Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2571 You live because you are afraid of death

Sure enough, a dozen guards rushed over with swing sticks, pointing at Chen Xin'an from a distance and shouting:

"Stop right there! Who was that person who was talking to you? Where were they?"

"He doesn't seem to be the boy named Park Shunchang. I've never seen him!"

"No matter who he is, catch him first! Give him a beating and you'll know what this kid wants to do!"

Chen Xin'an seemed to be petrified, standing motionless next to the sweeper.

A group of guards rushed forward and surrounded him.

A few went to the duty desk and helped up their sleeping companions lying on the table, as if trying to wake them up, but it was in vain.

The guards didn't even ask, they raised their sticks and hit Chen Xin'an on the head hard!

According to their idea, there is no need to talk nonsense, just beat the person down first.

If you are honest, you won't tell lies, and you will tell whatever you ask!

In the past, this trick was used to deal with strangers who broke into the interior.

Unfortunately, this time they met Chen Xin'an!

Before the swinging stick could fall, the person who did it was already grabbed around the neck. With a crisp click, the guard's body drew an arc in the air and hit the ground heavily!

He was dead the moment he hit the ground, his head twisted at a weird angle.

Chen Xin'an did not stop, and gave another heart-breaking blow, using the knuckle of his middle finger to hit a guard's heart hard!

The guard's body stiffened instantly, his eyes widened, and he fell backwards to the ground.

At the same time, the elevator door opened again. Li Qi had pried open the control panel and paused the elevator. It only closed the door but did not run.

The four people rushed out without any nonsense and rushed directly to the guards at the desk.

Five minutes later, only one of the guards was left shivering in front of Chen Xin'an, and the rest were all lying on the ground in a mess.

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and asked, "Do you know why you are still standing?"

The pale guard nodded hurriedly and said to Chen Xin'an: "Because I can speak Chinese!"

Chen Xin'an grinned, shook his head and said, "Because you are a death-phobe!"

"Yes, I'm afraid of death. I don't want to die. Please let me go!"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "Then it depends on whether you are smart or not! Can these people help me deal with it? By the way, what's your name?"

"Hirado Osamu, I'm a newcomer!" the guard said tremblingly, "I've been here less than a month. I'm just working and I've never done anything bad!"

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "I'm not a policeman, so whether I do bad things or not has nothing to do with me!

As long as you cooperate with us honestly, you won't die, do you understand?

Answer the question I just asked! "

Osamu Hirado immediately pointed to a door not far away and said: "That's the conference room over there.

Today is the weekend, there is no need for that place, these people can be sent there!

Normally no one would go in! "

Chen Xin'an turned around and nodded to Luo Xiaoman and said, "You deal with these people!"

He turned his head, put his arm around Hirato Osamu's neck and said, "Let's go, take me to the monitoring room!"

Leaving the four people to deal with these guys on the ground, Chen Xin'an asked Hirado Osamu to lead the way to the monitoring room.

In the monitoring room, several monitors stared at the screen.

"Who are these bastards? How dare they come here to cause trouble?"

"Could it be the same group of people who were up there last night?"

"Impossible! Hatoyama said that he saw with his own eyes that those guys were wearing wingsuits and flying down from the top of the tower! How could they finally escape and come back again?"

"Do you want to inform the office?"

"It's not like you don't know Captain Haneda's temper! Let's see how he handles it first... Damn it, why is the screen blurred? Hurry up and re-debug!"

A few minutes later, the three people took turns to fight. On the monitor in front of them, there was still a blurred screen, and nothing could be seen.

One person snorted and said, "I think there's something wrong with the camera. I'll go over and check it out!"

The companion next to him said to him: "Yasuo, be careful, the fighting is going on over there!"

Jifa curled his lips and said: "Do I need to be afraid? Captain Haneda has brought so many brothers, isn't it enough to deal with those outsiders?

It's a pity that you can't see such a wonderful battle. I can go and watch it live.

You can even move your hands and feet and just go up and participate! "

"What the hell!" The two companions pointed their middle fingers at him: "Get out of here! Don't come back covered in blood like last time. It stinks!"

"This bastard always likes to move forward every time something like this happens. You should stop staying in the control room and just go on duty!"

Yasuo laughed and walked to the door, opened it and walked out.

But within thirty seconds, the door was opened and he was standing at the door again.

"Why aren't you going? You've already been dragged back after the fight?"

Yasuo lowered his head and walked in cautiously.

The two people in the monitoring room realized that there were two more people behind him.

One is the newly arrived security guard Osamu Hirado, and the other is the cleaner whom I saw on the surveillance camera before!

And behind Yasuo, there was a bright knife pressed against his body. No wonder he was so honest and obedient.

The two people in the control room winked at each other. One of them was facing his back, with his back to the console, but his right hand quietly reached back, trying to press the red button!

That's the alarm device.

Once it rings, the entire company goes on alert.

Just when his hand was about to touch the alarm bell, the cleaner raised his right hand, a cold light flashed, and with a bang, a sword nailed the guard's hand to the console!

"Ah!" The guard howled like a killing pig, turned around and wanted to pull out the knife, but the slightest touch caused severe pain and he instantly lost all strength!

The man next to him turned around to ring the alarm bell, but Chen Xin'an kicked Yasuo on the back!

Yasuo screamed, his body was kicked up and hit the guard, and they both fell to the ground!

The guard was also determined to ring the bell, pushed hard with both hands, pushed Yasuo away, got up and jumped on the console!

Chen Xin'an kicked the door of the control room. When the door was closed, he also used the force to jump and reached the console in the blink of an eye!


The guard slapped the alarm bell hard, but it hit Chen Xin'an's hand!

The next second, Chen Xin'an grabbed his right hand and broke his wrist with a click!

"Bastard!" the guard screamed, switching to his left hand to shoot!

Chen Xin'an suddenly hit his left shoulder with a heavy punch. With a click, his shoulder bone was completely shattered!

Seeing that he still wants to hit his head, Chen Xin'an is not polite, so I will help you!

He pressed the back of the opponent's head with one hand and gave it a sharp blow!

A shower of blood exploded on the metal console, and the guard's head was like a rotten watermelon, deformed!

He died on the spot, his body tilted, and he fell under the console!

Yasuo on the ground and his companion who had his right hand pierced were all so frightened that they lost their voices and stared at the corpse in front of them without blinking.

Osamu Hirado originally wanted to run, but the battle was over before his hand even touched the door.

Turning his head and seeing the body on the ground, he instantly wet his pants, bent over and vomited profusely.

Chen Xin'an took two steps to the side, grabbed her sword, and then pulled it out with a swish!

The guard jumped up in pain and opened his mouth to scream, but before his voice came out, a cold light flashed and a large amount of blood mist spurted out from his neck!

He tried in vain to cover the wound on his neck with both hands, but blood poured out of his mouth again, and even his trachea was blocked!

With violent coughs and blood spurting out, he slumped on the ground weakly, leaning against the console, losing his life bit by bit.

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