Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2578 I’m sorry I blamed you wrongly

A group of men and women broke into several studios in a row. Anyone who dared to stop him would be beaten up and knocked unconscious!

Everyone also understood that the entire large studio was divided into three parts, inner and outer.

The outermost one is the well-trained, most obedient, and most cooperative woman.

Those places in the middle are where women are being trained, using various means to make them submit to appointments.

Those tough guys who refuse to give in even after being trained will be sent to the innermost place.

The deeper you go in, the more terrifying it becomes, with different levels of torture and abuse.

Xu Qilan and Tong Xiaoli have just arrived today. If all their experiences today fail to make them succumb, they will also be sent to the innermost place tonight!

This should be the place where the actor accidentally said it, just like an ordinary residential room.

There is a living room, a bedroom, and a bathroom, but no windows.

Once the door is closed, it becomes a place isolated from the outside world.

There were three strong men guarding the place, each holding an electric baton in their hand.

Moreover, none of the girls were wearing any clothes, and two of them were even being held down by two guards and were being forced.

The girl's shrill cries were not pitied by the guards, and their actions became more violent!

Each girl was scarred, and they were not allowed to return to the room, so they just watched the scene unfold in the living room.

For everyone here, this is normal.

The purpose of the filming crew is to make these girls lose all sense of shame and take this kind of thing as a normal thing, so that they can obey their orders and make money for them by filming.


The door was kicked open, and the people inside were startled and let out a scream.

The two guards lying on the girl also shivered and quickly put on their pants.

A group of girls thought they were coming to rescue them. Their eyes lit up and they shouted excitedly.

But when Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman walked in, they closed their mouths instantly, with a look of horror in their eyes.

Why are there another group of guards?

The guard sitting on the sofa watching the show also breathed a sigh of relief, it turned out to be one of his own!

He frowned and cursed at Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman: "When you come here next time, can you be quieter?

The damn door has been kicked in so many times that I'm tired of repairing it!

Which team are you in?

Did you come here carrying the captain on your back again?

Let’s make an agreement first, you can pick any of these girls and leave as soon as you’re done, don’t get us in trouble! "

Chen Xin'an walked up to him and without saying a word, reached out and held his head.

The guard turned his face, struggled hard and cursed: "What the hell are you doing!"

Chen Xin'an still didn't speak, she pressed his head and ran forward two steps, and then hit the wall hard with a bang!


A big hole was opened in the wall!

The guard rolled his eyes and fainted!

The remaining two guards cursed angrily, drew out their electric batons and were about to pounce!

Luo Xiaoman laughed evilly, raised his fingers at the two of them and shouted: "Don't worry, your opponent is me! Let's go together!"

"Chinese! Seeking death!" A guard shouted angrily, then stabbed Luo Xiaoman in the heart with an electric baton!

Luo Xiaoman raised the corners of his mouth, turned his body slightly to avoid the blow, grabbed the opponent's wrist and pulled it forward!

The opponent involuntarily took a few steps forward, but the electric baton in his hand poked another companion who was attacking!

Before the unlucky guy could see what was going on, a blue light erupted from his chest.

His body also tensed up several times, and he fell to the ground with a bang!

"Pingye, I didn't mean it!" The guard whose wrist was grabbed by Luo Xiaoman shouted, but the next second, the electric baton was taken away from his hand and stuffed into his mouth!

Zilara's voice came out of his mouth, and the guard felt like he had bitten a bomb in his mouth. His head kept shaking, and then he fell to the ground with a thud.

Xu Qilan and Tong Xiaoli had already found their own clothes and put them on. They walked in from the outside holding several baskets and shouted to the girls:

"Sisters, don't be afraid, we are here to save you!"

Only then did a group of girls realize that they had been saved, and they all squatted on the ground and started crying!

No one may have any evil thoughts when they see this scene, but only sympathy and anger!

I didn't expect that the inside of Sakura Club would be so dark and terrifying. This is simply worse than forcing girls into prostitution!

Tong Xiaoli handed the baskets to the girls and said to them:

"See if there are any of your clothes. If not, find suitable clothes and put them on first. Let's talk about it after we go out!

But before I leave, I would like to remind everyone that no matter what happens, don’t panic or get confused.

Follow the command and go together, otherwise if something happens, we won't be able to save you again. Do you understand? "

The group of girls all nodded and hurriedly looked for their clothes in the basket.

Tong Xiaoli walked up to Chen Xin'an, bowed to him with a guilty look on her face and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen, I misunderstood you just now!

In my heart, you are still a unique hero! Knight! "

Chen Xin'an looked confused, what's going on? Why did such a sentence come out so suddenly?

Luo Xiaoman was unhappy and shouted to Tong Xiaoli: "Sister, isn't your brother Man a hero or a knight?"

Tong Xiaoli gave him a thumbs up and said, "Brother Man is also a unique heroic knight!"

Luo Xiaoman grinned, but after laughing twice it felt wrong.

"Why are they all unique? Your uniqueness is too worthless..."

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to listen to his nonsense and said to everyone: "Zi Zi, check the injuries on these girls as soon as possible. You, A Qi, and Lao Xiao will protect them!

Aman, I'll open the way, you stay behind, be careful, they may have already arrived! "

Xiao Zhang walked up to the guard who broke through the wall and said to everyone: "Come and take a look here!"

Chen Xin'an walked over and looked inside the hole. It turned out to be made of wooden boards.

In other words, the walls of these rooms are all separated by wooden boards?

Chen Xin'an winked at Luo Xiaoman, and Luo Xiaoman immediately nodded and made an OK gesture to express that I understood.

He turned around, grabbed a guard who was lying on the ground and was still twitching, used him as a bell ringing hammer, and slammed him against the wall!

Chen Xin'an's eyes twitched.

What a living beast!

I asked you to use your feet to break it open, I didn't ask you to use someone as a hammer!

Luo Xiaoman didn't care about that. He kept hitting the wall in front of him while carrying a person. Even though the person in his hands had a bloody head and was as good as a bloody gourd, he didn't stop!

With a crashing sound, the wall was finally broken through, revealing a large hole that was transparent to light.

Luo Xiaoman threw the guard to the side who was no longer sure whether he was dead or alive, turned around, picked up another one, and knocked him out with a shout!

With a loud noise, a hole large enough for one person to pass was opened in the wall!

Luo Xiaoman threw away the guard whose face was covered with wood thorns in his hands, looked around, turned to Chen Xin'an in the cave and shouted: "Old Chen, come out directly!"

It turns out that this is the central passage of the entire seventh floor, which is where everyone sees it as soon as they arrive on the seventh floor.

A group of guards had already rushed over, but when they heard the movement behind them, they turned around again.

As soon as they saw Chen Xin'an and others walking out of the big hole in the wall, the two groups stopped and looked directly at each other.

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