Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2568 Return to Yingjing Tower

The Yimamachi side is still as quiet as ever.

The Honda did not stop at the Rogigi Shinjo Building, but at a relatively far intersection.

The car lights were turned off, and Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Aqi, follow me, and others should not move in the car!"

Half an hour later, Chen Xin'an came back with Li Qi, got in the car and whispered to everyone:

"Forget it, let's go, it's not safe here anymore!"

The other party concealed it very well, but he couldn't fool Chen Xin'an and Li Qi's eyes.

Someone was squatting in the lobby of Rokgi New Town. Although they pretended to be waiting for the elevator, they never got up.

The outside was full of hidden piles, and there were at least seven or eight cars with people in them, but their eyes were watching the passing cars.

Xiao Zhang held the steering wheel and asked: "Where are we going? Stay in a hotel?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "That would be more dangerous!"

Li Qi pointed to the top of his head and said: "It seems that Sakura Club has asked the transportation department to assist.

The cameras on the road were chasing us.

The boss and I avoided surveillance from the beginning and did not give them a straight face. "

Luo Xiaoman sneered coldly and said: "Yingjing is so big and has such a large population. Let's find a place to hang out. They won't be able to find us even if they are blind!"

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "Don't be so confident! Sakura Club is the largest black club in Japan, and it is very powerful!

The goal of the five of us is too big. It won't take long for people to find us! "

"What should we do?" Luo Xiaoman looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Since we can find it wherever we go, why don't we hide?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "You must rest and recover your strength!

I know there is a place that is definitely safe, but getting in is a bit troublesome! "

"Where?" Everyone stared at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes, wondering if there was any safe place in Yingjing.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to everyone: "Yingjing Tower!"

Everyone looked at each other, and Luo Xiaoman cursed angrily: "Old Chen, are you crazy? We just came out from there after so much effort, and now you say you want to go back there?"

Li Diding nodded and said: "I think the boss's proposal is a good one!

The most dangerous place is the safest place! "

Luo Qianhe also clapped his hands and said, "No one from the Sakura Club would have imagined that we took such a big risk and left the Yingjing Tower, but then we went back quietly on our own!"

Xiao Zhang chuckled and said: "Their people are all looking for us outside, and the internal defense is empty. Let's hide in the tower, who knows where!"

"So, everyone agrees to go back?" Luo Xiaoman looked at everyone.

Seeing everyone nodding, Luo Xiaoman slapped his thigh and said, "Then let's go! Go back to Yingjing Tower!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Don't be impatient, we have to think about how to get in!"

"That's not easy!" Luo Xiaoman patted his backpack and said, "We have this!"

He's talking about those camouflage clothes!

Chen Xin'an had really forgotten about this thing, but it was very demanding on the environment. Can it really go unimpeded under the eyes of the enemy after wearing it?

You have to try it to find out!

The Honda started, turned around, and drove towards Yingjing Tower again.

The car stopped two hundred meters away from the Yingjing Tower, and everyone put on the camouflage clothes in the car.

Looking at each other sitting in front of them, Luo Xiaoman shouted strangely: "Isn't this too obvious? Why are the effects different from those of those people?"

Li Qi said with a smile: "This must be obvious. The invisibility effect can only be achieved under a specific environment. So we must find good light!"

Without the aid of light, this kind of camouflage clothing is just an ordinary slightly brightly colored clothing. It has no invisibility effect at all and is even a little bright.

"But what counts as a specific environment?" Luo Qianhe asked a little strangely.

Li Qi didn't speak, but he was imagining the lighting conditions in the room where the phantom ninja appeared before.

After a while, he said to everyone: "The lighting in that room should simulate sunlight.

Camouflage meetings should also be most effective in a sunny environment.

This kind of light is illumination without blind spots, allowing the camouflage clothing to reflect light sources from all angles, thereby achieving the purpose of invisibility! "

Everyone nodded together, this analysis made sense.

Luo Xiaoman said with a frustrated look: "What the hell... wearing it means you are not wearing anything!

Where can we find this kind of blind-angle light?

You can't go to the gate of Sakura Club headquarters to lay out wires and set up lights, right? "

Everyone fell silent.

This is indeed an impossible condition.

Li Qi shook his head and said: "We are just using these clothes to sneak into the Yingjing Tower, and we will not be exposed in front of everyone for too long.

So there is no need to achieve too strong a stealth effect.

If there is no sunlight, we can use strong light. Although the effect will not be ideal, it should be no problem if we are confused for a while. "

Everyone thought about it and felt that this method was feasible.

After all, there are searchlights all around the Yingjing Tower, but the tower body is illuminated. If the light can be adjusted to shine at the gate, it can create the effect of concentrated light.

But the question now is, how to make all the searchlights shine in the direction of the door?

Xiao Zhang grinned and said: "I will take everyone to a place! There is something there that can help us!"

Luo Xiaoman slapped Xiao Zhang on the shoulder and scolded: "Old Xiao, you don't learn well! Have you learned how to show off your relationship with Lao Chen?"

Xiao Zhang shrank and took a breath.

Luo Qianhe scolded Luo Xiaoman: "Be gentle! Lao Xiao is still injured!"

Chen Xin'an also glared at Luo Xiaoman, who was so frightened that Luo Xiaoman quickly slapped his left hand with his right hand.

Xiao Zhang moved his shoulders and said with a smile: "It's okay, the pigeons have been taken care of!

In fact, it is a snake breeding base, not far from the western suburbs.

The last time I dealt with Sanhe Society, I went there with Tang Yang and got a lot of snakes and frogs! "

Everyone’s eyes lit up, this is a good idea!

Snake breeding is very common in Da Ying.

Not only do they eat snake meat, but they also use snake venom as medicine. The most important thing is that the Ying people like to drink snake wine.

Everyone came to the snake breeding base and originally wanted to buy it, but no one could speak Japanese fluently and flawlessly. The owner of the base also had a bad attitude. When they heard that it was the Chinese, they just let the dogs go.

This was indeed not the time for trading, so everyone had to act like robbers and beat the boss and workers unconscious.

Wearing special snake-catching protective gear and tools, everyone found several big bags and filled them with five bags full of snakes!

There were all poisonous and non-poisonous things mixed together, and everyone got into the car with their bags in hand.

Returning to the intersection near Yingjing Tower, everyone packed their equipment and got out of the car with their bags.

The area near the Yingjing Tower has been blocked by people from the Sakura Club, and no one is allowed to approach.

Luo Qianhe said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother, help me find a target, and I will control the driver!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and grinned when he saw a taxi approaching from a distance.

You cannot hire taxis on the streets of Yingjing, and there are special taxi stops.

But at two or three o'clock in the morning, there are not so many rules.

Unexpectedly, there was still business at this point. The driver was very happy and parked the car next to him. When he got down, he bowed and complimented him. He wished he could kneel down and let the two guests step on his head to get into the car.

Chen Xin'an grinned and stabbed a steel needle into his neck.

There are traces of tattoos on the exposed skin on his neck and arms. This guy is 100% from the Zoji Society!

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