Three steel needles pierced Hirado Osamu's head. Even though the pain was unbearable, Hirado Osamu gritted his teeth and did not dare to scream.

Chen Xin'an said to him: "Do as I say, and you will live!

You know what I want, just use this USB flash drive to export what I want.

I want all the illegal activities of Sakura Club that can be seen on the surveillance cameras in the past two years.

It's up to you how to filter.

I will come back and check it again later. If you make any omissions or evade the important points, I will kill you! "

"I don't dare!" Osamu Hirado said sweating profusely: "I will choose carefully and I won't let you down!"

"It's best!" Chen Xin'an grinned slightly, winked at everyone, and left the monitoring room together.


There was an explosion from the elevator, and a puff of smoke drifted over.

Soon Li Qi also ran over and caught up with everyone in the stairwell.

Luo Xiaoman asked him: "What are you doing, such a big noise?"

Li Qi scratched his head and said, "I destroyed the control panel! It didn't take more than two or three days, I guess it can't be repaired!"

There was a shouting sound from above, and someone in the corridor seemed to be asking something in a low voice, and someone was running.

Chen Xin'an made a warning gesture to everyone and led everyone up to the seventh floor.

Now everyone is wearing the uniforms of guards, but they are all carrying backpacks, which looks a bit nondescript.

The camouflage coat is so wide that a person cannot be seen even if he is wearing a backpack.

However, these uniforms cannot cover the backpack, and they cannot be thrown away. They can only be carried on the body, mainly to catch them off guard.

A group of people went up to the seventh floor, pulling their hats down to cover their faces as much as possible.

A man in a suit poked his head out of the office and shouted to everyone in Chen Xin'an: "I want you to go and see what's going on. Haven't you checked it out yet?

People from the law firm will come later. Can you afford to delay this important matter? "

Chen Xin'an and the others couldn't understand what he was shouting, and no one paid attention to him. They just looked to both sides, looking for Xu Qilan.

"Asshole! Stop, I'm talking to you!" The man in the suit yelled at everyone, and when no one paid attention to him, he turned around angrily.

A man in a white shirt came over holding a basket and said to the man in a suit: "Section Chief Hanagata, the elevator is broken. Do we need to send these clothes to the warehouse for storage?"

The man in a suit opened a layer of clothes on top of the basket, took out some girls' underwear, frowned and cursed:

"You don't know how to take the stairs when the elevator is broken? How can you be so lazy with only two floors?"

"Yes, I know!" The white shirt said solemnly: "I will send it up now!"

The man in the suit frowned and said, "Wait a minute!"

He took out a small headset and a small microphone from the basket, frowned and said, "What is this?"

The man in the white shirt shrugged his shoulders and said to the man in the suit: "It was found on two girls, and one of them seems to be a small anchor!"

The man in the suit had a look of disdain on his face, threw the two things back into the basket, and waved his hand, indicating that the other person would take them away.

Just as Bai Shirt was about to turn around, Chen Xin'an stood in front of him and took out the headset from the basket.

"What are you doing?" White Shirt yelled angrily. Just as he was about to take the headset back, Luo Xiaoman grabbed his neck and slammed it against the wall!

Chen Xin'an looked at the headset in his hand. It was exactly the same as the one he and his brothers were using now. Yes, it was the one used by Xu Qilan!

He held the headset up in front of the white shirt, looked at him with a gloomy expression, and shook the headset in his hand.

The white shirt's eyes turned white, his body was stiff, and his face was as red as an eggplant.

Chen Xin'an slapped Luo Xiaoman's arm angrily. He didn't feel pitiful, but he was about to be strangled to death by you!

Luo Xiaoman then let go of his hand and collapsed to the ground in his white shirt, coughing violently.

The man in the suit has returned to the office and closed the door. There are not many people in the corridor. There are two people who are relatively far away and cannot see the situation here.

White Shirt knew that no one could save him now. The strange guards in front of him knew at a glance that they were not easy to mess with, so his attitude immediately changed a lot.

"We are all our own people. If you have something to say, don't do anything!" Bai Shirt took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an and the others: "If you want me to do anything, just give me your orders!"

Chen Xin'an took the headset and waved it in front of him again.

Just as Bai Shirt was about to speak, Chen Xin'an grabbed his shoulder and pushed him forward.

I couldn’t understand what I was saying, so I just asked him to lead the way and go straight there!

Fortunately, Bai Shirt was not stupid. He immediately understood what Chen Xin'an meant. He walked forward with the basin in his hand and said:

"You know these girls, right?

It doesn't matter, since he is one of our own, the section chief will definitely let him go!

If you have something to say, please speak it up, and don’t be impulsive..."

After walking forward for more than ten meters, he opened the door of the office next to him.

Chen Xin'an stood at the door and glanced to the right, and guessed that the girl in the surveillance video just ran out from here.

After passing an office hall, I walked to the back door. When I turned to the left, I realized that there was something special here.

No wonder there are only three or four doors on the entire floor. It turns out there is such a big space inside.

As soon as he walked here, various sounds that made the man's heart beat faster came from the side from time to time. You could tell what was going on inside without even looking.

Luo Xiaoman was also mean, so he opened a door and took a look inside.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be in the shape of a bus. A group of men were holding suspension rings with one hand and groping a woman wearing an OL uniform with the other.

The photographer and lighting on the side took the photo very seriously. He glanced outside the door and did not stop shooting. It was obvious that he didn't care about the peeping outside.

Luo Qianhe came over, closed the door, and slapped Luo Xiaoman and Xiao Zhang each.

The two wretched men wiped the saliva from the corners of their mouths at the same time, and then smiled tacitly and evilly.

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to pay attention to these two perverts and followed the white shirt to an iron gate.

The white shirt took out his work card from his body, swiped it into the card slot next to him, and the door opened with a bang.

Unexpectedly, there were several guards inside!

It seems that after the girl escaped just now, the guards stepped up their guard here.

When the two groups of people met each other, they were stunned for a moment.

A guard looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Who are you? Why haven't I seen you?"

The white shirt suddenly threw the basket away, pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted at everyone: "They are fake! They are pretending to be guards to save people, stop them quickly!"

When he hid behind the guards, a sinister look appeared on the white shirt's face, and he shouted loudly:

"You still dare to attack me? Today, all of you fake guards will..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes almost popped out!

The five men on the other side rushed over like wolves and tigers. They didn't even see how they moved their hands. The guards in front of them all fell to the ground, unconscious!

The white shirt stretched his neck and swallowed, and quickly made an invitation gesture to Chen Xin'an and the others.

"Please come here, the person you are looking for is inside..."

Without saying a word, Luo Xiaoman raised his leg and swept his head.

The white-shirted man's head shook violently a few times, and his eyes quickly lost their luster.

The body swayed back and forth and fell straight back!

There was crying next to him, Xiao Zhang walked over and kicked the door open.

There was a naked girl hanging in the middle of the room, and a big man whipped her with a whip until her whole body was covered in bruises!

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