Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2570 If you dare to lie to me, I will stab you to death.

Chen Xin'an curled her lips with disdain.

I have my own film and television company. Isn’t it easy to get into the entertainment industry?

Of course, this is Da Ying, and we can’t let people go back to Kyoto, China, for auditions.

And now that the film and television company is under the management of Lin Keer, he can't just plug people in.

Chen Xin'an said softly: "Xiaolan, after you go to accompany your best friend for the interview, you must report to me. Remember?"

"I know, boss!" Although Xu Qilan was a little surprised, she agreed to Chen Xin'an without asking any more questions.

There were a lot of people in the corridor, and the cleaners started cleaning the corridors.

Chen Xin'an watched a cleaner push a sweeper out of a room and prepare to clean the corridor.

He looked around and covered his face with his clothes.

He was still wearing camouflage clothes, but the effect was not very good.

The cleaner was pushing the sweeper forward when suddenly an arm was placed on his shoulder. Before he could resist, his neck felt a sharp pain, and several steel needles pierced his neck!

He instantly felt his whole body stiffen, his hands let go of the car, and his body went limp, as if he was being held up and drunk, and he was helped into the storage room next to him.

"Do you understand Chinese?" Chen Xin'an looked at the cleaner coldly and asked.

The man's face turned pale, and he looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and said, "I am an international student from China, please don't hurt me!"

Chen Xin'an squinted at him, turned her wrist, and the sword appeared in her hand, with a cold light, and it was pressed against the cleaner's neck!

"Okay, that's no problem! I hate Chinese people the most. As long as I catch one, I will kill him!"

In Da Ying more than ten years ago, such extremely perverted murderers were not uncommon, but now it is much safer.

The cleaner was almost scared to death and said quickly: "I'm sorry, I just wanted to survive, so I deceived you!

I am an Eastern Chao person!

I'm just a student who works on weekends. I don't want to die!

I am just like you, I also hate Chinese people! "

"You actually lied to me!" Chen Xin'an's face suddenly fell down. He pushed the knife forward and cut the cleaner's skin with the blade. He gritted his teeth and said:

"But I also lied to you. I am actually Chinese! You hate Chinese people, right? I happen to hate Dongchao people too, so go die!"

The cleaner was about to collapse, crying and shouting: "Help..."

Before he finished speaking, the sword was thrust into his mouth!

The cleaner's whole body was stiff and he did not dare to move.

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said, "If you dare to be dishonest again, I will open your mouth wider! Do you understand?"

The cleaner had a sword in his mouth and did not dare to move, but his eyes were full of pleading.

Chen Xin'an pulled out the knife and said to him: "Tell me about the situation in this building. How many floors can you go to? If you dare to lie to me, don't blame me for stabbing you to death!"

A few minutes later, Chen Xin'an walked out of the storage room wearing cleaner's clothes.

The original cleaner was currently wearing only a pair of boxer briefs, rolling his eyes and lying in the pile of debris, hoping to sleep for at least two hours.

Chen Xin'an pushed the sweeper around the corridor and stopped at the door of the empty room.

As soon as he opened the door, a dark shadow came over him. Chen Xin'an remained motionless and whispered: "It's me!"

One foot stopped in front of him, a punch away. Luo Xiaoman quickly retracted his leg, looked at Chen Xin'an and said with a smile, "Why are you dressed like this?"

Chen Xin'an pushed the sweeper in, closed the door and said to everyone: "It was taken off the body of a Dongchao international student.

He is responsible for the sanitation and cleaning from the sixth to the tenth floors. He only does the corridors and does not enter the rooms.

There is an opportunity for us to go up there. "

Chen Xin'an turned around and picked up a bag from the side of the sweeper. Inside were several bottles of drinks that were very popular in Da Ying.

"This guy comes here every weekend to work. In order to please the people above him, every time he comes, he brings a few bottles of drinks to the people on guard at the elevator entrance.

Pigeon, is there any way to get rid of those guards? "

Luo Qianhe nodded and said, "It's nothing!"

This Breaking Bad actor's body is full of various drugs, and it is really easy to kill a few people.

Five minutes later, the cleaner pushed the sweeper into the elevator and pressed the seventh floor button.

With a ding, the elevator stopped, the door opened, and the cleaner pushed the sweeper to come out, but the wheels got stuck in the gap between the elevator car and the corridor.

There was a bang, and the cleaner who was trying hard to push the sweeper out was unable to guard against it, and his head hit the sweeper hard, making a loud noise.

The two guards who were still looking nervously laughed when they saw this scene.

"Park Shunchang, do you want to laugh me to death? Why are you so funny every time you come here? When you get out of the elevator door, you touch yourself until your face is covered in blood!"

"A fool like you still wants to join our guard? Forget it! It's embarrassing for me to be your introducer!"

The cleaner covered his face with his hands, and blood flowed from his fingers. It looked like he had been hit hard.

After finding a clean rag and covering his face, the cleaner waved his hand and continued pushing the cart.

A guard stopped him, narrowed his eyes and said, "Park Shunchang, have you forgotten something?"

The cleaner quickly pointed to the bag hanging next to the car. Just as he was about to take it, the guard immediately stopped him and said, "Okay, don't touch it, just don't forget it! Your hands are dirty, I'll take it myself!"

He skillfully took out two bottles of drinks from the bag next to the car, handed one to his companion, waved to the cleaner and said: "Get out of here! I want to laugh when I see you!"

Another person shouted to the cleaner: "Be careful, don't let your blood stain the corridor!"

The cleaner covered his mouth and nose with one hand and pushed the sweeper with the other hand. When the bulletproof glass door in front opened, he pushed the sweeper into the corridor.

Behind him, two guards smiled and talked while unscrewing the lid of the drink and taking a few sips.

The cleaner put down his left hand and revealed his true face, it was Chen Xin'an.

He threw the blood bag prepared in advance in his left hand into the trash can. The blood in it was of course that of the poor Dongchao international student.

Chen Xin'an wiped her hands clean with a rag, lowered the brim of her hat, and looked around.

The corridor was very quiet, the doors on both sides were closed, and no sound came out.

He pushed the sweeper around in the corridor and returned to the bulletproof glass door.

The building itself is inside the Yingjing Tower, and all the structures inside are in a ring shape.

In the middle is the main elevator shaft, and the rooms are distributed around the elevator shaft.

The two guards were already lying on their desks, sound asleep.

The drink bottle in front of me has been poured out, and I don’t know how much I drank.

Chen Xin'an let go of the sweeper, walked over through the glass door, straightened their bodies and said softly: "You can come up now!"

Soon, Luo Xiaoman and four others came up in the elevator.

Luo Qianhe checked the eyes of the two guards and said to Chen Xin'an: "About an hour!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Hide first and find an opportunity to get the control room first!"

There was already a sound of footsteps coming from the corridor.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands to everyone, indicating that everyone should hide first.

But there was no place to hide here. Li Qi had an idea and said to everyone: "Go back to the elevator!"

Chen Xin'an did not follow them, but turned around and walked to the sweeper.

There are a lot of surveillance here, and the guard who fainted was also photographed. Luo Xiaoman and the others were also under surveillance when they came up.

So although the other party doesn't understand what happened yet, they will definitely send someone over to investigate.

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