Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2569 Are You Scared?

There was no one in the taxi except the driver, but the car was full of snakes curled up together!

The door was not closed, just ajar, and the alarm on the center console kept sounding.

But the driver seemed not to hear it. His eyes were red, his breathing was rapid, and he was staring in the direction of Yingjing Tower!

In his eyes, there was a huge monster lying there, and he must drive over it and kill it!

With the roar of the accelerator, the car emitted black smoke and sped towards Yingjing Tower!

From time to time, some snakes fell out of the car doors on both sides, but there were a lot of snakes in the car.

"Stop!" Seeing a car rushing towards them, several members of the Sakura Club quickly stepped in front and raised their hands.

The taxi didn't pay any attention to it and rushed straight over!

Everyone was so frightened that they all ran away. One person couldn't escape and was knocked into the air.

He hit the windshield hard, and as the car sped forward, it hit the door on the first floor with a bang and rushed into a restaurant.

A group of people from Sakura Club rushed over.

"Asshole, what's going on? How did you drive this taxi?"

"Azhi is dead! Kill the driver and avenge Azhi!"

"The driver has gone crazy. The car can't move and he's still pressing the accelerator! Oops, something is biting me!"

With a scream, a person suddenly fell to the ground, foaming at the mouth and twitching all over.

Someone shouted: "Poisonous snakes! So many poisonous snakes! Why are they everywhere? Where did they come from?"

The poisonous snakes scattered everywhere caused everyone to panic. Some people shouted: "Hurry up and catch the snakes! Why are there so many snakes here!"

Having been caught here in a daze, the aggrieved snakes finally had a chance to vent their anger.

Now they bite people whenever they see them. In this short time, they have bitten five or six people.

It's just that they like to hide in the dark, and now it's night again. The people of Sakura Club are hard to guard against, and they scream in agony after being tortured!

Finally, someone yelled angrily: "Turn on the lights! Gather all the lights here and clean up these snakes first!"

A few minutes later, the searchlights on the ground that originally illuminated the tower changed their angles and focused the light on the first floor!

The surroundings were as bright as day, and the snakes were crawling everywhere under the light, making people's scalp numb just looking at them.

But at this moment, a member of the Sakura Club standing at the door had his eyes blurred, and he felt as if something had passed in front of him!

"Wada, what did you see just now? Why do I feel like someone is here?"

His companion glanced at him and curled his lips and said: "Teng Zhen, the captain said you are a coward, and it is true!

Apart from you and me, who else is there?

Did you get scared out of your wits by handling the corpse just now?

How about you go outside and catch snakes? Just leave it to me alone! "

Teng Zhen looked embarrassed, smiled at Wada, and said nothing more.

Maybe I am really too frightened and am blinded!

Arriving on the sixth floor in one breath, Chen Xin'an led everyone to find an empty room. Everyone sat on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief!

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Take a rest here, I will go outside to explore later.

Up there is the Sakura Club headquarters, we have to find a way to get in!

Camouflage clothes come in handy during the day, and if we can get inside Sakura Club, we can do a lot of things!

Luo Xiaoman grinned and said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, do you want to kill Yamasuke Kazuo?"

Chen Xin'an's eyes showed a cold light, and he sneered and said: "If he wants to kill me so much, then I will put myself in front of him and let him kill me.

It depends on whether he has this ability! "

After a busy night, everyone is tired now.

In this empty room, everyone lay down casually and fell asleep.

There is bread and water in the backpack, so you can drink it when you are hungry or thirsty.

Although it was not much, just one or two meals, it was enough for everyone.

This is not a place to stay for a long time, everyone will leave at dawn.

There are three elevators in the entire Yingjing Tower.

The main elevator in the middle can lead to the seventh floor, and the two sightseeing elevators outside do not have button options from the seventh to the tenth floor.

So if you want to enter Sakura Club, you can only go through the main elevator.

But there is a security door between the elevator entrance and the internal building.

Not only do you have to swipe away, but you also have to swipe your face, and there are security guards on duty 24 hours a day.

There is a special pass inside, but with such security measures, even if you get the pass, you cannot enter the interior.

Chen Xin'an observed it for a long time, but couldn't think of a way, so she had to give up.

I went back to the empty house to rest and had a good sleep. It was already dawn.

Let me tell you what I have observed. Everyone has a headache.

Luo Xiaoman suddenly asked Chen Xin'an: "Is there any way Yan Chunhua can let us in?"

Chen Xin'an's eyes lit up, and he took out his mobile phone and made a call, but there was a message that the call could not be connected!

Chen Xin'an frowned, shook his head and said, "We can't contact him now! I'll go out and see if there is any other way!"

"Then let's go together!" Li Qi also stood up.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands quickly and said, "No! With too many people, the target is too big. We can't be exposed at this time.

I took a look last night and found that this floor is a children's playground with activities for children.

Our current house is an indoor dance training hall, but there is a sign at the door, which probably means it is closed.

The sixth floor has always been the property of Sakura Club. We still have to be careful and don't let them know that we are back yet.

It won’t matter once you’re inside them! "

When everyone heard this, they nodded.

Chen Xin'an stood up and walked to the door, opened the door and walked out.

He deliberately observed the surveillance angle last night, so he now knows how to use the surveillance blind spot to hide his whereabouts.

It's very early, and there aren't many people on the sixth floor. Some people come to work and open the door in advance to prepare.

Just in case, Chen Xin'an turned on the headset communication system and found a secluded place to talk to Xiaolan. The little girl had just woken up and her tone was a little lazy.

"Boss, are you okay today? I may have to go out!"

In order to avoid delaying Chen Xin'an's translation, Xu Qilan now has to ask for leave from Chen Xin'an every time before going out.

Chen Xin'an hummed and said, "You can go wherever you want. There's nothing big going on here. I'll tell you in advance if necessary!"

Of course he would not tell Xu Qilan his current whereabouts, not because he didn't trust her, but because it was unnecessary.

Xu Qilan yawned and said, "I don't have anything important to do, I just went to Yingjing Tower with my best friend, and I'll be back in the morning!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and asked strangely: "Are you going to Yingjing Tower? Are you here for sightseeing?"

"No!" Xu Qilan said quickly: "There is a film and television company on the eighth floor over there, and the photos it takes are very famous.

A recruitment announcement was released some time ago. My best friend applied for the job and is going for an interview today! "

"Eighth floor, photos?" Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Xu Qilan: "Now you are a safe person, you can get a salary, but you are still short of money?"

Xu Qilan chuckled and said, "Of course I'm not short of money, so I went with my best friend!

Hey, taking photos is not all about money...

You are young and in good shape, why don’t you hurry up and take a photo as a souvenir.

What a pity it would be when I grow old and have wrinkles all over my body, and I can no longer see how beautiful I was when I was young!

Boss, in Da Ying, it is fashionable and common for young girls to take swimsuit photos!

Almost all the sisters in my dormitory have been photographed.

And if the photo sales are good, they will be discovered by talent scouts, and then they can directly enter the entertainment industry! "

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