Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2581 Let’s use each other

Soon Tsukio Murakami discovered how childish and ridiculous his thoughts were!

This guy in front of me is much more cruel and ruthless than Yamasuke Kazuo!

Originally, I wanted to say something casually to pass the time.

But the other party didn't give him a chance to say anything casually. As soon as he came up, he stuck three steel needles in his head!

The severe pain that almost pierced his soul made Takeo Murakami feel like he was about to be split into two people. It was a hundred times more painful than having an arm or leg cut off!

Chen Xin'an only asked him three questions: Who owns Jinding's internal financial reports? Who can view internal monitoring? Where is Yamasuke Kazuo's personal safe?

If, as the vice-president, you don’t know these three questions, it will be of no use and it will hurt you to death!

Takeo Murakami had a look of despair on his face, he knew he was doomed this time!

Because he told these things, Yamasuke Kazuo will not let him go!

No matter what, he would rather die in the hands of Yamasuke Kazuo.

Because the pain I am experiencing now is too unbearable!

According to Murakami Tsukio's confession, Chen Xin'an found what he wanted.

Only Yamasuke Kazuo himself knew where the central part was, and Tsukio Murakami couldn't get it out even after he was forced to death.

Chen Xin'an can also imagine this.

What he didn't expect was that the vice president was so ambitious that he had been monitoring Yamasuke Kazuo and installed surveillance cameras in his office.

There is a video of Yamasuke Kazuo colluding with the Japanese government, and there are many scenes of bribery and bribery.

With all this, even if Kazuo Yamasuke cannot be jailed for the rest of his life, at least it will be impossible for him to be elected as a member of Congress!

As soon as he took out the surveillance hard drive, Li Qi came over and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Boss, Yingjing Tower has been blocked!"

Chen Xin'an sneered and asked Li Qi, "Are there people wearing bamboo hats and Japanese robes?"

"Yes!" Li Diding nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "It's quite a lot!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said: "Zhen Guowei, right? Can the temple finally bear it? Is this a direct announcement of its relationship with the Sakura Club?

It's so real that I'm really afraid that they'll just keep it to themselves and not be able to come out! "

Li Qi asked Chen Xin'an in a low voice: "Boss, those girls..."

What he meant was to use those girls as cover so that everyone could rush down to the Yingjing Tower and fight the Zhenguo Guards on the ground.

With those words, if you lose, you can at least give yourself a few more escape routes.

And once a fight breaks out, it will be really difficult for them to protect those girls in all aspects!

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said to him: "If Fujiwara Yosuke was not stupid, he would not let go of this opportunity to be promoted to an official position!

As soon as he comes, those girls are safe and can go with him.

Our mission is simple, just make this place as messy as possible, the messier the better! "

Luo Xiaoman came over, looked at him and asked, "Old Chen, what do you want to do?"

Chen Xin'an grinned and said to everyone: "Enter the temple!"

"Your real goal is the temple?" Luo Xiaoman stared at Chen Xin'an with wide eyes and asked:

"Don't forget the temple's status in Da Ying!

Once we do something that insults the temple, we will become the public enemies of Great Britain!

We will encounter the situation encountered by the Eagle Flag Country again! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said, "Are you afraid?"

"Damn it!" Luo Xiaoman was angry, stared at him and cursed: "The word fear is not in my dictionary!

I want to ask you, how do you want to toss it to the end?

It’s impossible for us to demolish other people’s temples with just a few of us, right? "

Chen Xin'an thought for a while and said to him: "Since this is the spiritual pride of Great Britain, I will let it become a joke to the whole world.

When people mention the temple, even the people of Da Ying feel ashamed! "

Luo Xiaoman and Li Qi looked at each other and both grinned.

"Here we come!" Xiao Zhang, who was standing by the window, said in a deep voice.

The guard of Yingjing Tower Flower Club.

Police and reporters were kept outside.

However, a few police cars were very aggressive, breaking through the warning tape and stopping at the foot of the tower.

A group of Sakura Club guards surrounded the police car, but were pushed away by the police officer who got out of the car.

The guards did not dare to take action and could only watch the police officers enter the Yingjing Tower in silence.

"Mr. Chen, I am Fujiwara Yosuke. I have arrived. Where are you?"

Chen Xin'an held her cell phone and said calmly: "Tenth floor, Vice President Takeo Murakami's office!"

"Mr. Chen, I withstood a lot of pressure and took a lot of risks when I showed up today. So I want to ask, have you really got the things?"

Chen Xin'an snorted and said, "Officer Fujiwara, do you think I have time to make up stories and lie to you?

If you are worried that your future will be affected by completely breaking up with Sakura Club, you don’t need to come up. It’s still too late to go back now! "

Fujiwara Yosuke's voice sounded obviously panicked, and he said with a dry smile: "Hahaha, what did Mr. Chen say?

Even without those things, with my relationship with Qiao Yanhui, if Mr. Chen needs help, can I still sit back and watch? "

"Don't!" Chen Xin'an said calmly: "The relationship between us is purely based on interests!

Use each other and help each other.

No personal relationships or feelings will be involved.

In this way, when Officer Fujiwara needs to turn his gun against us in the future, he won’t have any mental burden! "

There was no more talking, and Chen Xin'an hung up the phone.

From the beginning, Chen Xin'an never thought about making friends with this police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department.

His experience in the Eagle Flag Country told him that in that country, with his own identity and style of conduct, it would be a joke to make friends with official people.

On the contrary, if we use each other and give each other benefits, it will be easier to get along with each other, and the cooperative relationship will last longer.

Soon, there was a knock on the door outside.

Li Qi walked around and opened the door a crack. When he saw the people outside, he opened the door completely.

Fujiwara Yosuke walked in with a very solemn expression on his face and said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, the movement is a bit big this time!"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said: "This is all child's play. In the next two days, the noise will be even greater!"

Fujiwara Yosuke's eyes twitched, he looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Mr. Chen, what do you want me to do?"

"Take them away!" Chen Xin'an pointed to a dozen girls sitting on the ground in the corner of the office!

Only then did Fujiwara Yosuke notice these people, widened his eyes and asked, "Who are they?"

"The victim who was tricked by the bastards here and forced to make a small movie!" Tong Xiaoli came over and said to Fujiwara Yosuke in fluent Japanese:

“Police officer, I want to report Hongying Company for deceiving young women into signing false contracts under the pretext of taking photos.

Using methods of imprisonment and abuse, women are forced to shoot those unsightly movies!

These people can all vouch for me! "

She turned her head and looked at the timid girls.

Upon meeting her gaze, a group of girls lowered their heads in fright.

Tong Xiaoli walked over, slapped Kana on the face, and cursed at her:

"You danced the most joyfully just now. Didn't you say that you were dead and couldn't leave?

Now the police are here, why are you so scared?

By the way, I forgot that you were already willing to take the photo, so why would you testify for me? "

Kana covered her face with shame and shame, started crying, and said to Tong Xiaoli: "I am willing to testify! I was wrong, I'm sorry!"

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