Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2580 Encountering a Big Fish Right at the Start

Seeing that the door was about to be pushed open, Chen Xin'an took a run from ten meters away, then flew up and kicked the isolation door hard!

There was a series of screams outside, and many people were ejected and seriously injured.

Chen Xin'an did not stop, but took a few steps back, then continued to run, and kicked him again!

Seeing that the door that had just been opened was kicked back again, Luo Xiaoman was also a little stunned.

This bastard, Lao Chen, has an unusually deep inner energy now!

If it were him who kicked the door, his force would definitely not be so strong!

Moreover, he could kick a hole in the door with one kick. Lao Chen kicked it three times, but there were still no holes in the door except for a few footprints!

This shows that Lao Chen’s use of internal energy has reached a level of proficiency!

Is Lao Chen so domineering now?

With another fierce kick from Chen Xin'an, the connection between the door panel and the wall finally failed to hold up and broke.

A door panel carried three Sakura Club killers, flew out, and fell down the steps!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an also rushed out, and screams rang out in the corridor.

Just when Luo Xiaoman wanted to rush out to support, Chen Xin'an ran back and shouted to everyone: "Let's go upstairs!"

Everyone quickly followed him and ran into the stairwell.

Only then did everyone realize that Chen Xin'an had blocked half of the isolation door.

One side was stuck on the stairs, and the other side was stuck on the wall. It couldn't be pushed or pulled down, but the top part even hit the bottom of the stairs on the previous floor. The isolation door came into play here again!

"Old Chen, you still have a way!" Luo Xiaoman gave Chen Xin'an a thumbs up.

Chen Xin'an warned him: "Stop talking nonsense, remember, go directly to the tenth floor! Place these people in hiding first, and I'll go find Kazuo Yamasuke!"

There were still pursuers in the corridor. Chen Xin'an rushed to Li Qi's side and fought alongside him, blocking the pursuers from approaching and giving everyone more time to go upstairs.

Finally, Xiao Zhang's voice came from behind: "Let's go!"

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi both stopped fighting and turned around to leave!

Because there are many killers from Sakura Club trying to stop him.

Arriving on the tenth floor soon, Luo Xiaoman kicked open an office. Before the person sitting behind the desk could react, he aimed a crossbow at his head!

"Xiaolan!" Luo Xiaoman shouted: "Ask him clearly about his identity!"

"Okay!" Xu Qilan nodded and asked the middle-aged man in Ying dialect.

After a while, she turned to Luo Xiaoman and said: "Brother Man, he is the office section chief of Hongying Company. His position is not high. Please let us go!"

Tong Xiaoli on the side said coldly: "He is lying!"

She walked up to the middle-aged man and opened the documents on the desk, revealing

That was a group photo.

Tong Xiaoli pointed to the person in the C position in the middle and said: "This guy is standing in this position, and the one on the left, I have seen it on the news video, is the director of Yingjing TV!

It is impossible for a section chief to take a photo with the director of Yingjing TV Station and still stand in the C position! "

"Are you so dishonest?" Luo Xiaoman said nothing and pressed the trigger directly on the middle-aged man!


The crossbow arrow pierced the middle-aged man's thigh, causing him to scream loudly in pain!

Luo Xiaoman scolded with a sullen face: "If you tell me any more lies, I will shoot your head through the head with my next arrow! Xiaolan, ask him about his true identity!"

This time the middle-aged man was honest, hugging his thigh, crying and answering Xu Qilan's questions.

Xu Qilan turned around and said to Luo Xiaoman: "Brother Man, he is Takeo Murakami, the vice president of Hongying Company!"

When Luo Xiaoman heard this, he grinned, stared at Takeo Murakami and said, "I'm really lucky. I met a big fish as soon as I came up!"

The vice president of Hongying Company is Yamasuke Kazuo’s right-hand man!

Luo Xiaoman said to Xu Qilan: "Ask him where Yamasuke Kazuo is!"

Xu Qilan repeated Luo Xiaoman's words, and Murakami shook his head and muttered a few words.

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi also rushed in and quickly closed the door.

The pursuers outside haven't caught up yet, but it won't be long before they come.

Luo Xiaoman came over with a disappointed look on his face and said to Chen Xin'an: "Old Chen, something is not right. That old fox Yamasuke Kazuo is not here at the headquarters!"

Chen Xin'an frowned, this situation was beyond his expectation.

Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, should I go to other places to inquire?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Be careful!"

"I'll go with you!" Tong Xiaoli turned to Li Qi and said, "You can't speak Japanese, I can!"

There was no way to refuse this reason, and Chen Xin'an nodded.

When they went out, Chen Xin'an said to Luo Xiaoman: "I want to contact people outside and send these people out first!"

Luo Xiaoman stared and said: "Old Chen, are you stupid? Friends from outside can't come in at all now. If they break in, it will cost a lot. Can you bear it?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "Someone can come in easily, and they are upright, and no one from the Sakura Club dares to stop him!"

Xiao Zhang on the side suddenly realized and said: "Are you looking for that Daying police officer?"

"Yes! That's him!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said to everyone: "Now is a good opportunity to cause Sakura Club to be hit hard!

Let Fujiwara Yosuke add some fire, and he will definitely give Yamasuke Kazuo a heavy blow! "

Luo Xiaoman scratched his head and said helplessly: "Old Chen, stop beating around the bush. Tell me, what should we do?"

Chen Xin'an turned his head and looked at Murakami Jinfu who was injured and fell to the ground, enduring the severe pain, and said: "It depends on how much cooperation this vice president has with us!"

Turning around and sitting on the desk, looking at Murakami Jinfu who was slumped in the office chair in front of him, Chen Xin'an said coldly: "Who am I, you should know, right?"

Xu Qilan acted as a translator next to him.

Murakami Jinfu seemed to want to play dumb, but Chen Xin'an directly bounced on the arrow shaft, causing him to scream in pain: "I know, you are Chen Xin'an! The Sakura Society is hunting you now!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "It's easy to deal with it now that you know who I am!

Murakami Jinfu, listen carefully, you only have this chance to live.

If you cooperate well, I promise that you can continue to live.

If you dare to play tricks again, I will let you taste the most terrible pain in the world, and finally be killed by pain!"

Murakami Jinfu's face was pale and his body was shaking.

Falling into Chen Xinan's hands, he knew that it was impossible for him to get away easily!

If I had known earlier, I should have left here immediately when I heard that this guy was on the seventh floor.

But I didn't expect that the people sent out were so useless that he rushed to the tenth floor in such a short time!

Originally, I thought he would fight his way up one floor at a time, but I didn't expect that this guy would go straight from the seventh floor to the tenth floor!

The president, that bastard, hid himself, but left him here to take charge of the overall situation.

It's said that he was testing him and entrusting him with important tasks, but in fact it was just looking for an opportunity to eliminate dissidents.

Who made me the biggest opponent of his candidacy for a member of parliament!

Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

If I don't say something, I will die.

However, Murakami Jinfu has already planned to pick some unimportant information to tell Chen Xinan, so that Yamasuke Kazuo will suffer a little, but not too badly.

Otherwise, Yamasuke Kazuo will never let him go, because that guy is much more ruthless than Chen Xinan!

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