Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2572 All art is deceptive

The monitoring room was filled with blood, and the only two people standing were Chen Xinan and Hirato Osamu.

Looking at Osamu Hirado who was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground and was smelling bad, Chen Xin'an asked him, "Is there a bathroom here?"

Osamu Hirado raised his arm and pointed to a door next to him tremblingly.

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Give you a minute, go in and clean yourself up.

You can also find a way to escape, but if you are caught by me, you will end up like them! "

The pale-faced Osamu Hirado ran towards the bathroom without saying a word.

Xu Qilan's voice came from the headset: "Boss, I'm at Yingjing Tower!

The people here are so strange. They give us a physical examination as soon as we arrive.

I even said I came with my best friend, but they wouldn't let me leave.

Our belongings will be collected later. I'm afraid of delaying things, so I'll let you know first.

Boss, I think this may not be a formal photography company. Although it looks large and high-end, the people here are very strange...

what are you doing? ! "

Before he finished speaking, the communication was interrupted.

Chen Xin'an frowned and shouted: "Come here!"

Osamu Hirado, who had just walked out of the bathroom, trembled with fright and trotted to Chen Xin'an's side.

"Bring up the surveillance footage from the seventh floor!" Chen Xinan ordered in a deep voice.

"I'm not from the control room, I... try it!" Osamu Hirado originally wanted to say something, but when he saw Chen Xin'an's murderous eyes, he nodded quickly in fear.

Soon a nine-square grid picture was enlarged, which was the surveillance effect on the seventh floor.

There were people walking around in the corridor, a man in a suit and a woman in a business suit collecting documents.

Everything looks normal.

But suddenly, a girl with messy clothes ran out of the next room. Chen Xin'an took a look and saw that it was not Xu Qilan.

Seeing her running in a panic, she seemed to have encountered something terrible.

The strange thing is that the people next to him seemed to be used to it, without the slightest panic, and even gave way actively.

The girl ran out of the surveillance area, but within a minute, she was helped back by two guards. And judging from the way her head was drooping, she must have fainted!

What just happened?

Chen Xin'an said to Osamu Hirado: "Calling the surveillance camera at the end of this corridor!"

Osamu Hirado quickly replied to the Jiugong grid, then searched the location sequence, and finally found a surveillance camera, and asked Chen Xin'an: "It's the elevator entrance, do you want to play it back?"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

As the screen played backwards, Chen Xin'an finally saw that there were two guards on duty at the elevator entrance.

After the girl rushed over, a guard pretended to help push the elevator button. Another guard walked around behind the girl without warning and suddenly covered her mouth and nose with a white towel!

The girl soon lost consciousness, and two guards each took one of her arms and dragged her back!

Although this girl is not Xu Qilan, Chen Xin'an can also imagine that Xiaolan may be suffering the same treatment as him!

Chen Xin'an looked gloomily and said to Osamu Hirado: "What is the seventh floor for?"

Hirado Osamu's face became very strange, but his eyes were avoiding Chen Xin'an, not daring to look at him, and whispered: "I'm just a new guard..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an kicked him and his chair to the ground, then pulled out his sword and stepped on his chest!

"I said!" Osamu Hirado shouted in fright and said to Chen Xin'an: "The seventh floor is a film and television company!"

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said, "Do you think I'm stupid? Why does a film and television company put two guards to block the elevator door and prepare towels mixed with drugs?"

Osamu Hirado said helplessly to Chen Xin'an: "Do you know APG?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and frowned.

"What about SDMG? Where about HUTTA? COD should know by now, right?" Osamu Hirado looked at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes.

Seeing that he kept shaking his head, Osamu Hirado said in disbelief: "It's impossible, these are all serial numbers, very famous manufacturers, very popular!"

Chen Xin'an said with a dark face: "My patience is running out. If you ask me another riddle, guess which part of your body I will cut from?"

Osamu Hirado trembled with fright, and said to Chen Xin'an with a grimace: "You are a gentleman, you have never seen this, how can I explain it to you?

Those were numbers, representing some... you know, little movies that only men would watch.

That kind of scene is very simple, there is only one man and one woman, sometimes it may be two men and one woman, of course there is also one man and two women..."

"Okay, I understand!" Chen Xin'an waved her hand, put away the sword, and said angrily: "Why don't you just say it's a place for filming short movies?"

Isn’t that what Aman, that old pervert, has been thinking about since he came to Japan?

I just didn’t expect that this would be the place where this thing was filmed!

All portraits and art are fake.

It’s true to trick girls into coming here and force them to make short movies!

Chen Xin'an stared at the surveillance screen and whispered to the communication system: "Go out and turn right twenty meters to the left, third door from the count. I'll wait for you here!"

Soon Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi came over, all dressed in guard clothes.

Seeing the blood and corpses on the ground, several people looked calm, as if they were used to it.

Chen Xin'an pointed at the surveillance camera and told Xu Qilan's story, everyone's expressions darkened.

Luo Xiaoman asked Hirado Osamu: "Don't you girls in Japan regard it as a great honor to be able to shoot this or even become famous?"

Osamu Hirado said with a look of shame: "Actually, it's just a publicity done by the company to recruit new people.

Except for a few brainwashed girls who think so, most of the girls who filmed this didn't think it was a glorious thing.

So most girls are forced, or even forced.

Hongying Company likes to make these forced scenes into real videos for sale.

Their methods are more ruthless and cruel, so that once a girl is trapped, she will never be able to get out.

Unless he gets old and loses his luster and is abandoned by them! "

Luo Xiaoman punched the console, gritted his teeth and cursed: "No wonder when I watched several COD movies, the women cried so miserably and had injuries on their bodies.

I thought it was a shooting effect before, but I didn’t expect it to be all real!

My Hiratsuka sister, such a pure girl, how could those bastards be so cruel to her?

What a bunch of living beasts! "

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Now we have to go to the seventh floor and rescue Xiaolan!"

"And my sister Hiratsuka!" Luo Xiaoman said angrily.

Chen Xin'an glared at him, was too lazy to pay attention to him, and said in a deep voice: "Once we take action, our identity will be exposed soon, so we must hurry up!

Osamu Hirado, which floor is the president's office on? "

"Tenth floor!" Osamu Hirado said quickly.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "After you find Xiaolan, go directly to the tenth floor! Find a way to send Xiaolan away first!

Ah Qi, go and destroy the main elevator, let's go up the stairs! "

"Okay!" Li Qi responded, turned around and walked out.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "Remember, the main purpose is to find Xiaolan. If you can't help it, don't do it. Once you do, do it quickly!"

"Understood!" Everyone responded in unison.

Xiao Zhang pointed at Hirado Shu and asked Chen Xin'an, "What should he do?"

Osamu Hirado's face was pale and his whole body was shaking.

Chen Xin'an walked up to him and asked, "Want to live or die?"

Hirado Shu knelt on the ground and said to Chen Xin'an: "Please, don't kill me!"

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