Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2557 Where is the most powerful power of a warrior?

This old man has been obsessed with martial arts all his life, so he only has one daughter.

In fact, Masara Kurata was not favored by him since he was a child, nor was he favored by him, because he was too pampered and had no interest in studying martial arts.

But he is his grandson after all, and he has always been treated as a grandson.

Although it is rumored that Masayoshi Kurata was killed by Rin Suzuki of the Hegu Association.

But Kurayama Shinobu is not a brainless person.

He knew the relationship between the Hegu Society and the Kawaguchi Group, and also knew the trajectory of Chen Xin'an's activities that night.

So he was sure that his grandson's death was inseparable from Chen Xin'an!

Chen Xin'an did not refute, just squinted his eyes and looked at Zangshan Ninja and said: "Anyone who is my enemy will die!

Your friends, your grandchildren, and you will all suffer the same fate! "

Zangshan Ren's face sank and his eyes stared at Chen Xin'an, like a predatory eagle.

He shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "Young man, it's not good to show too much edge, because you don't understand what kind of existence you are provoking!

Do you think that by relying on your talent, practicing Kung Fu for several years, and ruthlessly killing a few people, you will truly appreciate the essence of fighting and master the true meaning of Kung Fu?

I tell you, it’s far from it!

At your age, you simply cannot appreciate the greatness of power! "

He raised his head and looked at the dark sky, letting the wind and rain hit his face and body.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him impatiently, shook his head and said, "Zangshan nin, do you still want to fight? You've grown so old just to get some wind?"

Kurayama Shinobi lowered his head, looked at him with a disappointed look on his face, sighed and said:

"I originally thought that with your current strength, you should have the magnanimity and mind of a great master.

Only now do I realize that strength and magnanimity are two different things.

You simply can't understand the real reason why I asked you to duel here!

Maybe in thirty years, you will understand my painstaking efforts.

It's a pity that you won't live until that time!

Chen Xin'an, if you want to die early, I will help you! "

As soon as he finished speaking, the Zangshan nin suddenly drew his sword and rushed in front of Chen Xin'an!

What a quick move!

He hits immediately without any hesitation or warning. It is a killing move that splits a person in half from head to toe!

With just this move, Chen Xin'an could feel that the strength of the Kurazan nin was not on the same level as Takabe Kenxiong!

Chen Xin'an quickly stepped back with her feet and hid her body.

It's not that you can't block with the knife in your hand, but because the opponent's weapon looks like it's made of iron, and the one in your hand is not of the same quality as theirs.

If this sword was used forcefully, the weapon might be split into two, and he would be even more embarrassed by then.


The tip of the knife passed less than an inch away from Chen Xin'an's chest, and Chen Xin'an even felt the sharp chill!

The buttons on the chest were split in half, and the clothes were separated to both sides, revealing the white T-shirt underneath.

Chen Xin'an simply took off her coat and glanced at the top half of the buttons.

He was certain that the tip of the Kurazan nin's knife just now did not touch the buttons of his clothes at all.

And what can cut off the buttons can only be one thing, and that is the legendary sword energy!

This kind of thing that only appears in martial arts novels and movies actually exists!

In fact, Chen Xin'an also knows that this thing does exist.

Just like he can "stab" out three candles with his sword energy.

But he hasn't been able to practice to the point where he can hurt people. He didn't expect that this old man from Daying could actually do it!

With this skill alone, Takabe Kenio, the so-called No. 1 master of the Doihe Federation, is not even worthy of carrying shoes for the Kurayama Ninja!

Chen Xin'an threw the clothes on the ground, looked at the Zangshan nin who returned to the original position with a knife in both hands, and said, "It's interesting!"

A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Zangshan Ren's mouth, and he looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "It means a lot! I'll chop your head off with the next blow!"

Following the words of the Kurayama ninja, he raised his sword and charged forward again!

In Chen Xin'an's eyes, the Tibetan people moved really fast.

It was not clear what steps his feet were taking under his robes. I could only see that his shoulders swayed slightly as he moved.

Almost in the blink of an eye, he had already rushed to the front!

The sharp sword light struck his head. Chen Xin'an choked and drew the sword, blocking it above his head!


The blades clashed, and a string of sparks emerged.

However, Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief. There was an obvious cut on the blade of his blade, but the blade did not break!

The quality of this sword is indeed much worse than that of the Kurayama Ninja, but it is not useless garbage.

In the flash of lightning, Zangshan Nin's sword drew an arc in the air. With the help of Chen Xin'an's knife to resist the elastic force, it changed from a downward slash to a crosscut!

This process was so fast that people couldn't see clearly. Chen Xin'an's eyes widened, but rainwater dripped into his eyes.

But he felt goosebumps rising on the left side of his neck!

This is a physical sign of approaching danger, a special ability that Chen Xin'an has had since childhood.

Without any time to hesitate, Chen Xin'an tilted his head, and the blade of the knife brushed against his earlobe, giving him a chill!

Chen Xin'an took a step back again, her back had hit the railing, and there was no way out.

Feeling something dripping from her left ear, Chen Xin'an raised her hand and touched it. Her hand was covered in red!

The ears are still there, I guess I hid in time, only the skin was scratched!

Zang Shan Ren nodded and said to Chen Xinan with a smile: "You are indeed a master that I admire, you react very quickly.

If you were a little slower, I would have chopped off your head just now!"

Chen Xinan took a step forward, but his feet slipped and he almost fell!

On the top of the tower, the wind was strong and the rain was heavy.

Not only was the entire tower top shaking more than 40 degrees left and right, but even the iron plate under his feet was wet, slippery and unstable.

He grabbed the fence with one hand in a somewhat embarrassed manner, holding the knife with the other hand, and looked at Zang Shan Ren with a wary expression.

Seeing his current appearance, Zang Shan Ren laughed loudly, and said with contempt in his eyes: "Wake up, Chen Xinan! Here, you are not my opponent at all!"

He held the knife with both hands, rushed up again, slashed with both hands, was blocked by Chen Xinan with the knife, and then changed his moves very quickly, after putting away the knife, raised the knife and stabbed fiercely!

This is to stab Chen Xinan through!

Chen Xin'an, who had no way to avoid it, looked panicked, and his body seemed to move a beat slower. With a puff, he was stabbed in the lower abdomen by the long knife, and the long knife passed through his body!

But Cang Shanren's face changed at this moment. He held the handle of the knife with both hands and turned it over, trying to cut horizontally. With a flash of cold light, the opponent chopped down with the knife!

At this moment, Cang Shanren made a prompt decision, loosened the handle of his long knife, raised his hands and pressed Chen Xin'an's wrist!

When the long knife passed through Chen Xin'an's body, he realized that he had been tricked!

After practicing the knife for so many years, he could certainly feel whether he had stabbed the enemy's body!

This knife only pierced Chen Xin'an's T-shirt, at most scratched his skin, and did not hurt his flesh and bones at all!

Chen Xin'an took such a risk just to cut off his hands!

But Cang Shanren's reaction was also very fast. He immediately abandoned the knife and punched Chen Xin'an's arm bone with both fists!

Chen Xin'an did not expect that the old guy Cang Shanren had such a fast reaction ability and the knife in his hand.

As a result, both of their swords slipped out of their hands and fell from the outside of the fence!

Zang Shanren punched Chen Xin'an in the chest, causing him to slip against the fence and slide several meters backwards!

"Do you know where the strongest power comes from? You won't understand!

The strongest power of a warrior must learn to blend with the world and use the power of nature to make oneself invincible!

This is the real purpose of bringing you here!"

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