Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2553 We have to put on a show for him

Huge explosions came one after another, and the entire market turned into a sea of ​​fire in less than three minutes!

Luo Xiaoman had already rushed out when he set fire to the fish oil warehouse.

Even so, when he ran to the door of the market, he was knocked to the ground by the blast of air from the explosion behind him!

Tang Yang and several younger brothers came over, helped him up, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Luo Xiaoman turned his head and looked at his clothes with several burnt holes, shook his head and said:

"It's okay! Boss Tang, you are really right, this thing is so exciting!"

Tang Yang curled his lips and said: "Yingjing Fire Protection has issued many rectification notices to Beicang Market, but they have all been ignored.

This dangerous behavior of putting pre-processed fish oil and fish products together is something only Beicang Market dares to do.

Now we can be considered as doing Yingjing Firefighters a favor and reminding Beicang Market! "

Everyone laughed.

The entire market was ablaze, and countless people were howling and shouting loudly.

Twenty minutes later, Chen Xin'an looked at the motionless people from Hegu Society and Sanhe Society, with a sneer on his lips, and whispered into the headset: "Old Xiao, shall we start?"

"Okay!" Xiao Zhang's voice came from the headset.

In the convoy, a truck started to reverse and then slammed on the accelerator!

On the street, a large number of car lights flashed, and the Kawaguchi-gumi people were already here!

Just when there was only one intersection left, a truck appeared in front of it. It passed the red light very quickly, and suddenly stopped in the middle of the intersection and swerved!

As the rear door opened, a lot of stuff came out of the car, all of which were steel scraps produced by the machinery factory!

These things jingled all over the road at the intersection, and several cars had their tires punctured as soon as they approached.

The Kawaguchi-gumi's motorcade stopped, and a group of people pointed and cursed across the intersection.

Xiao Zhang smiled coldly as he drove the car, turned around and drove towards the market.

His tire was also punctured, but the car didn't belong to him, so he didn't feel bad anyway. Even if a wheel fell off, he would still drive it, not to mention it was just a puncture!

It's just that he deliberately didn't accelerator and just walked forward slowly, as if he was waiting for the people behind him to catch up.

Everyone from the Kawaguchi group got out of the car, each with a knife in his hand, and rushed over fiercely, bypassing the roadblocks, and the darkness was like a dark cloud.

Xiao Zhang grinned and drove his car to the intersection of the Hegu Society and Sanhe Society camps.

The members of the dragon force who had been waiting here, as well as Luo Xiaoman and Luo Qianhe, took out their guns and crossbows and started shooting at the Kawaguchi group!

"Asshole!" Suzuki Rin and Miwa Mushun both cursed. They all had the same plan. They didn't want to go head-to-head with the Kawaguchi group. They could delay it for a while and let others rush in first!

I never expected that Chen Xin'an would play such a trick and get it on the shelves!

There were not many bullets and crossbow arrows, but they stopped after one round.

Then the guys retreated and disappeared into the crowd.

The startled members of the Kawaguchi group panicked. One person was killed by a bullet and five or six others were injured.

I originally thought that the opponent was well prepared, but when they were about to suffer heavy losses this time, the opponent actually stopped!

Looking at the big market with flames not far away, and then looking at his brother lying in a pool of blood next to him, Nagura Kyūichi, who was also bald, let out a beast-like roar.

He pointed forward with the knife and led his brothers to charge over!

There was no unnecessary nonsense, and he didn't even bother to ask why it happened.

Since the market has been lost and my people have been hurt, they are the enemies of my Kawaguchi group!

Suzuki Rin and Miwa Mushun, who originally wanted to fish, saw the murderous look on the other side and knew that if they didn't resist, their brothers would be dead!

In desperation, they had no choice but to give the order, fight!

Any explanation at this time is redundant and no one will listen patiently.

Only when the winner is determined can there be a chance to speak.

The key point is that Chen Xin'an and his gang are too special to be human. They are diverting trouble to the east and driving the ducks to the shelves!

Such despicable methods can be used, leaving them no choice even if they don't want to do it!

Under the illumination of the market fire, the entire Beicang was as bright as day.

Hundreds of people were fighting together, and the scene was very exciting.

The three most powerful lackeys of the Sakura Club, the Heya Club, the Sanwa Club, and the Kawaguchi-gumi, who once fought side by side, are now at war with each other and have turned against each other.

Luo Xiaoman, Xiao Zhang, and Tang Yang ran back covered in blood, each dragging one in their hands.

This is the prisoner they captured.

However, the three prisoners all wore different clothes.

The people of the Hegu Society wear Da Ying robes, and the people of the Sanhe Society all wear blue uniforms on the dock. The people in the Kawaguchi group are the most formal, all wearing suits and ties.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Change clothes and solve it in ten minutes. Don't be obsessed with fighting!"

Luo Xiaoman and Tang Yang nodded, and together with Chen Xin'an, they quickly stripped the three prisoners naked, put on their clothes, and then rushed into the crowd.

Suzuki Rin in the crowd kicked down the person in front of him, and when he saw a knife stabbing him, he stared at the person and shouted loudly: "Zhengliang, it's me!"

The other party slashed hard at me and cursed: "I know it's you, Suzuki Rin, you bastard. You dare to bring people from the Hegu Association to burn down our Kawaguchi-gumi's market. I have to kill you!"

Seeing the opportunity, Suzuki Rin suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Zhengliang's wrist with both hands, and said to him:

"I was forced too! Chen Xin'an is behind him, and he held my father hostage!"

Zhengliang was stunned for a moment, looked at him with a frown and said, "Chen Xin'an? Is that the Chinese who has been chasing him? Why did you get together with him?"

Suzuki Rin said anxiously: "Now is not the time to explain this!

In short, you must believe that our Hegu Association has no intention of going against the Kawaguchi Group!

And the warehouse was not burned by us, but by people from the dragon force!

Now you have to inform President Nagura as much as possible, and we are going to put on a play together for Chen Xin'an.

Then work together to rescue my father and kill Chen Xin'an!

As long as we all unite, Chen Xin'an will definitely die! "

Zhengliang put away the knife and asked Suzuki Rin dubiously: "Are you telling the truth?"

"No, he is lying to you!" Someone behind him suddenly shouted, but his tone was a little strange, as if his tongue was shortened.

Suzuki Rin suddenly turned around, and behind him stood a man wearing a Japanese robe like him.

But the other party lowered his head and couldn't see clearly. Just when he was about to curse, his right hand was grabbed by the other party and he pushed it forward!

At this moment, he finally saw the other person's face, his heart trembled, and he shouted: "Chen..."

Before he could shout out, there was already a burst of exclamations around him.

Suzuki Rin turned his head subconsciously, and then realized that the knife in his hand had penetrated deeply into Zhengliang's heart!

Zhengliang looked at him in disbelief. A large amount of blood began to pour out of his mouth. His vitality quickly disappeared and he fell to the ground.

A Kawaguchi-gumi boy pointed at Rin Suzuki and shouted: "He killed Mr. Kurayama!"

"It's not me!" Suzuki Rin's face turned pale, looking at the bloody knife in his hand, his mind went blank.

Masara Kurata is not only the third generation of the Kawaguchi-gumi, but also the grandson of the Kurayama Shinobi!

With this strike of his own, He Guquai was stabbed directly to death. Kurayama Shinobi would not let him go!

The people from the Kawaguchi group rushed over shouting.

Suzuki Rin took two steps back in fright.

But at this moment, a boy from the Kawaguchi-gumi used a knife several times faster than his companions and slashed him in the neck!

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