

Just like now, if someone wants to kill him, no matter how many times his younger brother is, he can't stop him!

He trembled and said to Chen Xin'an: "My father was injured by the Weisu people and is currently being treated in a private hospital..."

Luo Xiaoman kicked him in the chest and cursed: "Which hospital?"

Suzuki Rin hurriedly turned over, knelt on the ground, and said to the two of them: "Please let us father and son go! I am willing to compensate you for your losses!"

Luo Xiaoman raised his foot and cursed: "I care about your compensation..."

Chen Xin'an stopped him, looked at Suzuki Rin and said, "It depends on what kind of compensation it is!"

Once he heard that he could survive, Suzuki Rin braced himself up and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I'll pay for it! Please tell me the amount! As long as I can afford it, I will give it to you..."

Seeing Chen Xin'an's face darken, Suzuki Rin quickly said: "I will do it even if I can't afford it!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "Let them stop!"

Suzuki Rin quickly shouted to everyone around him: "Stop it!"

As the younger brothers informed each other, the martial arts hall finally became quiet.

Chen Xin'an waved to her brother to come over.

Tang Yang also came over with five dragon brothers.

All six of them were injured, but they were not serious. Compared with the corpses and seriously injured people on the ground, they were completely negligible!

At this stop, the scene became even more shocking. The strong smell of blood almost penetrated into people's stomachs, making Aze and Wang Si'an still want to vomit.

Seeing the director kneeling on the ground, a group of disciples from the martial arts hall and the younger brothers from the Hegu Association all lowered their heads.

Obviously they have an absolute advantage in numbers, but now they have to surrender to the opponent!

No one dared to take action even if they were unwilling to do so.

This group of people is so terrifying, well prepared, and extremely lethal!

If the fight continues, a few Chinese people may be able to gain support, but the price Hegu will have to pay is too high, and they may be expelled from the Da Ying underworld!

Chen Xin'an sat down on the spot and said to Suzuki Rin: "Let them clean up, let's talk!"

Suzuki Rin nodded quickly and gave orders to a group of younger brothers, and soon everyone was busy.

This battle was the heaviest casualty since the establishment of the Hegu Society.

The number of casualties has reached the average number of all participating members!

Such a battle loss rate is terrifying for any organization.

And it will be very debilitating.

What’s even more frightening is that the number of opponents who caused such battle damage was only a dozen or so!

Starting tonight, the Chinese people's terrifying methods left a very deep impression on these Da Ying people.

Chen Xin'an first injected an needle into Suzuki Rin's wound to stop the bleeding and pain.

Of course it's not out of kindness, but because I'm afraid he'll die here in the middle of the conversation.

And he used steel needles, not silver needles.

So the effect is just about enough to save your life.

After the injection, Chen Xin'an said to Suzuki Rin: "You should know by now, I am Chen Xin'an!"

Suzuki Rin lowered his head and did not dare to say a word.

It was precisely because he recognized this person's identity that he felt despair!

This is a ruthless character that even Sakura Club doesn't take seriously. What does little Hegu mean?

Chen Xin'an continued expressionlessly: "Since I came to Da Ying, no one who falls into my hands can survive!

But if you want to negotiate, as long as you show sincerity, I won’t kill you!

Remember, what I want is sincerity! "

At the critical moment of life and death, Suzuki Rin did not dare to act stupid and immediately said to Chen Xin'an:

"I know what to do!

Heguhui currently has 30 billion yuan in its accounts. I will transfer all of it to your account as compensation for you.

By the way, those goods are also returned to the dragon forces, we haven't touched them yet! "

Tang Yang sneered coldly and cursed: "Aren't you okay? How the hell can this be considered sincerity?"

Suzuki Rin said to Tang Yang with a grimace: "Then what Mr. Tang means...can you give me a hint?"

Tang Yang looked at him coldly and said, "Who is the buyer you are looking for? Tell me!"

Suzuki Rin had a look of fear on her face and said to Tang Yang: "I...Mr. Tang, please let me go!"

Tang Yang's face was gloomy, he looked at him with squinted eyes and said, "I know who you are with your attitude!

Yamasuke Kazuo, you are so cruel! "

If Sakura Club hadn't been the backer, Hegu Club wouldn't have been so arrogant and blatantly grabbing goods.

Then sell it to Sakura Club at a very low price.

In this way, Sakura Club does not have to worry about being stigmatized, and can spend less money to buy the goods it needs.

This kind of killing two birds with one stone does no harm to him at all!

But what makes Tang Yang feel aggrieved is that he can't break up with Sakura Club over this kind of thing.

Because once that happens, business may stop!

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