Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2574 The perverted Japanese people

Everyone was a little unbearable when they saw this scene, but Luo Qianhe pointed to the side, and everyone discovered the filming team beside them.

I thought I was being beaten and abused, and it lasted for a long time, and it was also filming!

Everyone was speechless. This Ying people only played with flowers. It was so perverted!


The whip fell on the girl's body, leaving a bloody mark. The girl raised her head and let out a miserable cry.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman frowned. The strength of the whip and the girl's pain did not look like they were filming!

Recalling what Osamu Hirado said before, everyone understood that this was the filming team forcing the girl to shoot a short movie, and beating her until she gave in!

How can I bear this?

Everyone walked in. The director who was filming turned his head, glanced at everyone, frowned and cursed: "What are you doing in here? Get out!"

The lighting engineer next to him came over to stop everyone, pushed his hand to Luo Xiaoman's chest, and cursed at him:

"Don't you understand the rules? Who let you in? Which team are you in? I'll call your captain right now and tell you to get out!"

"Fuck you, uncle!" Luo Xiaoman kicked him in the stomach and knocked him to the ground.

The filming team was stunned.

The big man holding the whip shouted angrily and whipped Luo Xiaoman!


The whip was grasped by Luo Xiaoman in his hand. As he pulled his arm, the big man was led to run over.

Luo Xiaoman hit the big man on the chin with an uppercut. The guy screamed in pain and covered his face with his hands.

When the whip came into Luo Xiaoman's hand, he was not polite. He raised it and slapped the big man hard!

What I didn't expect was that the big man who looked fierce and arrogant just now turned out to be a scumbag in terms of fighting ability!

After being whipped twice by Luo Xiaoman, he started screaming and crying!

Everyone looked at each other, there was such a man?

He is extremely majestic when beating a woman, but once he is beaten, he is weaker than a woman. The grown man even cried. This Japanese man is really weird!

There were still girls screaming inside. Chen Xinan ignored these and walked forward.

This is a large studio, divided into many small areas.

There were about four or five camera crews filming at the same time, and the content was all coercive and violent.

Chen Xin'an frowned, where did Xiaolan go?

Xu Qilan felt like she was going to die.

She was wearing a swimsuit and was already soaked. She kept coughing and spitting out the water that had been forced into her stomach.

In front of her, there was a large bathtub filled with water.

Before she could catch her breath, two big men picked up her arms and threw her into the bathtub again, then held her head down and soaked her whole body in the water!

Xu Qilan kicked her legs hard and tried to grab the edge of the bathtub with her arms to float herself up.

But it was no use. The bathtub was too slippery and she couldn't find the point of stress.

And the hand on top of her head grabbed her hair and pushed her hard into the water!

Water rolled in from her mouth and nostrils, and the unpleasant taste made her miserable.

At this moment, she felt like she was going to die, and her limbs that were still struggling slowly relaxed.

Just a second before she completely lost consciousness, someone grabbed her hair and lifted her out of the bathtub!

Xu Qilan lay weakly on the edge of the bathtub, her mouth grew bigger and she wanted to spit out water, but she didn't even have the strength.

Someone stepped on her back and pressed her stomach. Xu Qilan opened her mouth and spat out a large puddle of water with a sound.

The camera was focused on her face. The director next to her was holding a roll of contracts and scolded Xu Qilan with a sinister smile: "I ask you again, should you take it off yourself or should we take it off for you?"

Xu Qilan's hands were already trembling, and she struggled with the last bit of strength to roll out of the bathtub and fell heavily to the ground.

Her whole body curled up, her consciousness was groggy, and she said weakly: "I'm not here to take pictures, I don't do it..."

The director sullenly stroked the pitiful long hairs on his forehead, sneered and said to Xu Qilan:

“Since you have signed the contract, you must follow what is stated in the contract!

If you really don’t want to take pictures, we won’t make it difficult for you.

According to the contract, if you breach the contract, you will have to compensate the company one billion Japanese coins.

It doesn’t matter whether you come up with the compensation yourself or call someone to help you compensate it! "

Xu Qilan curled up and lay on the cold, damp ground, her whole body trembling without making a sound.

Where can she go to get this billion of Ying coins!

I never thought in my wildest dreams that I was just accompanying my besties to take photos, seeing how fancy they were, and the price was so affordable.

What’s more important is that if the finished film turns out well, they will be recommended to magazines. Once hired, the profits will be shared equally with them!

Under such temptation, Xu Qilan was also tempted.

So I signed the filming contract in a daze.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the fingerprints were pressed, these people's faces changed.

Lead them to the studio and let them see with their own eyes that this is not a photo shoot at all, but a short movie!

Even though both of them are adult women who have had boyfriends and experienced men, they are still traditional girls at heart, so naturally they are not willing to take pictures of this thing!

But the director told them that they had signed a contract, and if they didn't film, they would be compensated one billion!

Only then did the two of them realize that the filming contract they signed was clearly a contract of prostitution!

I only blame myself for being so confused by their rhetoric at the time that I didn't see the trap of the contract at all.

However, only professionals can find the loopholes in this thing. Who in the ordinary people will analyze the contract word for word?

Even if you really read it word for word, you still won't be able to find the trap hidden in it!

So the two refused to obey, so they were tortured separately by each other.

Xu Qilan now doesn't know where her best friend Tong Xiaoli was taken and what her current situation is. She can no longer protect herself!

Someone came to pull her swimsuit. Xu Qilan used all her strength to push the hand away, hugged her arms and curled up into a ball.

Even if she died, she wouldn't be able to let them succeed. She would never shoot that kind of thing!

It's a pity that I can no longer help my boss as a translator in the future, after all, I am now a member of the Anhao Group.

Fortunately, my brother has come up with a new gadget. In the future, the boss can easily communicate with foreigners even if he does not need to translate by himself.

Xu Qilan didn't know that when she was dying, she could still think of these instead of her family.

Seeing that the girl was still resisting, the director's face was gloomy and scary.

If it were any other girl, tortured like this, she would have succumbed long ago.

In Da Ying, the concept of chastity is not that strong. It is not cost-effective to shoulder a huge debt for the so-called bottom line, let alone risk your own life!

I didn't expect this girl to be so stubborn. Even at this time, she is still refusing.

However, the director is experienced in dealing with such people.

He knew that the girl looked very weak and dying now, but she was still far from death!

Aren't you stubborn?

Then play until you lose your temper!

Let you take a breath, and several people will go up and toss you in turn to see if you are still reserved!

The director said to several male actors on standby: "Come on, first do it in the bathtub for a while, and then pull it outside.

Just use force, let’s do something exciting today! "

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