Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2562 If you want to fight, let it go

Being stared at eagerly by two super fat men, Luo Xiaoman gave Xiao Zhang and the others a look, not to do anything for the time being, and followed them.

In the main tower, the elevator is in the middle, and there is a circle of rooms next to it.

All four of them were driven into one of the rooms, which was empty, with nothing in it!

The flat-headed man stood in front of the four people, waved his hand, and a large group of people came in behind him!

They were all killers of the Sakura Club, and they surrounded the four of Luo Xiaoman, making it difficult for them to fly.

The flat-headed man looked at the four people and said coldly: "Do you know where this place is?

Let me tell you, this is the torture chamber of Sakura Club!

Many people died in this room, so many that I lost count!

Next, it’s your turn!

Don't worry, you will be dealt with very cleanly.

The body would be chopped into pieces, cooked and fed to the dogs.

The head will be placed on a stone kneeling figure behind the temple to worship the temple heroes day and night! "

The surrounding group of killers shouted:

"Mr. Iwakuma, let's do it! My long sword can't wait!"

"Damn Chinese people, if you dare to come to Great Britain to cause trouble, today is your day of death!"

"Aren't these pigs so arrogant just now? Why are they all so honest now? Are you scared? Then kneel down and beg for mercy!"

A group of people burst into laughter and looked at Luo Xiaoman and the four others eager to try.

The flat-headed man raised his arms high, and when he put them down, a group of Sakura Club killers swarmed up and chopped the four Chinese people into pieces!

"Wait a minute!" Luo Xiaoman suddenly shouted.

The flat-headed man was stunned for a moment and looked at this guy inexplicably.

Luo Xiaoman grinned, patted himself and said, "If you want to fight, just let go. Carrying these things is too troublesome!"

"What is he talking about? Why did Mr. Iwakuma stop?"

"It seems that if they want to give it a try, they must first let go of their burdens!"

"Still want to give it a try? These Chinese people are really stupid! Don't they know that the more they resist, the worse their consequences will be?"

"Hahaha, resistance is fun!

If we chop it up without moving, what's the difference between killing a chicken?

Besides, no matter how miserable it is, there is nothing worse than being chopped into meat paste. Of course they will resist! "

"Be careful with their backpacks. As soon as we see weapons, we will rush forward without giving them a chance to use them!"

A group of killers from the Sakura Club looked at Luo Xiaoman and the four of them with eager eyes.

I was relieved to see that they didn't bend down to open it after taking off their backpacks.

The flat-headed man shook his arm, preparing to chop down. At this moment, Luo Xiaoman shouted again: "Wait a minute!"

A group of killers were about to rush over, but were interrupted again, and all of them had dark faces!

The flat-headed man had a sullen face, glared at Luo Xiaoman and cursed: "What do you want to do again!"

Luo Xiaoman pointed at Li Qi and said, "You're wearing too much, so take a few pieces with you, otherwise you won't be able to move around!"

The Sakura Club killers looked on impatiently, like a group of butchers waiting to slaughter their animals.

"That guy had to be supported when he was walking, and he still wanted to take action? He would have collapsed on his own without hitting him, right?"

"Chinese people are so stupid. They just wait for death and don't resist unnecessarily!"

"Give that sick man to me later, and I'll chop off his head with one knife!"

Luo Xiaoman walked up to Li Qi, with Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe standing beside him.

A group of Sakura Club killers burst out laughing when they saw this group of Chinese people taking off their clothes and requiring three people to join them.

Luo Xiaoman unbuttoned Li Qi's windbreaker. Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe grabbed the skirt and parted it to both sides, revealing the handfuls of light charges hanging inside the windbreaker!

"Stop them!" The flat-headed man's eyes widened and he shouted!

The surrounding Sakura Club killers were also shocked!

These Chinese people actually have such weapons!

They wanted to rush up, but it was already too late!

Four people, four guns, almost at the same time, the guns were pointed at the surrounding killers, and they pulled the triggers without hesitation!

The things that Ice Bear knows are really good to use!

For this decisive battle, Chen Xin'an asked for these guns from Tang Yang and took away all the bullets in stock!

Da da da!

Angry fire snakes spewed out from the muzzle of the gun, and the people in front of them fell in pieces like wheat straw!

The four of them didn't use their guns anymore, they just fired wildly at the standing people!

It’s not like no one wants to rush close and fight the four of them!

But as long as they get close, they will be hit by bullets in the head. With a burst of fire, the head will be blown open like a smashed watermelon!

The rest of the people were so frightened that they turned around and ran out.

Luo Xiaoman grinned and gestured to the three people beside him, "Chase!"

This time, everyone knew it was a trap, but they still jumped in with one purpose, to kill!

The headquarters of Sakura Club, right?

The place that I would never let go of in the first place is now here, so why should I be so polite!


The elevator door opens, from

Yamasuke Kazuo and the senior officials of Sakura Club are not fools. Chen Xin'an is not easy to kill, and his gang of brothers are not easy to deal with either.

But the opportunity has come, and Sakura Club will not let it go.

Even though the Sakura Club is now closely watched by the First Metropolitan Police Department, as long as it is within sufficient control, killing these Chinese people will not be a big problem!

And the advantage they have is the number of people who occupy an absolute position!

No matter what kind of opponent you are, in the face of absolute numerical superiority, there is only a dead end!

But they didn't expect that the other party actually prepared a light charge that was impossible to buy in Da Ying!

Before the people in the elevator could get out, they were blocked by people outside!

People inside want to get out, people outside want to get in, and the elevator door is full of darkness, full of people!

But at this moment, countless glass bottles flew over and fell on people's bodies and feet!

As the glass bottle shattered, the fire burned, instantly turning a group of people into firemen!

There was even a bottle that flew over everyone's heads and hit the elevator car accurately!

The fire exploded instantly, turning the elevator car into a big oven!

A group of people let out screams that were not human-like. The people who were on fire lost their minds under the severe pain and ran around!

Some people even hugged their companions and fell to the ground together!

Some people broke through the glass door that separated the observation deck with their bodies and ran outside!

There is heavy rain in the sky, which can indeed extinguish the fire in people.

But there were still strong winds, making the originally burning fire even more blazing.

This allowed the burning man in the wind and rain to go through a long process of the flames being blown up and then extinguished by the rain.

This process is more cruel than torture. By the time the flames on their bodies are extinguished and smoke is coming out, the people have been burned to charcoal and have been dead for a long time!

The observation deck was full of burnt corpses, and some people couldn't stand the heat of the flames, so they simply climbed up the bulletproof glass fence and jumped!

Most people hid on the artificial stairs of the main tower and ran down on foot from here.

But Luo Xiaoman and the other two rushed into another room. It was like a small cinema with many fixed chairs.

And coming in with them were about forty or fifty men in green clothes led by the crew-cut man.

These people dress up completely differently from the killers of Sakura Club, and they have one common feature, they are all bald!

They are the guardian force of the temple, the national guards!

Most of these people are composed of ninjas, and they are quite powerful. They are one of the most mysterious armed fighting forces in Da Ying!

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