Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2555 You are still too young

Several heads were thrown into the melee, and the fight became more intense as everyone exclaimed!

The boss was chopped off, so what else is there to worry about?

Let's avenge the boss!

But in the chaos, Chen Xin'an and others took off the clothes they had robbed, changed into their own clothes, and quietly left the battlefield.

Back to Shimo Town, the sky was already slightly bright.

Several people worked all night, took a shower and fell asleep!

They didn't know how lively the Yingjing media was today.

Overnight, the three major black societies fought each other, and each suffered a fatal blow.

The leaders and senior managers were either killed or seriously injured!

The three major societies are the most loyal lackeys of the Sakura Society and the main force of the society coalition.

Their civil war also announced that the society coalition would be disbanded without notice.

At the same time, the Yingjing First Metropolitan Police Department announced that it had found the remaining lost jewelry from the Mikimoto robbery three months ago.

And there is sufficient evidence to show that this case is related to Sanhe Society and Kawaguchi Group.

In the morning, many people surrendered to the police, claiming that they were participants in the robbery.

However, they were just external liaisons of the Kawaguchi Group, and what they did had nothing to do with the Kawaguchi Group.

Chen Xin'an didn't know about these things, and didn't care. What he had to do now was to have a good rest and then have a good fight with Zang Shan Ren!

At a height of 230 meters on the Yingjing Tower, an old man with gray beard, wearing a black Daying traditional training uniform, sat cross-legged on the observation deck.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, and there was no star to be seen, and it was drizzling.

The wind was very strong, blowing up the old man's hair and beard, and mixed with raindrops covering his whole body.

But people standing nearby could see it clearly.

The old man's clothes were not wet, and he was emitting a slight heat, making him look like a fairy.

A group of men in white uniforms were talking next to him.

"Brother Watanabe, Master's internal strength seems to have improved a lot!"

"That's nonsense! Master has never neglected training, so his skills have naturally been improving!"

"Can you speak? When Master's skills reach this level, it is not training, but cultivation! Master's realm is not something that idiots like you can understand!"

"Brother Noda is so right! I think there is no need to fight this battle, Master will definitely win!"

"That guy named Chen Xin'an must know this, so he doesn't dare to come! Chinese people are cowards who are afraid of death! They know they will lose, so they don't dare to fight!"

The intercom suddenly came

The faces of the few people who said that the other party didn't dare to fight turned red, and one of them sneered:

"You dare to come and die? What a bunch of idiots! Let them go tonight and never come back! "

In the elevator, Chen Xinan rubbed his eyes and asked Luo Xiaoman beside him: "Have they all been delivered?"

Luo Xiaoman patted the backpack on his back and said with a smile: "It's in there! Let these Daying bastards have a good taste of this tonight!"

Luo Qianhe frowned and said: "Aman, the other party didn't break the rules, so we don't have to be ruthless!"

Luo Xiaoman patted his shoulder, shook his head and smiled: "Pigeon, you are still too young! How can Daying people understand any rules.

They only talk about rules when they have the upper hand. Once they find that they are going to lose, they are more shameless than anyone else!"

Li Qi also laughed beside him: "Don't worry, if they don't talk about the rules, I will let them break the rules first!"

"Look, the bad guy is here!" Xiao Zhang smiled and pointed at Li Qi and cursed.

Everyone laughed.

Luo Xiaoman glanced at Chen Xinan and asked in a low voice: "Old Chen, are you sure?

I heard that this old man named Cangshan Ren is the worshiper of the Sakura Society and the best master.

It seems that he is already a master of the third or fourth level of internal strength.

Don't let this happen to you!"

Chen Xinan rolled his eyes at him and was too lazy to answer his question. He said with a straight face:

"Don't talk about these useless things. What the hell did you do when you went out with Tang Yang this afternoon?

You stuffed a bag into our pockets before leaving, making it look like we are fleeing now!"

Now, the five people are carrying a big backpack behind them, as if everyone is a musician carrying a violin.

The arrows made by Tang Yang's client have been delivered.

This thing is made of common materials and simple workmanship. The amount produced in one day is enough for a while.

But in the afternoon, Luo Xiaoman ran out with Tang Yang again and bought a bunch of things. He didn't let anyone know what they were, but just let everyone carry them.

There was no choice but to listen to him and come over with a huge backpack.

As soon as they got out of the elevator, the five people were stopped.

There was another door from the elevator to the viewing platform outside, and several men in gray Taoist uniforms stood here for security checks.

When they saw the bags on the five people, the Japanese were shocked.

It was the first time I saw someone bring so many things to a duel!

A middle-aged man said to the five people in Chinese with a serious expression: "Sorry, according to the rules, these things must be placed here and returned to you after the end!"

"Bullshit!" Luo Xiaoman cursed with disdain: "What else do you need after it's over? This is what you use before it's over.

What fucking rules? Who made the rules? Why don't I know them?"

The middle-aged man frowned and said, "Then open your bag. You can't bring anything in that has nothing to do with the duel!"

Luo Xiaoman scolded impatiently: "Get the hell out of here!

These things are all related to duels!

There are weapons inside. If you hinder the duel or have any evil intentions, we will use this to kill you!

Something that has nothing to do with dueling...

Are you pigs?

Who would bring several kilograms of pork pie to watch a duel? "

A group of Da Ying people were almost pissed to death!

You are so candid!

Aren’t these the weapons we’re checking for?

The middle-aged man said angrily: "Hand over all these weapons, they are not allowed to be used in the duel!"

Luo Xiaoman snorted and cursed: "Do you want to be shameless? You are not allowed to use weapons in a duel, should you use your teeth?

Look here, your people are everywhere, all holding knives.

Are you setting these rules about relationships for others, so you don’t have to abide by them?

Then I will make up the rules for you now. You all use your own knives to commit suicide by disembowelment. Don’t delay the duel! "

"What nonsense are you talking about! Who did you ask to commit suicide by caesarean section?"

"Damn Chinese people, they are afraid that they will lose, so they bring so many weapons!"

"What nonsense are you talking to these Chinese people? Just grab their bags and drive them out!"

Just as they were cursing, Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang had already rushed forward, punching and kicking the group of people!

Before several Da Ying people could react, they were punched several times in the face and kicked several times in the body.

When the remaining people from Daying saw the fight, they rushed to help. But at this moment, the intercom rang, and the people outside asked them to let them go.

Although the Da Ying people stopped, Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang did not listen to them and beat them up again before walking out of the door.

"You're late!" The Zangshan ninja on the observation deck opened his eyes, his eyes were like lightning, and he stared at Chen Xin'an.

Seeing the other party's depressed and depressed look, a sneer appeared on the corner of Kurayama Shinobi's lips, and he said coldly:

"You're scared! That's why you don't dare to come! But for the sake of the reputation and integrity of the Chinese people, you have to come!"

Chen Xin'an yawned and said impatiently: "Don't guess! I did three clubs all night last night and slept all day today. I haven't slept enough yet!"

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