Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2564 The Flaws of Illusion Ninja

That kind of ecstasy that makes people faint when they smell it is just one of Luo Qianhe's methods.

He has countless similar methods!

Seeing a group of people approaching, Luo Qianhe calmly took out something like a lighter refill from his pocket.

He raised it high and pressed it hard. With a squeaking sound, a cloud of red smoke centered on him and quickly spread to the side!

"Damn!" Xiao Zhang and Li Qi, who were two meters away, took a look and immediately ducked to the side.

Soon a distance of three meters in radius was covered by this red smoke!

Those in the smoke are all in trouble!

There were coughs and sneezes one after another. Some bald heads had tears and runny noses flowing out. They yelled in pain and lost their fighting ability in an instant!

Now they regret it to death!

Unexpectedly, this seemingly weakest opponent turned out to be the most troublesome.

What the hell is this thing, and how can it be so terrifyingly lethal?

You know, overcoming environmental stimuli is a required course in ninja training.

In order to train their adaptability, they can even eat next to excrement buckets, urine buckets or rotting corpses.

But facing the attack of this red smoke, they were completely defenseless, which shows the domineering power of this medicine!

What's even more frightening is that even if you escape the area shrouded in red smoke, your eyes will be swollen and your tears will not disappear.

The pain that hits the deepest part of your body will torture you all the time, making it impossible to continue fighting.

Xiao Zhang and Li Qi grinned when they saw this scene from a distance.

Want to pinch a soft persimmon?

These idiots have found the wrong person!

Today's pigeons are like hedgehogs, with sharp thorns all over their bodies. Anyone who comes near will be pricked and bruised!

Even his own brother doesn't know how much poison and medicine this guy has hidden in his body.

Before you know it, you can fall into coma or vomit, and can make you cry and cough like you are now.

It can also make you excited, impulsive to everything you see, even getting close to a pig when you see it...

Anyone with a normal mind would rather fight an opponent like Luo Xiaoman than face an enemy like Luo Qianhe.

He may not kill you with one blow, but there are definitely a hundred ways to make you feel worse than death!

The battle on Xiao Zhang's side was the most brutal. He suffered many injuries, but his opponents didn't fare well either. They were all fighting bloody battles!

After Chen Xin'an forcibly opened the keel, Xiao Zhang's strength and agility were greatly improved.

But after all, I am older and started too late, so my foundation is very poor.

Chen Xin'an asked Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman to deliberately train him on how to fight and save his life.

Try to avoid long-term Kung Fu suppression, because this is the most basic test.

Therefore, Xiao Zhang's attacks are always killing moves, and they are a lose-lose style of play.

He had at least six or seven shurikens stuck in his body. He had been stabbed more than a dozen times. He was covered in blood and looked miserable.

But his opponents were even worse. Six people had already been assassinated by him and fell to the ground. Seven or eight people were covering their wounds with blood spurting out, looking at him in horror.

Xiao Zhang was injured many times but not seriously, and it had little impact on his combat effectiveness.

This is the advantage of opening the keel.

He can always avoid fatal blows at the most dangerous times and try to maintain longer-term combat effectiveness.

On the contrary, Li Qi was the most relaxed.

Chen Xin'an once said that Li Qi with a gun and Li Qi without a gun are like two people.

He is the only one who can turn a light charge into a pistol with precise bursts of fire!

No one could get closer than three meters in front of him.

If it were not affected by the venue, this distance could be extended to ten meters!

With a gun in hand, I have the world.

No matter which angle you come from, no matter what weapon you use.

The end result is that before you get to grips with him, before your weapon hits him, his bullet has already penetrated your body!

There were the most people lying around him, so much so that the ninjas didn't dare to get close!

I originally thought he was a sick man, but now I know that this guy is simply a heartless butcher!

Almost a dozen people died in his hands!

The one who is really in danger is Luo Xiaoman!

He is the strongest, has the best kung fu, and is now in the most dangerous situation!

Because he has no idea where the enemy is!

With a hiss, the knife cut through his clothes, leaving a scratch on his chest.

First, the white flesh rolled up, and then bright red blood poured out!

Luo Xiaoman chased after him with a backhand knife, but it only hit the air and the opponent disappeared again!

Before Luo Xiaoman could examine the wound carefully, a cool breeze suddenly hit the back of his neck!

He subconsciously lowered his head to avoid it, and a ball of hair fluttered in the air.

I touched the back of my head and found that there was only a piece of scalp left in a place as big as a walnut!

Luo Xiaoman broke out in a cold sweat. If he took one step slower, the back of his head would be cut off!

How could it be so weird?

Even if the body is invisible, why can even weapons be invisible?

Is this high technology or magic?

If this continues, I will probably have to explain it here today!

After all, as long as he is slightly negligent, he will give the enemy a good opportunity to attack, but he wants to counterattack without knowing where the enemy is!

The crew-cut man watching the battle not far away had an offended sneer on his face.

Illusion Ninja is a relatively rare power among the Temple Guards.

There were less than thirty people in total.

This time, in order to deal with Chen Xin'an, a third of them were brought in at once.

Although it has not been used on Chen Xin'an, it will be worth it if he can get rid of his right-hand man!

Now it seems that these phantom ninjas have found a way to deal with this guy.

In less than two minutes, this guy who seems to have the best kung fu will definitely die!

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted at the door!

"Aman, the sun, Qingming, Zhuanzhu! Open your eyes!"

No one knows what this sentence means. Even if someone understands Chinese, they don’t know what it means.

But Luo Xiaoman understood it!

He quickly closed his eyes, placed a finger on each of his temples, Qingming point, and Zanzhu point with both hands, and then opened his eyes suddenly!

There didn't seem to be anything different around him, but upon closer inspection, he finally saw some distortions and fluctuations in the airflow!

As a twisted wave quickly approached, Luo Xiaoman stood still, as if he hadn't seen it at all.

But when a dagger suddenly emerged from the waves and stabbed him in the heart, Luo Xiaoman suddenly turned around and avoided the sword!

At the same time, he threw away the sword, held the sword in his left hand instead, and stabbed with his horizontal arm!


Blood splashed in the air, and one person was stabbed in the chest. As the blood spurted out, his figure gradually appeared!

In fact, there is no invisibility, but he is covered from head to toe in a large camouflage coat.

With the help of overhead lights, this kind of camouflage clothing can well blend a person into the surrounding environment.

This kind of camouflage clothing is like a liquid reflector, reflecting the surrounding environment to the opponent's eyes, thus achieving the effect of invisibility.

If you were motionless, you might not even be able to see him standing in front of you.

Once it moves, there will be a scene similar to space distortion and air flow fluctuations, but few people will notice it.

When Chen Xin'an arrived, she saw this strange attack. After thinking about it for a while, she understood what was going on.

Although he still doesn't understand the principle, he knows that it is impossible for people to become invisible. They must be using something, and there must be traces to follow.

As long as you look carefully, you will definitely find it!

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