Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2556 Your life has entered a countdown

The official answer given by Daying is that the three major associations are killing each other because of competition for territory and interests.

I didn't expect this guy to admit in front of so many people that he was the one responsible!

A group of disciples of the Kurayama Shinobi glared at Chen Xin'an, because most of them were club members, some from the Sakura Club, and some from the Kawaguchi Group.

It's just that I helped my master practice martial arts last night and prepared for tonight's duel, so I didn't participate in the club activities last night.

What's even more annoying is that this guy doesn't seem to pay any attention to something as important as a duel.

He even overslept, not even mentioning that he didn't even have dinner?

You must know that for this duel, Master has not been distracted at all in the past two days, and has been making the most complete preparations!

Not only has the work and rest system been tightened, but even the diet has been adjusted.

The purpose is to face this duel in the best condition!

"Is this guy serious? He looks like he hasn't woken up now. Why is he here for a duel? He is obviously here to die!"

"It seems like you came here without eating. You're going to starve to death! You know you're going to die, so you won't waste that meal, right?"

"These Chinese people are very annoying, and they are all very arrogant! I will give them no chance to cry later! Let them all die here tonight!"

Chen Xin'an ignored the chirping of the Da Ying people around him, just turned his head, looked at the Zangshan nin who was still sitting on the futon and said, "What should I say? Do you want to fight or not?"

The Kurayama nin looked at him calmly and asked, "Where are your weapons?"

Chen Xin'an pulled out the sword with a backhand.

"Are you using this against me?" Zangshan Ninja frowned slightly.

Chen Xin'an grinned: "Takabe Kenxiong had the same expression as you at the beginning, but you know what happened later!

There's nothing I can do about it, I don't have any other weapons!

How about I use a gun? "

"Okay!" Zangshan Ren nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "If you think that can help you win, you can use it."

Chen Xin'an was silent.

A small pistol may not be able to deal with a master with three levels of internal strength.

Ordinary people think that if they miss a shot with a pistol, they can just shoot it again.

But in front of a real master, it is impossible to give you a chance to fire a second shot.

The Kurayama nin turned his head, looked at his disciples and said, "Noda, give me your sword!"

"Yes, Master!" One of the disciples quickly took off the sword from his waist and held it in both hands before the Kurayama ninja.

Zangshan Ren took the sword and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, just use this one!"

He sat on the ground and raised the knife slightly.

Chen Xin'an walked over and had to bend down to receive the knife.

It was also like bowing to him.

In Da Ying, this is also considered a kind of etiquette.

Chen Xin'an grinned, walked up to the Zangshan nin, tiptoed, picked up the long knife, and took it in his hand!

"Asshole! How dare you be so rude in front of Master, how audacious!"

"This is the quality of Chinese people, ignorant, stupid, ignorant and rude!"

"This kind of person is not worthy of using my sword! Master, let him return the sword to me!"

Luo Xiaoman picked his ears and cursed to the person next to him impatiently:

"You bunch of flies, what are you doing here? It's so noisy!"

"What is that guy talking about?" A disciple of the Hidden Mountain Ninja frowned and asked his companion.

The companion shook his head and said: "I don't understand! But it shouldn't be a good word!"

"Assholes! Dare you scold us? We'll throw them out of here later!" A group of disciples cursed, eager to try.

"Shut up!" Zangshan Ren shouted angrily, stood up from the ground, and glared at the disciples with a majestic expression.

Everyone bowed their heads, stood still, and did not dare to speak any more.

Zangshan Ren turned around and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, shall we fight above?"

This place is more than ten meters away from the top of the tower, shaped like a lightning rod.

Only the maintenance staff have been to the top, which is about three square meters in size.

It's okay for two people to stand on it, but if it's a duel, it's a little too small.

Moreover, they are all armed, making it even more inconvenient to move around. Every move becomes a close combat, and if you are not careful, you will be injured and then killed.

Chen Xin'an took a look and nodded, "No problem!"

"Old Chen!" Luo Xiaoman shouted, and the other brothers looked at Chen Xin'an with worried faces.

Everyone knows that Chen Xin'an is afraid of heights!

Although he has overcome a lot over the years, this kind of mental illness is difficult to eradicate. In such an environment, it greatly affects Chen Xin'an's performance.

Chen Xin'an glanced at the ladder above her head for climbing, took a deep breath and said:

"It's okay, don't worry about me! I'll be down soon."

But anyone can hear that there is really no confidence in what he said.

A group of disciples exchanged glances, all of them beaming with joy.

It seems this guy is afraid of heights!

The master is sure to win!

Chen Xin'an walked up the ladder one after another.

After taking two steps, Chen Xin'an suddenly turned around and faced

Luo Xiaoman took out a small pineapple from his pocket, weighed it a few times in his hand, and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Don't worry, Old Chen, if he dares to do anything wrong, I will blow him into pieces!"

Zangshan Ren's face turned dark and he shouted angrily: "That's enough! Don't insult a real Japanese warrior!"

Chen Xin'an snorted coldly, turned around and continued climbing up.

A group of disciples looked at Luo Xiaoman with wary eyes.

What did this bastard have?

Are those guys at the door just for show?

Can you get all these things?

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath and continued climbing the stairs.


But only when we really stood here did we realize that the top of the tower was actually several meters in diameter, and the top was three meters wide.

And it feels even more different up here than where I was just now.

It's actually shaking here!

Only a dozen meters away, standing on the top of the tower, this feeling is very obvious.

The wind was howling and the raindrops were getting heavier.

The top of the tower swayed back and forth with the wind, and it felt exactly like standing on a ship.

There is a searchlight above the head, and the peripheral light can illuminate the location of the two people as bright as day.

In the middle is an instrument similar to a wind measurement, with a small windmill spinning rapidly on it.

The two of them stood facing each other next to the instrument, both holding a long knife in their right hands.

Although the top of the tower was shaking violently, their bodies remained motionless, as if they were connected to the entire tower!

Looking at Chen Xin'an's slightly pale face, Zangshan Ren smiled.

There was a confident confidence in his smile, and he said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, from now on, your life has entered a countdown!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly, turned to look at him and asked: "Zangshan nin, are you so sure?"

Zangshan Ren laughed loudly, looked up at the sky, and said to Chen Xin'an: "In

I admit that you are one of the strongest opponents I have ever encountered!

Except for the real hermit I met on Mount Fubai back then, I have never been as wary of anyone as I was when I met you!

But although you are powerful, you are still far behind that hermit.

So I am confident to kill you in this place!

Chen Xin'an, you shouldn't have killed my grandson! "

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