Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2554 Don’t go against the temple

After changing into her own clothes, Chen Xinan got back into the business car.

The fighting outside became more intense. The three gangs wanted to hack each other to death as if they had the hatred of killing their father and seizing their wives!

Suzuki Cang stared out of the window with a pair of blood-red eyes, gritting his teeth.

He never expected that the three major societies would turn into the current situation of killing each other!

The Vesu simply shot him in the stomach.

But Chen Xin'an, this bastard, stabbed him in the heart!

How should he explain this to Mr. Shansuke?

"Chen Xin'an, you won't survive!" Suzuki Cang took a deep breath, looked at the young man beside him and said:

"The Kawaguchi group can't move, you have no idea how powerful the temple is!

Whatever happens tonight, the temple will not let it go.

All of you will die! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and answered the question: "You speak Chinese very fluently, much better than your son!"

A sneer appeared on Suzuki Cang's face, he looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "You don't have to doubt anything, you guessed it right, I stayed in China when I was a child.

My father was a warrior and killed many people in China.

I have seen him kill people since I was a child, just like cattle and sheep.

Those are not people at all, they are just a bunch of animals.

Originally, I thought that when I grew up, I would be like my father, going to China and killing whatever I wanted.

I didn’t expect that the war was over!

It's okay, I didn't make it, my son will probably go.

If my son can’t catch up, let my grandson go!

You people are only worthy of being animals, and then die under the swords of us Da Ying people! "

Azze and Wang Si'an, who were standing next to them, cursed angrily: "What the hell are you talking about!

You Japanese people are beasts! "

"That's right, saying you are beasts is just flattering you, because you are not even as good as beasts!"

Suzuki Cang didn't even look at them, let alone pay attention to their words.

These little people didn't even have the qualifications to make him angry.

"You may not have a chance!" Chen Xin'an said calmly without being angry.

Suzuki Cang sneered coldly, straightened his neck and said to him: "Come on, I don't live long to begin with, so what if I die a few days early?

Our Suzuki family is a military family. I don’t have a chance, but my descendants will! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, looked at him and said, "When I say no chance, I mean you may have no descendants!"

He patted the car door.

The car door opened with a bang, and Luo Xiaoman stood outside, holding a bunch of round things in his hand, which turned out to be several severed heads!

While he was looking for it, he muttered: "This is Miwa Mushun's, this is Nakura Kyūichi's, and this one is the one!"

As he stretched out his arm, a bloody head rolled in! Throw it in directly.

"Ah!" Aze and Wang Si'an exclaimed, covered their mouths and ran out of the car.

Suzuki Kura stared blankly at the head at his feet, and it took him a long time before he let out a sad cry!

He only has one son in his generation. Now that his son is dead, the Suzuki family will be extinct!

Chen Xin'an looked at him with a smile and said, "Don't worry, you won't die.

Spend the remaining years of your life in repentance and pain!

By the way, in order to prevent you from being old-minded and trying to create a little kid in the future, I'd better perform a small operation on you once and for all! "

Seeing Chen Xin'an take out a steel needle, Suzuki Cang's eyes were horrified and he shouted to him:

"What are you thinking? Get away and don't touch me!"

Chen Xin'an ignored his struggle and directly stuck steel needles into several acupuncture points on his body, making him unable to move.

"Don't worry, these injections will make you unable to move. The operation will be over soon!"

Luo Qianhe stood at the door of the car and asked, "Do you want to spray him with some anesthetic?"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, looked at him and asked, "Did those beasts use anesthesia when they performed those surgeries on us Chinese people?"

Luo Qianhe stopped talking.

Chen Xin'an took out his sword and suddenly slashed Suzuki Cang's lower body, and blood spurted out!

Amid Suzuki Cang's screams, Chen Xin'an pierced the wound with two steel needles, and the blood suddenly stopped spurting out.

He said to Suzuki Cang calmly: "Be patient, there is still a little more, this is not complete yet."

Chen Xin'an cut the gauze on Suzuki Cang's body with a knife, revealing his bloody abdomen.

Looking at the bullet hole, Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "It seems that the people in the Ice Bear Society have the same idea as me, they all want you to be eliminated!

However, just one bullet hole does not mean that the operation was successful. I still need to check. "

As he spoke, he made a cross on the bullet hole with his sword, and then put his hand directly through the wound!

"Ugh!" The rich smell of blood filled the entire carriage. Azze and Wang Si'an, who were standing outside the car door, forgot that this was the first time they had vomited tonight.

Chen Xin'an jumped out of the car and said to Tang Yang on the side: "Send someone to take Mr. Suzuki back to the hospital.

If rescued in time, he would not die. "

"Okay!" Tang Yang showed an expression of awe on his face and gave a few instructions to the younger brother behind him.

The four boys got into the commercial vehicle and drove straight to the hospital where Suzuki Cang was kidnapped.

Chen Xin'an looked at Aze and Wang Si'an expressionlessly and said, "Do you still want to join the dragon force now?

Do you still feel that this is the only way to save Chinatown? "

Aze felt like he was about to spit out his gallbladder, and his face was covered with uncomfortable tears and snot.

Looking at Chen Xin'an, who was being rinsed with mineral water by Luo Xiaoman, he cried and said, "Brother An, I was wrong!"

Wang Si'an also lowered his head and said: "It turns out that being in society is not as simple as I thought before. Brother An, I was really wrong! I'll just stay in Chinatown honestly from now on!"

Tang Yang also patted the two of them on the shoulders and said to them: "Even if Mr. Chen doesn't take you to see all this, I won't let you easily enter the dragon force.

It was because we were desperate that we had the dragon force.

You are different. You are all immigrants with clean roots. You can rely on your own hands and brains to support your family in Japan, not to mention making a fortune.

Do you think that when you really come out to hang out, you just face the blood you see?

You are wrong!

Because once you embark on this path, you will never look back!

Just like tonight, I will announce the disbandment of the Dragon Force tomorrow. Do you think the Hegu Society, the Sanhe Society, and the Kawaguchi Group will let each of us go? "

Aze and Wang Si'an looked guilty and lowered their heads.

They may not be afraid of doing something themselves, but they are afraid that their family members will be implicated.

Once you come out to join society, you will be fighting and killing all day long. When the time comes, the fate of the entire Chinatown will only be more serious than the last time!

And they can also see that they are not the kind of material that comes out to fool around at all.

Not to mention compared with An Ge'er and the others, even with people like the Dragon Force, they can't be compared.

They are so cruel!

How dare you kill someone!

Even if the two of them had knives, they wouldn't dare to stab anyone!

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to Tang Yang: "Send the two of them back to Chinatown. Don't show your face these days. The Sakura Club will definitely cause trouble for you.

I'll give you a phone number. The other person's name is Wei Yuan.

I asked him to help you find a place to stay and all of you hide for a few days.

Tonight I will duel with the Kurayama Ninja. After taking care of the Kurazan Ninja and the temple, you can come out again! "

"Mr. Chen, please don't be impulsive!" Tang Yang's expression changed upon hearing that Chen Xin'an was going to deal with the temple.

He took Chen Xin'an's arm and said anxiously: "You don't understand what the temple represents to Da Ying!

If you make trouble with them, you are going against the whole of Great Britain.

Including black and white, as well as ordinary people!

In the hearts of the Ying people, the temple is a spiritual pillar and a symbol.

They don't tolerate blasphemy from anyone! "

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