With the help of the cover of these chairs, dozens of people sometimes ran and jumped, sometimes lying on the ground to hide themselves, and quickly approached Luo Xiaoman and the four!

"Disperse!" Li Qi suddenly shouted, and everyone immediately dispersed to both sides, keeping a distance of about two meters between everyone.

In this way, they are easily defeated one by one, and their combat effectiveness is also greatly weakened.

But no one questioned it.

When they were in the Eagle Flag Country, everyone had developed the habit of Li Qi commanding the battle if Chen Xin'an was not around.

Sure enough, the moment those people approached, streaks of cold light flew over!

Everyone hid in chairs

If everyone was still standing together just now, someone would definitely be injured!

"Aqi!" Luo Xiaoman shouted worriedly.

What he is most worried about now is Li Qi, after all, he is still injured.

With the sound of gunfire, a bald man soared into the air and just about to throw out his shuriken, his chest was hit by a burst of fire and blood exploded, and he fell to the ground with a thud!

Li Qi quickly changed the magazine and said loudly: "It's okay! Don't worry, my recovery will be faster than everyone thinks!"

From the moment he showed up, Li Qi gave everyone who saw him the impression of a sick man.

This also makes it easy for him to be ignored by everyone.

His pale face and frail steps made it obvious that this guy was either seriously ill or seriously injured. He might have collapsed without taking any action.

Moreover, Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe have been supporting him, which makes him look weak and vulnerable.

No one thought that he was the most critical one, and he had so many light charges and bullets hidden in his body!

And Li Qi also knew that his combat effectiveness had been restored to some extent!

His biggest injury was poisoning, so the poison has been cured and his strength recovered quickly.

In addition, he is the King of Soldiers from the Patrolling Eagle, so wounds to the flesh are commonplace.

Therefore, the recovery of the body is better than that of ordinary people.

Although he has not yet reached his peak combat power, he is incomparable to Luo Xiaoman.

But compared to Xiao Zhang and Luo Qianhe, it is much better.

A bald head was beaten to death, and a large group of bald heads rushed towards Li Qi.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Li Qi's mouth.

The more he comes, the better. As long as he can attract more enemies, the pressure on the brothers will be reduced a lot!

It has to be said that these bald heads are quite capable in combat.

I don’t know what method they used to stop the burning of the flames!

Just now Xiao Zhang smashed a bottle on a bald man's body. As soon as the flames started to burn, a group of bald heads spat at the burning companion.

It was as if these people drank water from a mineral water bottle in advance, but it was clear that no one had drunk it.

Several people vomited together and put out the fire in the blink of an eye!

It was no ordinary water, it had a strange smell. Once it was poured on your body, you couldn't light it even if you lit it with a torch.

It was also the first time for everyone to watch Ninjutsu up close. It must be said that it was unique and weird.

But for Luo Xiaoman, he was more excited than curious. He had long wanted to compete with the legendary Ninja of Japan!

The strong wind hit, Luo Xiaoman quickly turned around, while avoiding, he kicked him!

But it was all in vain, and there was no one in front of me!

Luo Xiaoman frowned and looked around warily.

He is different from Chen Xin'an. Although he also has danger warning, he is not as keen as Chen Xin'an.

To prevent danger, he relies more on body perception, which is the ancient martial art of listening to the wind to identify positions.

They clearly felt the danger coming, but didn't see anyone. Could it be that these enemies would still become invisible?

Is Ninjutsu really that powerful?

I have seen in movies that some ninjas are like ghosts and can suddenly disappear when fighting enemies.

When he showed up again, he was already standing in another place!

This teleportation technique makes it difficult for the enemy to guard against it!

A strong wind came, and this time the opponent moved close to him before taking action. A cold light suddenly struck and pierced his chest!

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened, and with a sharp breath, he stepped back twenty centimeters.

It was like his chest suddenly deflated at this moment!

The knife missed, and Luo Xiaoman took advantage of the situation and punched out, but unfortunately he missed again!

Danger came from behind. He had no time to dodge and was kicked. Luo Xiaoman fell to the ground.

Without the slightest hesitation, he rolled, and with two bangs, the two knives splashed sparks on the ground, and disappeared in an instant!

It's haunted!

After Luo Xiaoman stood up, he drew his sword and slashed wildly, like a madman slashing and killing in the air.

After making sure that no one was around, he put away the gun and slung it behind his back, holding the sword and looking around with a wary expression.

He knew he was being targeted.

There must be people around, and more than one, all holding weapons and staring at him eagerly.

The light above the head was not very strong, but the various corner lights seemed to shine randomly, making the light in this room very strange.

There is no shadow wherever a person stands.

Therefore, it became impossible for him to use the shadow to determine the opponent's position.

How did the other party make his body invisible?

Neither he nor Lao Chen can do this even if they have practiced kung fu to such an extent.

These ninjas are definitely no match for him when fighting alone, but they can become invisible, which simply goes against science!

It was so difficult for him to cope with it, Lao Xiao and Pigeon...

Luo Xiaoman took the opportunity to turn his head and glanced at the side.

In such a moment of distraction, a cold wind suddenly hit from the side at an extremely fast speed!

Luo Xiaoman stabbed forward, but a strong wind suddenly struck in front of him. He had no time to change his attack and could only bear one blow!


As if being hit head-on by a running rhinoceros, Luo Xiaoman was knocked up and fell heavily two meters away, trampling four or five chairs!

Just as I was about to get up, my chest felt sweet and a mouthful of blood poured out of my mouth!

Luo Xiaoman reached out and touched his chest. Damn, it's broken!

But he breathed a sigh of relief, because he had already seen at that glance that only the area around him was empty, and the other three brothers were surrounded by people.

In other words, the invisible ninjas were only used to deal with him, and those who couldn't become invisible were used to deal with others.

I think the crew-cut man saw that among the four, only Luo Xiaoman was the most difficult to deal with, so he took special care of him.

Luo Qianhe pushed back the enemies in front of him with one strike of his sword, but more people rushed over!

These people are not stupid either. They have already figured out that Luo Qianhe is their weak link!

This person's fighting skills are simply ordinary, that is, he knows some of the most basic fighting skills.

The combat effectiveness is simply pitiful!

So it would be a no-brainer to regard him as the first breakthrough target!

A group of bald heads came towards Luo Qianhe aggressively. Without the protection of his brothers, Luo Qianhe was alone and in danger!

But there was no trace of panic on his face.

He has never been good at close combat.

After returning from the Eagle Flag Country, he has been thinking about how to improve his combat effectiveness every day.

It is simply impossible to practice martial arts now.

He is not like Lao Xiao, who has already opened the keel. He has no keel at all.

So if you want to improve your combat effectiveness, you have to find another way!

Whatever he is best at, he uses this ability to protect himself. This is the direction Luo Qianhe has been focusing on since returning to Kyoto.

So he turned himself into a Breaking Bad character!

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