Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2583: Show some sincerity when cooperating

According to Murakami Jinfu's idea, Chen Xinan did all this just for the sake of profit.

He could give the other party enough benefits, making it an irresistible temptation for most people.

So, as long as Chen Xinan listened to his conditions, he would definitely not refuse this proposal.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xinan did not even listen to it and directly refused it!

"I have no cooperation to discuss with you, and you can't give me anything!" Chen Xinan narrowed his eyes and said to Murakami Jinfu:

"So if you want to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, it's better to stay away.

In case I get too excited and kill you too!

But for me, Yamasuke Kazuo doesn't have to die!

Sometimes a person suffers more pain and torture when alive than when dead!"

Hearing this, Murakami Jinfu panicked and blurted out: "Yamasuke Kazuo must die!

Mr. Chen, listen to me, Sakura Society's business involves many aspects, and we must have many opportunities for cooperation!

I can To ensure that Chen Xin'an will be satisfied with the business prospects! "

Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to Murakami Jinfu: "Since you are the vice president, I believe you will know me well.

What kind of business and profit do you think can make me achieve satisfactory results?

Murakami Jinfu, let's be frank.

It's not impossible to cooperate with me.

After all, I want to deal with Yamasuke Kazuo, and this is also a fact.

But you have to show enough sincerity to cooperate with me.

These little tricks of painting big cakes can't fool me, Chen Xin'an!"

Murakami Jinfu fell silent.

In fact, he didn't know Chen Xin'an too well, so he didn't know how big his business was.

But now he knows that this person's appetite is really big and it's not easy to fool him!

But he can't give up, he knows how big a threat this person is to Yamasuke Kazuo.

If he can help, then the position of the president of Sakura Society can be firmly seized by him!

After thinking for a while, Murakami Jinfu said to Chen Xinan seriously: "Mr. Chen, I will use 100 million Daying coins to buy the life of Yamazaki Kazuo! By the way, I will tell Mr. Chen a place, No. 085 at the foot of Fubai Mountain, which is a mansion of Yamazaki Kazuo. Most of his property is hidden there. He doesn't trust banks, so he likes to keep money and jewelry in different houses of his own. If Mr. Chen can get it, it will all be yours, and I won't take a penny! In addition, I can tell Mr. Chen where Yamazaki Kazuo is hiding at the moment. Can these represent my sincerity?" I originally thought that Chen Xinan had been moved and would agree immediately. But he just curled his lips and said with disdain: "It can only be said to be reluctant, we just do our best!"

"Reluctantly?" Murakami Jinfu was almost furious, and looked at Chen Xin'an angrily and anxiously and asked: "What is Mr. Chen dissatisfied with? I can modify it!"

Chen Xin'an snorted and said with a straight face: "Your bounty is too low!

Although we are not professional killers, it is not impossible to get paid occasionally!

One hundred million Daying coins per person and you want us five brothers to help you kill someone?

Isn't this too contemptuous?"

Murakami Jinfu was almost mad!

What is one hundred million per person? I said a total of one hundred million, bastard!

You really treat me as a fat sheep to be slaughtered, right?

But if you are reluctant to spend money, you really can't deal with this guy! .

If you want to replace Yamasuke Kazuo, you must rely on these people.

"Two hundred million!" Murakami Jinfu held up two fingers and said to Chen Xinan, "This is all I can give!"

"That's fine! Two hundred million per person, there are five people here, please transfer the money!" Chen Xinan said to him with a smile.

Murakami Jinfu said angrily, "Where can you ask me to get 1 billion in cash now! Even if I transfer money at the bank, I have to make an appointment in advance!"

"Then I don't care!" Chen Xinan shook his head and said, "I have a small appetite and never eat the pie that others draw!

Sincerity is not something you say, but something you do.

Even if you can't give all, at least you have to pay a deposit.

Otherwise, who will help you do things, right?"

Murakami Jinfu took a deep breath, nodded and said, "Okay, I will help you transfer the money now, and pay half of the deposit first!"

"That's right!" Chen Xinan patted Murakami Jinfu on the shoulder, grinning He smiled and said to him:

"Also, they told us to raid Yamasuke Kazuo's house and said the things belong to us.

Mr. Murakami, please don't insult our intelligence!

Don't you understand how hot those things are?

We can't take them out of the big ying!

So since it's a cooperation, let's show some collaborator style.

If there is something to take out, it belongs to both of us.

I'm not greedy, let's split it 50-50.

I'm responsible for taking it, and you're responsible for taking it out, how about it?"

Murakami Jinfu's movements stiffened, and he looked at Chen Xinan unnaturally, wanting to say something but not knowing how to start.

Chen Xinan looked at him with burning eyes, and the other four turned their heads, their eyes cold.

Murakami Jinfu shuddered, gritted his teeth, nodded and said: "Okay, let's split it 50-50! You take it, I'll take it out!"

He knew very well that once he really did this, the conspiracy to usurp the position of president would be exposed to everyone!

It was still unknown how many people in Sakura Club would be willing to listen to him at that time.

But now the arrow is on the string and it has to be fired!

Do you really think that even if he stops cooperating now, Chen Xin'an and others will let him go?


Once the conversation between the two parties today is exposed, it will be enough to ruin his reputation!

Those loyal men of Yamasuke Kazuo will definitely not let him go!

The only way to truly protect yourself is to become the president!

The winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. Only when he has the power can he make a comeback from the desperate situation!

Takeo Murakami looked at Chen Xin'an and said in a low voice: "Mr. Chen, I really want you to know where Yamasuke Kazuo is hiding now, right?"

Chen Xin'an squinted her eyes and said, "I know!"

"Ah?" Takeo Murakami was stunned, looked at Chen Xin'an in disbelief and asked, "Do you know where he is hiding now?"

Chen Xin'an said calmly: "Temple!"

Do you really think that Yan Chunhua is a jobber?

After staying with Kazuo Yamasuke for so many years, if he still can't figure out his whereabouts, it will be Haruharu's big grievance!

Tsukio Murakami's face looked as if he had eaten a big bowl of Xiang, and he was extremely uncomfortable!

I thought it was a gimmick to get some credit, but unexpectedly it turned out to be worthless information.

No wonder people say that sincerity is just okay. They are dissatisfied with the three conditions of love and don't care about anything!

In order to cover up the embarrassment, Murakami Takeo said to Chen Xin'an: "Even if Mr. Chen knows where Yamasuke Kazuo is hiding, he cannot take it lightly.

I know that beside Yamasuke Kazuo, there is a very mysterious force protecting him.

It should be a guard team specially trained for him by the temple, it seems to be the foot ghost ninja team!

Mr. Chen must be careful when encountering this group of people!

They are best at assassination..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a bang, and the door was suddenly knocked open!

Chen Xin'an kicked Murakami Tsukio in the chest and shouted loudly: "Aman, protect him! Everyone, be careful!"

Something flew in from outside, landed on the ground, exploded with a bang, and smoke filled the air quickly!

At the same time, Luo Qianhe also took out a glass bottle and threw it out of the door with force, hitting the opposite wall. The glass bottle shattered and the liquid inside spilled all over the floor!

"Senior brother, give everyone some medicine! One pill for each person!" Luo Qianhe threw over a small red bottle.

With help, Chen Xin'an poured out a few black pills from it, stuffed one into his mouth, then ran to his brothers and gave them medicine!

Takeo Murakami turned pale and shouted in panic: "The ghost ninja team is coming!"

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