Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2579 Wait until we leave before surrendering

Luo Xiaoman was the first to attack, kicking away a broken wall panel and stabbing someone in the calf!

The unlucky guy screamed and fell to the ground, shouting to the people behind him: "It's them, do it!"

A group of people quickly drew their guns and pointed them at Chen Xin'an and the others!

"Go back!" Chen Xin'an shouted, pushing the person behind him to go back.

This is inside the Sakura Club, they don't have to worry, they can shoot at will!

It's just that he is not a professional gunman after all. His shooting skills are really unsightly and irregular. He just pulls the trigger randomly no matter where the enemy is.

However, when there are more people, no matter how bad the marksmanship is, it is enough to scare people, and the distance between the two sides is so close, even Chen Xin'an does not dare to act rashly at this time.

Everyone retreated to the studio and found cover to lie down.

A group of girls all screamed in fright, and even Xu Qilan covered her ears with her hands and hid behind Luo Qianhe.

On the contrary, Tong Xiaoli was relatively calm. Although you were so frightened that your face turned pale, you did not hide. Instead, you directly picked up the secret camera and recorded the entire scene.

She had put her clothes back on, retrieved her belongings, and replaced it with a new memory card.

It was just that several stray bullets flew past her, but Li Qi held her down in time, otherwise she would have been injured!

"If I had known this, I would have agreed to them. I don't want to be beaten to death here!" A girl cried loudly and shouted:

"I just want to get out of here alive. I'm still a student. I really don't want to die!"

Tong Xiaoli scolded her: "Then go back! I worked so hard to save you, but you still say such things!

Since you are willing to surrender, why are you still locked inside?

Why not say yes to them from the beginning? "

The girl cried loudly and shook her head: "I thought my family would come to save me.

But today I found out that my father hung up the phone as soon as he heard that I had a debt of 1 billion!

My parents are the most ordinary farmers in Great Britain. They have no money and cannot use the money to pay off my debts.

So I had already decided to agree to them today, but you gave me hope of escaping again.

But now, this is not letting me escape, it is taking me to death! "

The girl next to her hugged her, shook her head and said, "Kana, don't be afraid! We will definitely get out of here!"

Kana shook his head and cried, "If you can't get out, don't you know where this place is?

These people are all Chinese and they just want to save their own compatriots.

They picked us up just to keep us in front of them!

They don't care about our life or death! "

It turns out that this is a girl from Japan.

Although he couldn't understand what she was shouting, Luo Xiaoman could tell that this woman was complaining that he was trying too hard to save her!

Luo Xiaoman scolded with a dark face: "I just said I was a bitch! Why would such a person save her?"

"Don't regret it if you do it!" Chen Xin'an glared at him and cursed: "Take the person out alive!"

While they were talking, everyone had already put down their backpacks and took out their weapons!

A group of people rushed in through the hole and fired a few shots before they saw anyone.

What came his way was a barrage of charging bullets!

Accompanied by the screams of ghosts and wolves, the opponent fell in large pieces as soon as they came up!

When the remaining people saw that something was not going well, they turned around and ran away!

Separated by several layers of wooden walls, the two sides began to shoot at each other.

It's just that Chen Xin'an's side is all light charges with intensive firepower.

The opponent was all armed with pistols. If they hadn't had the advantage in numbers, they would have been suppressed as soon as they came up, leading to a rout.

Although the total exchange of fire lasted only three to five minutes, to those girls, it was like a century had passed.

When the gunshots in their ears finally became less frequent, the hearts of a group of girls not only did not fall, but became even more suspended!

Because they can also see that Chen Xin'an's guns are out of bullets!

"Dead!" Kana cried again and said to everyone: "They have no bullets!

There are killers outside now, and we can't escape at all!

We are doomed!

I didn’t want to die, so I went out and told them that I was forced to leave by these people!

I am willing to fulfill the contract, don't kill me! "

She stood up crying and wanted to run out.

The companion next to her grabbed her and shouted anxiously: "Kana, are you crazy?!"

Kana shook her arm away, turned around and ran towards the hole in the wall.

But at this moment, a person stretched out his leg and tripped her hard to the ground!

Kana screamed and just wanted to get up, but someone grabbed her hair, lifted her head, and slapped her in the face!

"Listen!" Tong Xiaoli glared at her and gritted her teeth and said, "If you want to let people go, we won't stop you if you insist on being a bitch.

But don't harm others here, don't make everyone passive just because of you!

Find a place to lie down so no one can find you.

After we leave, just come out and surrender!

If you dare to talk nonsense here again and do some stupid things without thinking, I will kill you now! "

Kana turned pale with fright, trembling all over, covering her face with her hands and sobbing.

"You can't escape! There are no bullets! Their people are everywhere here, and we will all be killed by them!"

Tong Xiaoli raised her arm and wanted to slap him. Li Qi pushed her away and shouted: "Here we come!"

Knowing that the people inside were out of bullets, the killers of Sakura Club were still polite and rushed in with shouts!

But what greeted them was a rain of arrows that was more terrifying than bullets!

With the slight sound of the spring ejecting, arrows shot out from the crossbow. In the blink of an eye, the group of people who rushed in were shot into thorns!

When the remaining people saw that something was not going well, they immediately turned around and rushed out again.

Chen Xin'an shouted to everyone: "Chase! Aqi will open the way for me, Aman will break up the queen, and Lao Xiao and Gezi will protect the woman!"

"Okay!" The situation was urgent, so everyone started to act according to Chen Xin'an's tactics without any unnecessary nonsense.

The range of the crossbow cannot be too far and should be kept within twenty or thirty meters.

Therefore, Chen Xin'an will not let the enemy get too far away from him, and now he is pressing forward step by step!

One after another, Sakura Club's killers fell to the ground after being hit by arrows.

The opponent also kept firing back with a pistol, but now Chen Xin'an rushed too fast, the enemy and ourselves were mixed, and the opponent's pistol did not dare to shoot randomly.

As a result, Chen Xin'an and everyone rushed out of the studio, and instantly Luo Xiaoman charged in front, leading everyone to run towards the stairs, with Chen Xin'an and Li Qi behind.

But the stairwell is the place with the most people!

The main elevator has been destroyed by Li Qi. If you want to go up and down the stairs, you must either take the sightseeing elevator or climb the stairs.

Taking the sightseeing elevator can easily expose some secrets of the Sakura Club headquarters, so a large number of killers sent by the Sakura Club still choose to take the stairs.

I heard the stairwell came to hold on, I went to help Aman! "

"Okay!" Li Didian nodded.

Chen Xin'an rushed forward and shouted to Luo Xiaoman, who was standing next to the isolation door of the stairwell: "Aman, let people hide inside, and you come in!"

Luo Xiaoman was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Chen Xin'an was going to do.

This isolation door is made of metal and is filled with flame-retardant materials. It is large and heavy.

However, this is not the time to break the casserole and ask the truth. Since Chen Xin'an asked him to do this, it must be his reason.

Luo Xiaoman said nothing and closed the door behind his back.

At this moment, people in the stairwell rushed over and bumped into the door!

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